small farmer

Chapter 1047 A Successful End

Chapter 1047 A Successful End (22)

In addition to the rare crested ibis, which is as rare as giant pandas, there are also rare birds such as wild geese and red-crowned cranes.

Everyone knows about wild geese. In the Chinese textbooks for the first grade of elementary school, there is a text about "a group of wild geese flying south". I believe everyone has read it.

You should have heard that our poultry, the goose, is actually domesticated from wild geese.

Therefore, wild goose is also called wild goose, but it also has a name that everyone may be more familiar with, that is swan.

Wild geese, large migratory birds, belong to the second-class national protected animals.

Wild goose is a general term for birds in the genus Anserus. The common characteristics are large body shape, high beak base, almost equal to the length of the head, strong denticulate processes on the edge of the upper jaw, and a strong hard horny sheath of the upper jaw, accounting for the upper jaw. all.There is no sarcoma in the forehead and it is streamlined.The neck is relatively thick and short, the wings are long and pointed, and the tail feathers are generally 16 to 18 pieces.Body feathers are mostly brown, gray or white.

Every autumn and winter, they fly from Siberia to the south of our country in groups for the winter.

In the spring of the second year, they travel long distances and return to Siberia to lay eggs and breed.The flying speed of wild geese is very fast, they can fly 68-90 kilometers per hour, and the long journey of thousands of kilometers takes one or two months to fly.

The wild geese maintain a strict and neat formation, that is, line up in the shape of "people" or "one".Because they fly all day, relying on the strength of one goose alone is not enough, they must help each other to fly fast and far.When a vigorous wild goose flaps its wings and flies, a gust of wind blows from the tip of its wings, blowing it upwards from below, and gently lifts the small geese up, so that the long-distance geese will not fall behind.

Generally, the geese in the front are very powerful and experienced. Because the flapping of the wings of the head goose drives the airflow, if they fly in the shape of a "person" or "one", the geese behind them will fly easily. It is not necessary to take many breaks.During the flight of the leading goose, a low-pressure zone will be formed behind it, and the following wild goose can use this low-pressure zone to reduce air resistance when flying.Sustained flight capability for the benefit of the entire group.

Wild geese fly back to the north to breed after the spring equinox every year, and fly south to overwinter after the autumn equinox.

Wild geese love, wild geese never live alone, odd numbers rarely appear in a flock of wild geese.When one dies, the other will commit suicide or die in depression. It is a very affectionate animal.

Moreover, geese are highly adaptable and are omnivorous waterfowl. They often inhabit watersides or swamps where aquatic plants are overgrown.

except geese
There are also many water birds, such as the precious red-crowned crane.

Because of its beautiful shape, the red-crowned crane is like a fairy in the sky, so it is also known as a crane in Chinese folk, which symbolizes auspiciousness, longevity and loyalty.

Seeing the red-crowned crane, Zhang Feng immediately recalled that when he was a child, there was a New Year picture of Songhe Yannian in the main room of his family. Even though more than 20 years have passed, he still has a deep impression.

Red-crowned cranes, like wild geese, are migratory birds, but their hometown is no longer in Siberia, but in the northeast of our country.
Every autumn and winter, they migrate thousands of miles to the warm south to spend the cold winter.

In addition to wild geese and red-crowned cranes, there are also crested ibis.

There are still many birds by the Bainiao Lake, which have been carefully counted and observed by experts for two days.

According to preliminary statistics, the number of birds here is as high as 38, and even the rare crested ibis, such as giant pandas, has hundreds of them, which amazed the experts.

"It's really a bird lake!! There are more than 30 kinds of birds!!"

"Well, there are not only rare birds such as crested ibises, wild geese, and red-crowned cranes, but also a variety of aquatic plants and animals in the lake. We have made a preliminary count of aquatic plants alone, and there are actually more than a dozen species, and the fish and shrimp in the water, That's quite a lot."

"Yes, the ecological chain here is quite complete. It is simply a natural treasure house. It seems that our country's environmental protection has been really good over the years!!"

Pao Shan Ye felt the most about this.

Think about 2000 years ago, when the fish and shrimps in Moon Lake were almost extinct, and even the rare medicinal materials could only be collected in the deep mountains.

However, with the closure of the mountains for forestation and the conversion of farmland to forests, the environment in the village began to improve rapidly. However, in just two or three years, the pheasants and hares that had disappeared once again appeared in everyone's sight.

And with the rapid economic development in these years, almost all the villagers have gone out to work, and the pressure on this land is much less, so the ecological environment has recovered rapidly. After more than 20 or [-] years of recovery, the current Qinglong The mountain has gradually regained its vitality and has once again become a paradise for wild animals and plants.

by Lake Shiratori

Everyone stayed for two days, and the experts were completely attracted by the birds, aquatic animals and plants here.

If it wasn't for the limited time, it is estimated that many experts would like to continue to observe and study here. Unfortunately, the Spring Festival is approaching. After staying for two days, everyone had to go back home to complete this important investigation.

morning of the ninth day,
After everyone ate the small fish porridge cooked by Zhang Feng, they packed up their luggage and walked out of the mountain. This investigation finally came to an end.

"Master Running Mountain, are we going to go back the same way this time?" A mountain patrol member asked curiously.

"Hehe, how is it possible? To return the same way, we have to walk for several days?" Master Paoshan shook his head with a smile and continued: "This time we will continue to walk east, and we will arrive at Dongmen Town in the evening , you can take the car home when you get there!!”

"Ah, this place is so close to Dongmen Town??" Xiao Wang exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course, if you can remember it well, I guess it will be up to you to go into the mountain next time." Master Paoshan said with a smile.

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Running Mountain, we have marked the way!!" As the captain of the mountain patrol team, Boss Wang said, patted his chest.

Boss Wang, like Xiao Wang, is from Wangjia Village in the next county. He used to be a herbal collector who often went to the mountains, but because he was not very familiar with the deep mountains, he usually only had activities in the outermost reaches of the Qinglong Mountains. There is a lot of difference between the old uncle Yao, but after the leadership of the mountain master this time, he finally has some confidence in the next mountain tour.

After this inspection, Paoshan Master and Zhang Feng were both a little tired, especially for Pao Mountain Master who was over [-] years old, his body and spirit were a little too much. After all, it took ten days to enter the mountain this time. A perverted person like Zhang Feng, who is physically strong, is mentally exhausted.

Therefore, after entering the mountain this time, Master Paoshan will no longer plan to enter the mountain in the near future! !

At noon, everyone ate the buns brought by Sparrowhawk, and continued on their way. In the evening, they finally arrived at Dongmen Town. At this time, the bus from the reserve was already waiting here. Everyone got on the bus and returned to the village in less than half an hour. to the village.

So far, the nine-day inspection trip has finally come to a successful conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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