small farmer

Chapter 118 Redemption

Chapter 118 Redemption (recommended for collection)

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"Xiaofeng, your medicinal solution is so effective, have you ever thought about promoting it on a large scale?" The old man felt that it would be a pity if such a good thing could not be brought into full play.

"I've thought about it, but it's a little unrealistic, because some special medicinal materials in it are very rare, and there is no possibility of mass production." Zhang Feng said superficially, in fact, where does he have any formula? Everything is just to cover up Moonlight auxin only.

"Oh! That's a pity!" The old man shook his head, knowing that many ancient precious prescriptions were like this, requiring many strange and strange medicines, and this was Zhang Feng's prescription, so it was inconvenient for the old man to ask more.


In the blink of an eye a week has passed
The plums in Zhang Feng's orchard were harvested plentifully. Because four to five thousand catties were picked every day, Zhang Feng invited many villagers to come to help.

And today is the day with the most harvest, reaching an astonishing 6 catties, and selling [-] catties to Liu Yiyi's boutique, at [-] yuan per catty, that is an income of more than [-] catties.

"Xiaofeng, did you leave any fruit for us today?"

"Yes, if there is no more today, we will go to the orchard to grab it tomorrow!" The regular customers all know that the fruits of Zhang Feng's house are delicious, and they have not been able to buy them these days, and they have been sold to Liu Yiyi's Everyone had their opinions on the boutique store, so they asked Zhang Feng one after another.

"Hehe, don't worry everyone, today I specially reserved more than 2000 catties for you, which will definitely meet your needs." Zhang Feng hurriedly announced to everyone.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Feng pulled back the plastic sheet with a bang, and baskets of green and yellow plums appeared in front of everyone. Suddenly everyone couldn't sit still, and immediately started the burst buying mode. You are ten catties, I am eight catties, and there are others He drove over directly, and pulled one or two baskets weighing hundreds of catties. Zhang Feng was also very happy to see that his plums were so popular, and the smile on his face never stopped.

Even though two thousand catties sounds like a lot, there are a lot of them piled up, but in just one hour, more than 2000 catties of plums were wiped out by crazy tourists.

Because the retail price is ten yuan per catty, Zhang Feng’s family has increased their income by more than 2 yuan. Adding the previous income of more than 6 yuan, the total income has reached more than 8 yuan in just one morning.


In the blink of an eye, three days passed again
The fruits of Zhang Feng’s family are finally sold out. According to the last statistics, more than 5 catties of plums were harvested within a week, and the wholesale and retail sales totaled more than 40 yuan, ten times more than the previous peach sales. Come ten thousand.

In other words, this year Zhang Feng's family earned 70 million yuan just from selling peaches and plums, which is an astonishing sum in rural areas.

"Xiaofeng's family really made a fortune this year. It is said that the fruit alone has sold hundreds of thousands." Villager A said to Villager B enviously.

"It's only a few hundred thousand? There must be millions!" Villager B shook his head with the data he didn't know where he got it, with indescribable envy in his heart.

"How do you think their fruit is so expensive?"

"You don't know this? I heard that their fruits use a kind of super nutrient, so the fruits are big and delicious, and they can be sold at such a high price..."

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Everyone knows that Zhang Feng’s fruit uses special nutrients, so they asked Zhang Feng one after another. Unfortunately, Zhang Feng kept his mouth shut and did not reveal anything, because the fruit fragrance produced by the system is a three-no product. How can it be used on a large scale.


"System, is there a method for making fruity fragrance medicine in the mall?" Zhang Feng was asked recently by Alexander, lying in bed at night, Zhang Feng immediately asked the system.

"The host can open the mall search mode and search by itself! It takes [-] points to open the mall search. May I ask if the host has enabled it?" The system mechanically returned.

"What? How many points are five thousand?" Zhang Feng was stunned and stunned, and then asked angrily, "Are you going to rob the system?"

"May I ask if the host has turned on the search mode?" The system is very domineering, completely ignoring Zhang Feng's protest, and still asked in a cold tone.

"System, with the search mode turned on, is there no limit to the items that can be purchased?" Zhang Feng didn't turn it on immediately, but planned to ask clearly first.

"Yes, all the items that can be searched in the mall can be purchased!"

"Okay, let's open it!" Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and finally decided to open it, because there are too few items available for purchase in the mall.

"Ding dong! The mall search mode has been successfully activated..."

"I don't know if it's like the system said, there are everything in the mall?" Zhang Feng thought in his heart.

Then Zhang Feng entered 'Yuan Bullet' in the search bar, and clicked Search, and the page immediately displayed 'The item you searched for is too low-end, and the mall does not provide it'.

"I'll go! This system is amazing..." Zhang Feng shook his head, and searched for the spaceship, and tens of thousands of information were displayed on the page in an instant.

"I'm going, there are so many?" Then Zhang Feng took a closer look at the price above, and his eyes almost popped out of his eyes. Zhang Feng found that the cheapest spaceship costs hundreds of millions of points, if it is exchanged in RMB , That's tens of billions.

Come on, Zhang Feng was hit hard, immediately closed this page, and honestly searched for his own method of making the fruity fragrance medicine.

The next moment, hundreds of messages appeared. Zhang Feng found that the most expensive one cost millions of points, and the cheapest one cost thousands of points. Zhang Feng found that the higher the production efficiency and the lower the cost, the more points were needed. On the contrary, there will be less.

Then Zhang Feng chose one with [-] points. According to the introduction, this method is backward in production and inefficient, but it is relatively system-friendly, and it is enough for Zhang Feng.

The most important thing is that this method requires simple processing equipment, and it can be made even by hand, but the efficiency is very impressive.

"System, exchange me for two thousand points!"

"The exchange is complete, please pay attention to the host to receive it."

Zhang Feng happily stored this craft recipe into the system, and then checked the system, and found that he only had [-] points left. It has been hard work for decades, and once he returns to the pre-liberation, he wants to exchange items in the future , but you need a real Grandpa Mao.


As the fruit in the orchard was sold out, Zhang Feng became leisurely again.

Playing with dogs, walking birds, and taking a walk by the beautiful Moon Lake every day, this kind of life is uncomfortable and very comfortable.

And this guy also sent pictures of himself eating, drinking and having fun to the group. One day... two days... a few days later, the students in the group couldn't help but explode.

"Crazy, are you still letting people live?" the melon-eaters in the group asked enviously and hatefully.

"What's the matter? Comrades? I didn't do anything?" Zhang Feng asked in the group without knowing why.

"Damn it! You just eat, drink and have fun every day. Why do you come to tease us working dogs? How can you let us go to work?"

"How can we have the money to buy a house if we don't work?"

"How can we have money to buy a car if we don't go to work?"

"How can we marry a wife without a car or a house?"

So everyone fried the pot one after another, making Zhang Feng lose his house, his car, and his daughter-in-law.

"Hey, you want me to pay for your wife, right? There are plenty of them on Taobao. If you need them, send me the address quickly. I'll mail one to each of you." Zhang Feng replied with a smirk, and then continued: "You want XXX Yes, it’s still from XXX, how about I send you two if one is not enough? I’m so excited, buddy!!”

"Crazy, two are not enough, at least send me three..."

"I'll go, lunatic, you're amazing, you're so fucking awesome!"

"Brother, I am completely convinced, madman, please accept my knee!"

"Madman, from now on I won't help anyone, I will just submit to you..."

The buddies in the group were completely stunned. They didn't expect such an operation. After being dazed for a while, they all replied.

Zhang Feng smiled triumphantly, but unfortunately he didn't see Liu Yiyi behind him, so it was a complete tragedy.

"Crazy, it seems that you have a lot of experience in buying?" Liu Yiyi said slowly behind her.

"Ah! Yiyi, why are you here?" Zhang Feng was suddenly at a loss. He didn't expect this girl to be behind him, so he quickly explained: "Hehe... I don't have any experience. I was joking with them just now."

"Without experience, how do you know there are XXX and XXX?" Liu Yiyi looked at Zhang Feng with a smile and asked.

Zhang Feng: ……………

Now it was Zhang Feng's turn to be completely confused, he really hit his foot with a hoe, and for a while he didn't know how to explain it.

"Humph!! Big pervert..." Liu Yiyi gave Zhang Feng a vicious look, and left without looking back.

"Hey! Yiyi, listen to my explanation..." Zhang Feng immediately chased after her...

(End of this chapter)

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