small farmer

Chapter 1055 The Finale

Chapter 1055 The Finale
After returning home, Zhang Feng also began to take stock of what he had gained in the past two years.

Needless to say, the Moon Lake Cooperative has led dozens of millions of farmers to become rich and get rid of poverty completely, making the entire Linxing area the richest county in the province for the first time.

The development of Tianyang Technology is also eye-catching. Jiejiu pills have been sold well all over the world, bringing tens of billions of net profits to the company a year, and providing tens of thousands of jobs for Qingshan County.

In addition, Pangu Technology, which Li Feng is in charge of, is developing even more rapidly. With the chip technology provided by the system, it has completely mastered the domestic mobile phone and computer market. At this time, it is preparing to enter the field of industrial chips and completely control China's chip market.

Even relying on the excellent performance of the Pangu chip, Pangu Technology has also entered the international market. If it were not for some rogue countries' tricks, Pangu Technology may have defeated all opponents at this time, completely dominated the world, and became the absolute overlord in the semiconductor field.

However, the development of Pangu Technology is also amazing now. In less than a year since its establishment, the turnover has exceeded 3000 billion yuan.

Compared with Pangu Technology, Huaxing Agricultural Science and Technology may be more unknown, and it has not even started to make profits.

However, its role plays an important role in Zhang Feng's plan, because the economic food crops such as soybeans, rice, and corn that Huaxing Agricultural Sciences is cultivating are all super species produced by the system, and they will definitely become the ones that change the backwardness of Huaxia agriculture. Crucially, it can even change the whole world.

According to the plan of Huaxing Agricultural Sciences, the first batch of seeds will be cultivated next year, and the best soybean seeds will be provided for tens of millions of acres of land in the year after.

The rice and corn cultivated in the South China Sea have already stored tens of millions of mu. As long as they pass the national inspection and acceptance, they can be quickly introduced to the market, which will not only create hundreds of millions of profits for the company, but also increase farmers' income. Income, serve multiple purposes.


Time flies, years pass.

In the blink of an eye, it will be May 2019, 5, which is the day when Zhang Feng and Yiyi got married.

Originally, the two only invited their relatives and friends to get married, but they didn't know that the news of their marriage was leaked, so on this day, not only the cooperatives in various villages in Qingshan came to congratulate them, but even the members of several counties and cities hundreds of miles away They all came.

All of a sudden, countless farmers who had benefited from the cooperative rushed to Moon Lake. At ten o'clock in the morning, the villagers realized that something was wrong, because more and more people came, and the entire Moon Lake was almost overwhelmed.

This is how to do? ?

It is definitely inappropriate to drive away those who came to congratulate, but I am afraid that so many people have exceeded the reception capacity of the village.

What is even more frightening is that the number of people coming here has not decreased, and there is even a trend of increasing, which makes the village chief and villagers anxiously running around like ants on a hot pot.

"Xiaofeng is not well..." The uncle hurriedly came to Zhang Feng to seek a solution.

"What's the matter, uncle?" Zhang Feng greeted the guests in the whole yard, seeing that the uncle was so nervous, he asked quickly.

The uncle hurriedly pulled Zhang Feng to the side, and whispered the problem he was facing.

"What? There are 4 to [-] people giving gifts now?" Hearing what the uncle said, Zhang Feng was shocked.

"Yes, and there are more and more people! Xiaofeng, what do you think we should do?" The uncle also sweated anxiously on his forehead.

Zhang Feng pondered for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought of a solution that was not a solution.

"Uncle, you see, let's just call and notify the villages that have joined the cooperative so that they don't have to come over. It's better to talk about our current predicament. I believe everyone can understand!"

"Oh, it seems that this is the only way to do it!"

The uncle shook his head. Although this kind of notification is not very good, everyone who should come will still come, but since we know that the village cannot receive so many guests, there will definitely be a lot fewer visitors, such as a few representatives from a village.

It has to be said that Zhang Feng has great influence in the entire area around Qingshan.

After hearing the news of his marriage, all the villagers who joined the cooperative and got rid of poverty and became rich all wanted to come to participate, but when everyone learned of the difficulties encountered in the village, each village restricted the number of people who came to participate.

In the end, there are at least three or five people in each village, and as many as a dozen or so people. Everyone comes together, and even those who have already rushed to the front give gifts and look at the bride and groom, and then leave quietly, silently blessing the two. A person is happy all his life and grows old.

In addition to the villagers of the cooperative, the leaders of several nearby counties and cities came to attend Zhang Feng's wedding.

Although none of the leaders participated, almost all the senior officials in the province brought gifts. As the boss of Tianyang Technology, they are all the largest high-tech enterprises, and the province and even the country attach great importance to it.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the auspicious time came.

A quaint retro wedding officially begins.

"A worship of heaven and earth..."

"Second worship high hall..."

"Happy husband and wife..."


Amidst the uncle's high-spirited and joyful voice, Zhang Feng, who was wearing a big red robe, and Yiyi, who was wearing a phoenix robe and a phoenix crown, completed the wedding.

While the two were worshiping, the sky was full of ceremonies and music, and two rows of fairies in fluttering white clothes flew from far to near, flying and dropping beautiful peach petals, like fairies scattered flowers, to celebrate their wedding.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Could it be that there are really immortals in the world? ?
However, the next moment, the fairies slowly dissipated, the colors became increasingly dimmer, and finally disappeared between the heaven and the earth. It turned out that all of these were created by Zhang Feng with the system, and there were no real immortals descending.

"Ah! It's so awesome..." The young people couldn't help but swear.

The next moment, another change was found in the sky, and a colorful picture appeared in an instant. The masters in the picture were Zhang Feng and Yiyi. The two embraced each other sweetly and looked happy. It's amazing.

"Oh my god, look, it's changed again..."

About ten seconds later, the picture in the sky changed again, and it was compiled into a picture of Zhang Feng proposing to Yiyi, with a few large characters on the side of the picture - Yiyi, I love you! !
Seeing the shocking scene in the sky, Yiyi's heart seemed to flow with a warm current, full of surprises, and felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

For a moment, the guests attending the wedding banquet exclaimed in disbelief, and then screamed loudly, and everyone's cheers resounded through the sky for a long time.

A vigorous wedding finally ended perfectly under the witness of everyone.

On the third day after their marriage, the honeymoon trip of the two officially started. Zhang Feng took Yiyi to a small island in the East China Sea.

Here is another surprise that Zhang Feng wants to give Yiyi. The island is about one square kilometer, and the island is full of peach blossoms. An antique two-story building was built. After Zhang Feng's transformation, it looks like a beautiful peach blossom island. At this time, when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, the whole island is pink, and the beauty is fascinating.

"How is it? Does Yiyi like it??"

"Yeah, I like it, I really like it..."

Under the sunlight, the figures of the two bloomed brightly, as if they were telling the whole world about their happiness...

The life and death agreement is wide, talk to Zicheng, hold his hand, and grow old together with Zicheng, the two hug each other tightly, face the future with a smile, and the corners of their mouths show the happiest smile.

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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