small farmer

Chapter 112 Houttuynia cordata

Chapter 112 Houttuynia cordata (recommended for collection)
go home

Zhang Feng immediately took a shower
As soon as the cold water is flushed, I feel refreshed, and after taking a bath, a gust of cool wind blows through, which makes me feel very cool.

After taking a shower and coming to the yard, Zhang Feng heard the cries of a duckling killing a pig, probably being cleaned up by his father again, so Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly, that guy is so naughty, he doesn't get beaten every day It seemed that his whole body was itchy, but no matter what his father did to clean it up, he still reverted to his old ways the next day, and he didn't have a long memory.

It's really easy to change the country, but the nature is hard to change. Sometimes Zhang Feng would wonder if this guy was reincarnated from a monkey grandson, or else how could he be so troublesome.

"Huh! Xiaofeng is coming back now?" Grandma Liu walked into the yard carrying a basket, as if she had just come back from outside, and the old man followed behind.

"That's right, there aren't many fruits in the orchard today, and they're all picked in two or three strokes." Suddenly Zhang Feng found the wild vegetables in Grandma Liu's basket, and asked curiously, "Grandma Liu, are you shepherd's purse?"

"Hehe, Xiaofeng has never eaten shepherd's purse?" Grandma Liu asked with a smile, as if she didn't expect that Zhang Feng had never eaten this kind of thing, because this kind of wild vegetable is very common in the countryside.

"No, this kind of wild vegetables are usually used to feed pigs, and no one in the village seems to eat them." Zhang Feng shook his head. Shepherd's purse seems to have been learned in elementary school textbooks before, but Zhang Feng has never eaten it.

"Hehe, shepherd's purse tastes good. I'll make fried dumplings for you later." Grandma Liu said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, Grandma Liu!" Zhang Feng was also looking forward to it, not knowing how the famous shepherd's purse tasted.

"Grandma, let me help you..." Zhang Lin also came out at this time, and when she saw that the old man was about to wash the vegetables, she hurried over to help. After the task of washing dishes.

"Hehe, what a diligent girl!" Grandma Liu praised with a smile,
Said the old lady walked to the backyard. "Old man, hurry up and make the dough, I'll go pick some leeks in the backyard."

"Understood!" The old man replied with a smile.

"Grandpa, let me help you!" Zhang Feng knew that kneading dough requires not only a lot of hand strength, but also a lot of skills, otherwise the dough will not ferment well, and the resulting dumplings will not taste good.

"Okay! Let me see how your noodle kneading skills are?" The old man knew that Zhang Feng's cooking skills were good, so he wanted to see Zhang Feng's noodle making skills.

It's a pity that in Zhang Feng's cooking skills, there are very few noodles. This is the first time to make noodles, so it is inevitable that there will be some small mistakes when making noodles, and finally they are corrected one by one under the guidance of the old man.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, you are so good at cooking at such a young age. I didn't expect you to have something that you are not good at." The old man saw Zhang Feng was deflated, and the next moment he smiled very happily. He used to feel that he was not as good as Zhang Feng, but now I finally found my confidence.

"Hehe, boy, how can you have such a wealth of experience?" Zhang Feng never thought that his cooking skills were perfect. He knew very well where his shortcomings were, that is, his lack of experience.

Seeing Grandma Liu walk in after reconciliation, Zhang Feng asked her, "Does Grandma Liu need to chop some minced meat?"

"Yes, do you have pork belly at home?"


"Then chop up about half a catty."

Then everyone worked together, Zhang Feng began to chop meat, the old couple began to roll out dough for making dumplings, and Zhang Lin also cleaned shepherd's purse and leeks in the yard.

Everyone did not move slowly. In about half an hour, neat rows of dumplings were placed on the table. Zhang Feng lit a fire, and Grandma Liu poured cooking oil, ready to start making delicious fried dumplings.

Wrapped dumplings one by one, put them in the hot oil pan, huh huh!The hot oil is tumbling, and the dumplings are fried golden in no time.

In about ten minutes, the golden and fragrant dumplings filled two large plates, which looked so tempting that Zhang Feng couldn't help swallowing.

"Grandpa, grandma, I'm here!" At this moment, Liu Yiyi's voice came from the door.

"Hey! My precious granddaughter is here." Grandma Liu ran out immediately when she heard her granddaughter's voice.

Zhang Feng came out and saw that not only Liu Yiyi, but also his mother and eldest sister had returned. It seemed that Taozi from the second uncle's family had been taken away.

"Hehe, it's just in time for everyone to come back, hurry up and try our fried dumplings, there are leek stuffing and shepherd's purse stuffing..." Grandma Liu quickly invited everyone to come.

"Ah! Grandma still has fried dumplings..." Liu Yiyi was very happy. She woke up too early today and happened to have no breakfast, so she was very happy.

"You child, hurry up and call Aunt Wang and Zhang Qin over..." Grandma Liu gave Liu Yiran a blank look and said with a smile.

"Auntie, elder sister, Xiao Lin, come and taste it too, today's fried dumplings are really delicious..." Liu Yiyi smiled embarrassedly, and then hurriedly said to Zhang's mother and the others.

"Really? Let's try it too." Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, the mother also took her two daughters to the table, and each of them ate one. It's also very good. Even after breakfast, everyone can't help but eat a few more.

Soon the two large plates of fried golden dumplings were swept away by everyone. Seeing everyone eating so happily, Grandma Liu also had a smile on her face.

"Hehe, everyone likes to eat it, I will make it for you tomorrow." Grandma Liu said happily.

"Thank you Grandma Liu..."

"Grandma, you are so kind!" Everyone thanked one after another.


After lunch, there was nothing to do, Zhang Feng called Liu Yiyi, eldest sister and Zhang Lin, and they were going to dig Houttuynia cordata by the field together.Houttuynia cordata is a delicacy in the local area and is loved by everyone;

Houttuynia cordata is a good thing in the countryside. Whether it is used in cold salad or fried bacon, it is extremely delicious. It is a common dish in the local people's home, and everyone likes it very much.

Moreover, Houttuynia cordata is not only a delicacy, but also has good medicinal value. It can not only clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and treat sores, clear away heat and stop dysentery, invigorate the stomach and eliminate food, but also have antibacterial, antiviral, improve the body's immunity, and diuresis. And so on.It can be said that this is a very commonly used medicinal material.

Houttuynia cordata can be seen almost everywhere in the fields in rural areas. It is usually by the side of the ditch or on the ridge of the field, but it is easy to dig the ridge of the field, so everyone usually digs the Houttuynia cordata that grows beside the ditch.

Zhang Feng and his eldest sister each carried a hoe, and each of the others carried a small basket. They talked and laughed and walked to the field. There are a lot of Houttuynia cordata by the ditches, and this is the best season for digging. .

Houttuynia cordata is a kind of vine. The leaves look like buckwheat, and the roots are segmented. Both the roots and leaves are edible, and they are both very delicious.

"Wow! There are so many Houttuynia cordata!" Liu Yiyi exclaimed excitedly when she saw a wild Houttuynia cordata for the first time, seeing a large green patch by the ditch.

"Hey! Be careful and slow down!" The edge of the field is very slippery, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the ditch or the paddy field.

"Understood!" Liu Yiyi picked up her trouser legs, rolled up her sleeves and went down to the ditch, excitedly picking Houttuynia cordata, but unfortunately this girl only picked its leaves, and the roots were all buried in the soil.

"It's too wasteful for you, let me dig it with a hoe!" Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, went down the ditch and started digging along the edge of the Houttuynia cordata, so that the Houttuynia cordata can be dug clean.

The eldest sister and Zhang Lin also went down the ditch and started digging on the other side. Everyone was very happy. After digging for about half an hour, they filled two baskets, which Zhang Feng estimated weighed about three catties.

With so many harvests, everyone is very happy. This food is more expensive than ordinary vegetables, usually five or six yuan a catty, and it is difficult to find it if it is priced but not in the market. It can only be eaten often in rural areas.

Carrying bamboo baskets and returning home with a full load, everyone was very happy. Everyone walked briskly on the road. Liu Yiyi jumped up and down happily like a little girl. At this time, there is no such thing as a domineering female president.

In the evening, Zhang Feng used Houttuynia cordata to cook two dishes for everyone, one cold Houttuynia cordata and one fried bacon with Houttuynia cordata. These two dishes were the most popular among everyone, and they only ate half of the meal. The food was eaten up by everyone,
Everyone ate very refreshingly and happily. Even the old man who had been a chef all his life ate half a bowl more than usual. It seems that today's Houttuynia cordata is really loved by everyone.

PS: After reading it, please help to bookmark and recommend it. I don’t know what happened today. The number of members has increased so much with one click. Could it be that so many people can see it in Guoben?

(End of this chapter)

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