small farmer

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Sunset Xishan Red Xia Fei,
The soldiers shoot the target and return the battalion to the battalion,

The red flowers on the chest reflect the colorful clouds, and the happy singing is flying all over the sky...

Mi嗖啦米嗖, la嗖Mi唻, happy singing is flying all over the sky...

In the afterglow of the setting sun, everyone sang this familiar military song and walked home happily in the afterglow of the sunset.

"Are you back? Hurry up and have dinner." When they got home, their mother was eating.

"Thank you auntie, we just ate, you don't need to worry about us, we can just play in the yard by ourselves." Everyone put down their things and thanked quickly.

"Brother, where do you want to take them to play at night?" Sitting in the yard, Zhang Yi asked Zhang Feng in a low voice.

"At night?" Zhang Feng was stunned for a while, and then said, "What's there to do at night? They can just move around freely, and they can go wherever they want."

"Well, how about taking them to catch cicadas together?" Zhang Yi seemed to be greedy again, thinking of the golden and crispy fried cicadas, he couldn't help swallowing, his mouth was extremely greedy.

"You guys must want to eat again, right?" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, "Okay! I'll ask them later if they want to go."

"However, I don't have enough flashlights and buckets at home. Go and get yours." Zhang Feng thought for a while, and flashlights and buckets are necessary equipment for catching cicadas.

Soon Zhang Yi came back from home with two kegs and two flashlights.

"Jiajia, we are going to catch the cicada monkey later, do you want to go?" Zhang Yi asked the little girl Jiajia with a smile.

"Brother Xiaoyi, do you know what a monkey is?" Jiajia blinked and looked at Zhang Yi curiously.

"Eh! This Zhizhi monkey, it is from when Zhizhi was young, because it looks a bit like a monkey, so we call it Zhizhimonkey." Zhang Yi was instantly stunned by the little girl's question, but he still laughed. Then explained to the little girl.

When the little girl heard that there was such a thing, she was overjoyed and shouted to go immediately. In the end, her parents stopped her, so the little girl gave up, but she was still fidgeting and full of anticipation.

"Zhang Lin, we are going to catch the cicada monkey later, can you ask if Li Wei and Xiao Xue are going?" Zhang Feng said to his sister.

"Wei Wei, Xiao Xue, we're going to catch the cicada monkey later, are you going?"

"Caught the cicada?" The two were stunned for a while, and then asked curiously: "Why did you catch the cicada? Is it for medicinal purposes?"

"Of course not. Cicada monkeys are like grasshoppers. They are delicious when fried in oil." Zhang Lin explained with a smile that no one in the area eats them, so very few people know about them.

Hearing Zhang Lin's explanation, the two also became interested. They were also curious about this kind of food that they had never eaten before, and they were also full of expectations for this kind of activity of finding food by themselves?

about a quarter of an hour later

The last light of the day is slowly dissipating
Night finally came, and clouds floated in the sky, covering the stars, and the moon was not as bright as it used to be.The whole night sky became hazy, like a thin layer of mist, making it appear more profound and mysterious.

"Crazy brother, can we catch the cicada monkey?" The little girl was very curious about the cicada monkey, and couldn't wait to run to Zhang Feng and asked as soon as it got dark.

"Hehe, Jiajia can't wait any longer."

"I don't have one. They just want to see what a cicada monkey looks like!" the little girl said coquettishly, holding Zhang Feng's hand.

"Hehe, okay, let's start now." Zhang Feng smiled, and then instructed: "But if you don't want to run around, you must ask your parents, you know?"

"Understood, Jiajia is so good! I listen to my parents the most." The little girl ran to her parents, obviously very happy when her wish came true.

Then Zhang Feng put some water in the bucket, and then distributed the flashlight and the bucket to everyone. The purpose of releasing the water was to prevent the cicada monkey from escaping.

Although flashlights and buckets are still not enough, mobile phones and plastic bottles can also be used instead. Equipment was distributed to everyone, and Zhang Feng led a large group of people to the lake.

Moon Lake at night is still so quiet and beautiful. The arrival of Zhang Feng and others added a little life to the quiet lake.

Catching the cicada monkey is very simple, and everyone quickly learned the key points, so everyone divided into groups in twos and threes, and began to scatter in all directions, looking for this humble delicacy under the willow tree.

"Ah, Xiao Lin, look at this, is this a Cicada Monkey?" Li Wei screamed happily.

"That's right, it's this thing, Wei Wei, you're lucky." Zhang Lin hurried over, saw the Cicada Monkey who had just crawled out of the cave in front of Li Wei, and congratulated with a smile.

With Zhang Lin's confirmation, Li Wei tremblingly grabbed the cicada monkey with joy, then carefully put it into the bucket, and finally a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Dad, Mom, look, I caught one too!" At this moment, the little girl Jiajia on the other side also exclaimed excitedly, but she had a lot of burden, so she grabbed the tree trunk Knowing the monkey, he happily ran to his parents.

Zhang Feng also smiled, this kind of activity is really interesting for city people, it can not only give people a sense of accomplishment, but also let people experience the joy of labor and harvest.

Catch one is an achievement, so everyone is very excited, feeling very interesting, looking carefully under the tree with great interest.

"Xiao Feng, what are you doing?"

"Ouch! I was almost scared to death!" Zhang Feng was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a man from the black lamp.

"Uncle Er Niu, you want to scare me to death by appearing like a ghost? Don't you know that you scare people to death?" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, who made you focus too much just now?" Uncle Er Niu smiled proudly, and then asked curiously, "What are you looking for, so many people?"

"I caught the monkey!" Zhang Feng replied angrily, and then asked, "Why are you going to the lake so late? Are you hiding from Aunt Er Niu and having a tryst with that so-and-so?"

"I'm going! Don't talk nonsense, buddy, my son can make soy sauce, and it's a shame, if the gossip in the village hears it, it won't be spread tomorrow?" Er Niu Shu suddenly said After a jump, he stared at Zhang Feng and hurriedly warned.

"All right, all right, I don't care about your crap." Zhang Feng held back his smile and waved his hand.

"Fuck off, can you talk, you bastard! I'm here to find our monkey." Uncle Er Niu knew that he couldn't talk to Zhang Feng, so he immediately changed the subject. If he continued, the scandal would probably end the next day. will fly all over the sky.

"What? It's so late and your duckling hasn't come home yet?" Zhang Feng shook his head, feeling that the power of genes is really powerful. Uncle Er Niu was also so mischievous when he was a child. The duckling probably inherited his mischievous genes.

"Hey! I won't tell you anymore, I still have to go find that brat, this time I find him, let's see if I don't blow his ass..." Uncle Er Niu left in a hurry.

well!The poor little duck is going to be in trouble again, Zhang Feng can only mourn for the little duck, but such a naughty child really deserves to be beaten, and he should be disciplined.

In about two or three minutes, earth-shattering cries came from the other side of the lake. When Zhang Feng heard that it was not the little duck, he must have been caught by his father and beaten up. However, this child is forgetful. The next day, I still went my own way, running all over the mountains and plains, and didn't know how to go home when it was time to eat.

About half an hour later, everyone finally swept the lake, and even the willow forest far away from the lake was not spared. After everyone's careful search, everyone gained a lot, even the little girl Jia Jia also caught twenty or thirty of them, which was surprising.

As soon as he got home, Zhang Feng cleaned the cicada monkeys quickly, and then fried them with vegetable oil until they were golden and crispy, and the aroma immediately overflowed. Even Jiajia, who was watching TV in the main room, could smell the fragrance, and walked forward. Taking small steps, he ran to the kitchen.

"Crazy brother! It smells so good!"

"Really? Why don't you try it?" Zhang Feng smiled and took a piece and handed it to the little girl.

"Is this cicada monkey really delicious?" The little girl was not afraid when she caught it, but now she hesitated, smelling the strong fragrance, licking her lips, and asked timidly.

"Don't worry, it's delicious. Look, I'll eat one first." Zhang Feng ate one in one bite. It was crispy, delicious, and very delicious.

Seeing how delicious Zhang Feng's food was, the little girl plucked up the courage to eat one, but she couldn't stop eating it, and wanted to eat more and more.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng picked up the Cicada Monkey and brought it to the main room. At the beginning, everyone was hesitant and afraid like Jiajia. Finally, seeing how delicious the food Zhang Feng and others were eating, they mustered up the courage to try it. After a while, I couldn't control it in the end, and I was completely conquered by such delicious food.

PS: The weather suddenly dropped and I caught a cold, so the update is relatively late. I hope everyone will forgive me. This week, there is no recommendation for Guoben. Please help to bookmark and recommend, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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