small farmer

Chapter 115 Years of Polygonum multiflorum

Chapter 115 Centennial Polygonum multiflorum

"Wang Wang..."

Seeing that everyone was eating so deliciously, the two greedy puppies quickly brought their own food bowls, put them on the ground, squatted obediently in front of their master, and barked at Zhang Feng.

"Hehe, you two want to eat too?" Zhang Feng smiled, and put two handfuls of corn kernels into the food bowls of the two puppies, and Big Black and Little Hei immediately threw their heads into the food bowls, almost getting their heads into them.

Zhang Feng also felt very happy to see them eating so deliciously and with great relish. The two puppies are really getting smarter and more greedy. They really have the potential to evolve into gluttons.

After everyone finished eating the roasted corn, the corn in the pot was almost cooked. Zhang Feng lifted the lid of the pot, and suddenly a strong fragrance came to his face. Zhang Feng immediately removed the firewood, and then fished all the corn into the Shau Kei , Bring it to the main room, let everyone open up to eat.

"Madman, the snails we caught two days ago should be edible, right?" After eating corn, Zhang Feng came to the yard to look at his own flowers and plants, when Liu Yiyi came over and said.

"Snails? I've forgotten if you don't tell me." Zhang Feng remembered this, then slapped his head and said, "How about we make stir-fried snails at noon?"

"Okay, the dishes you cook are all delicious." Liu Yiyi was also very happy, after all, these snails also have half of her own.

Then Zhang Feng went to the balcony and saw that the snails in the bucket had spit out a lot of sand. When Zhang Feng shook it lightly, the water inside immediately became cloudy.

Zhang Feng took the bucket to the water pipe, poured out the dirty water inside, and then began to knock off the tail of the snail to remove the internal organs inside.

Then rinse it several times with clean water to clean the silt outside the snails, and finally put the cleaned snails in the prepared Shake Kei, and drain the water from the snails.

After that, Zhang Feng came to the backyard again, dug two pieces of ginger, picked some shallots, garlic sprouts, chili peppers and coriander, these are the seasonings needed for stir-frying the snails, with these seasonings, the taste of the snails is even better good.

Stir-fried snails at home is also very simple, there is no complicated process, as long as the snails are washed, everything is very easy to make.

The prime minister poured cooking oil into a large iron pan, and when the oil in the pan was boiling hot, he immediately poured in ginger, chili pepper, and garlic sprouts, and when they were fragrant, he poured the snails into the oil pan and stir-fried them. Stir-fry is almost done, then add shallots and coriander, and the most important condiment - salt, and then a pot of fragrant snails can be out of the pan.

After the fried snails were finished and the cauldron was cleaned, Zhang Feng started frying corn again. Everyone knows that corn can not only be eaten boiled or grilled, but also fried and cooked, and it tastes very good. It is a common dish in rural areas. home cooking.

Then Zhang Feng fried two more side dishes, plus a large pot of boiled cowpea with pumpkin, the dishes for today's noon were finally complete.

"Come here!! Everyone come and taste how the snails I made today!" Zhang Feng picked up the chopsticks and said to everyone with a smile.

"Well, I want to try it too, and I have half of the credit for it." Liu Yiyi ate one curiously, "Well, it's delicious, it's really delicious! Grandpa, grandma, aunt... You should try it too, really. delicious."

"Hehe! Really, let's try it too..." After staying at Zhang Feng's house for a few days, the two elderly people felt that their appetites were strong. It may be because of the large number of people, the food was lively and their appetites were better. Mental head is also better.

I can eat so many delicacies every day, the taste is the same as when I was a child, the old man feels like he has returned to his hometown, and he really wants to live here forever.

The scenery here is also so beautiful, the beautiful small farmyard, the beautiful landscape, the endless fields, the vast sky, all these are so beautiful, so natural, so unforgettable, it is really a good place for health preservation.


"Hurry up, someone has dug up a treasure over there..." After lunch, Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi were planting flowers and plants in the yard when they suddenly heard someone shouting outside.

Hearing the sound from outside, Zhang Feng was taken aback. How could he have dug up another treasure? Could it be that Zhangjiawan has really become a treasure land? Zhang Feng thought that someone had dug up gold, silver and jewels again, but the real situation seems to be not the case .

"Madman, let's go and have a look too?" Liu Yiyi asked expectantly.

"Let's go!" Zhang Feng was also very curious, put down the scissors in his hand, and Liu Yiyi and Liu Yiyi followed the tourists watching the excitement, and ran to the scene of the incident.

The two followed the spectators, and soon came to the courtyard of the second uncle's house, surrounded by melon-eating crowd, Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi couldn't squeeze in for a while.

"Uncle Daqiao, what's going on inside? Why are there so many people around?" Zhang Feng asked hurriedly when he saw a village hall uncle coming out of it.

"Hehe, the second uncle was lucky. He dug a big Polygonum multiflorum under the wall of his house. I heard that this thing is very valuable..." Uncle Daqiao said.

The second uncle's cattle are usually tied in the yard. Today, for some reason, he suddenly lost his temper and knocked down the fence. The second uncle thought that today was a bad day, but he didn't expect misfortunes and fortunes to be intertwined. He was cleaning the yard When digging the wall, a two-meter-long Polygonum multiflorum was actually dug out. Experienced old people estimated that this Polygonum multiflorum should be hundreds of years old.

"Tsk tsk! I didn't expect the second uncle to be so lucky." Unexpectedly, such a good thing was caught up by the second uncle, Zhang Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Who said it wasn't!" Uncle Daqiao nodded in agreement.

Soon the second uncle dug out the Polygonum multiflorum. The whole Polygonum multiflorum was about two meters long, about ten centimeters in diameter, and weighed [-] to [-] kilograms.

Last time Zhang Feng saw that someone dug up such a large Polygonum multiflorum on the Internet, and finally sold it for more than 5 yuan. However, in a small place like Qingshan, it is impossible to sell it for such a high price.

"Everyone, don't squeeze, don't squeeze..." Seeing such a big Polygonum multiflorum, tourists rushed in and squeezed towards the second uncle together.

Seeing so many people rushing towards him, the second uncle was startled, and immediately walked into the house with Polygonum multiflorum in his arms, and closed the door with a bang.

"Everyone, don't squeeze, don't squeeze, spread out quickly..." Zhang Feng shouted immediately, with so many people crowded together, it would be bad if there was a stampede.

"That's right!! The ones behind quickly spread out, don't squeeze!!" Hearing Zhang Feng's outcry, the tourists finally calmed down, knowing that Polygonum multiflorum had been brought into the house, and the tourists outside finally dispersed slowly.

"Yiyi, Xiaofeng, what's the matter? I heard that someone has dug up a hundred-year-old wild Polygonum multiflorum?" At this moment, Mr. Liu also rushed over, grabbed the two of them and asked.

"That's right, it was the Second Uncle who dug it up..." Then the two of them talked about how the Second Uncle dug up Polygonum multiflorum, and the old man was also amazed, he didn't expect the Second Uncle to be so lucky.

"Xiaofeng, can you help me ask if the Polygonum multiflorum he dug up is for sale?" the old man asked.

"Why, old man, do you want to buy it?" Zhang Feng was very surprised, why did the old man buy Polygonum multiflorum.

"Hehe, it's not me who wants to buy it, it's an old friend of mine. He heard that there was a two or three meter long Polygonum multiflorum, so he entrusted me to buy it for him. If he didn't have something important to do, he would probably rush over here soon." The old man explained with a smile.

"Grandpa, is Grandpa Zhang going to buy it?" Liu Yiyi asked with a smile.

"That's right, your grandpa Zhang's family has a pharmaceutical factory. Such a big wild Polygonum multiflorum is a good thing. You can meet it but not ask for it." The old man said with a smile.

Hearing the old man's explanation, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that such a big Polygonum multiflorum is a gimmick in itself. Buying it back, whether it is made into medicine or used as a collectible, can make the name of the pharmaceutical company, so it costs tens of thousands of yuan to buy it. If you go back, you can't lose anything.

"Let's go! Let's go ask, as long as the price is right, the second uncle will definitely buy it." Zhang Feng smiled and led the two to knock on the door.

"Second uncle, open the door, I'm Xiaofeng!"

"Yo! It's Xiaofeng, wait a minute and I'll come right away." When the second uncle heard that it was Zhang Feng, he quickly opened the door to welcome him in, and then quickly closed the door, but was blocked by tourists again.

After everyone sat down, Zhang Feng explained the purpose of his visit, and Mr. Liu was also very straightforward, willing to pay a high price of 5 yuan to buy it. The second uncle was also very happy and happily sold Polygonum multiflorum to the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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