small farmer

Chapter 123 Transplanting the Osmanthus Tree

Chapter 123 Transplanting the Osmanthus Tree

Chapter [-] Transplanting Osmanthus Trees

"The lunatic has something to tell you..." Monkey called and asked with some anxiety.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Feng asked suspiciously.

"It's like this..." Then Houzi told Zhang Feng that everyone was going to Moon Lake this weekend,
"Twelve people?" Zhang Feng frowned. It wasn't that he didn't welcome everyone, but he was worried that there were too many people and he couldn't entertain them well.

"That's right, it's not all about you, posting so many delicious food and beautiful scenery in the group, so everyone can't help but go to your house to fight the local tyrants!" Monkey explained helplessly.

"It's my fault! You tell everyone that you can sleep on the floor at night, and those who want to come can come, and those who are not used to it can forget it." Zhang Feng shook his head and said with a smile.

Because the people in the group are almost all high school classmates and friends, and most of them were born in rural areas, and there is nothing wrong with being spoiled, so Zhang Feng is not afraid of everyone's opinions, let alone who made them come together.

"Okay madman, I will tell everyone, and I will tell you the exact number before I come." The monkey responded immediately.

"Well! Be sure to tell me in advance, so that I can be prepared." Zhang Feng reminded again.

"Don't worry, lunatic, you just need to prepare something delicious and fun..." After finishing speaking, Monkey hung up the phone.

"Hehe, these guys..." Zhang Feng had a headache. There are so many people who don't know how to arrange it. It's impossible to really ask everyone to sleep on the floor. It's just a helpless solution.

"What is Xiaofeng thinking?" At this moment, the old man walked in happily.

"Hehe, what did you think? Why is the old man so happy? Could it be that the house is going to be renovated?" Zhang Feng asked when he saw the old man's face full of smiles.

"Haha, Xiaofeng is really clever. Our small courtyard will be finished tomorrow. As long as it is cleaned up, your Grandma Liu and I will move into our new home the day after tomorrow!" The old man said with a hearty smile.

"Really, that's really congratulations, just call me if you need help when you move." Zhang Feng congratulated with a smile.

"Of course, we don't know each other well here, so who else can we call you?" The old man also knew that Zhang Feng was very sincere, so he wouldn't be polite.

Then Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, the old man will move out the day after tomorrow, won't there be another room at home?In this way, the family can receive ten guests, and there are two more people who can just squeeze together. The accommodation matter is finally settled, and Zhang Feng is greatly relieved.


In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Feng took Dabai and Xiaobai to the orchard. Due to the abundant rain and good sunlight in summer, the weeds in the orchard had just been eradicated, and it took only ten days for the weeds to break through the ground again. Be lush.

So Dabai and Xiaobai have been very busy recently, even busier than our Lord Du Fu. They spend their days eating and clearing the weeds in the orchard. Zhang Feng’s daily job is to pick them up. Go to the orchard, and in the evening, pick them up on time.

"Dabai and Xiaobai hurry up and eat grass!" Zhang Feng waved to the two cute goats when he came to the orchard.

"Baa baa..." Dabai and Xiaobai responded, and began to eat the weeds in the orchard. If they encountered something they didn't want to eat, they would use their mouths to uproot the weeds, or dig out the roots with their sharp hooves.

After arranging the two lambs, Zhang Feng walked towards the advanced place yesterday. Unfortunately, this time he was unlucky and saw only an empty trap. However, Zhang Feng was not disappointed, because even the best hunters were not You can gain something every time, let alone yourself.

Knowing that the two sheep would not get lost, Zhang Feng walked up the mountain with a hoe on his shoulder. He heard from the second uncle that there was an osmanthus tree in the wild boar forest. Zhang Feng was going to have a look. in the yard.

Thinking of the golden autumn and October, the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, and the golden flowers all over the tree, blowing one after another in the autumn wind, Zhang Feng was filled with fantasy.

On the rugged mountain road, weeds were overgrown and the dew was heavy. Zhang Feng pushed the weeds away with a hoe, and quickly walked towards the wild boar forest.

Although the wild boar forest has wild boar in its name, it is actually a bare mountain. It is estimated that it was a densely forested mountain a long time ago. Unfortunately, with the changes of nature or human factors, the forest here has disappeared forever. In people's field of vision, only the name Wild Boar Forest can remind people of the once lush woods here.

At first Zhang Feng walked slowly, worried that the dew would wet his pants, but after walking for half an hour, the wild boar Lin Yi was still far away.

So Zhang Feng no longer had any scruples, let go of the speed completely, and took a few meters at a step, flying like a light grass, with a body as light as a swallow, quickly disappeared in place, and galloped away to the wild boar forest in the distance.

The ancients often said, "Looking at the mountain and running a dead horse", because the mountain road has eighteen bends, steep and rugged, so it cannot be simply measured by a straight line distance, and many detours are required, so there are two wild boar forests on the top of the mountain, and Zhang Feng spent It took a whole hour. For ordinary people, it is estimated that two hours may not be reached.

"Ah! It's finally here." The wild boar forest used to be a gravel mountain, and the rocky desertification was very serious. After the environment has improved over the years, weeds are overgrown, and some new trees grow lush.

Soon, Zhang Feng found the trace of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree that the second uncle said. This wild sweet-scented osmanthus tree grew in a crevice of gravel, and the trunk was only about two meters high. Tree.

Zhang Feng pulled out the surrounding weeds, then picked up a hoe, and carefully dug up the gravel on both sides, so as not to cause too much damage to its roots, otherwise it would not be easy to transplant successfully.

Although the small tree is not tall, its root system is very developed. Its roots can be found in the surrounding ten meters. Zhang Feng dug down for more than one meter before digging out its main root. Okay, but for the convenience of transportation, Zhang Feng still dug up a lot of roots that spread around.

"Ah! It's finally done." After dug out the osmanthus tree completely, Zhang Feng was also very happy. He sat on the nearby rock and rested for a while, then walked out of the mountain with the osmanthus tree on his shoulders.

"Yo, Xiaofeng dug an osmanthus tree?"

"Xiaofeng dug this in the wild boar forest, right?"

On the way back, I met many villagers and tourists, and everyone greeted Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Hey, where did Xiaofeng get such an osmanthus tree?" Seeing Zhang Feng carrying the osmanthus tree into the yard, the old man asked in surprise.

"It was dug on the mountain and is going to be planted in the yard." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Not bad! Not bad! Planted in the yard, it will definitely be beautiful in autumn." Grandma Liu usually loves flowers and plants very much, and said to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Hehe, there is also an osmanthus tree on the campus of our elementary school. Every autumn, the garden is full of fragrance, so I have liked osmanthus very much since I was a child." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"That's great. I'm going to sell one and plant it in the yard after we move there." Grandma Liu saw this sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and she also wanted to plant one.


After chatting for a few more words, Zhang Feng immediately began to dig a hole, preparing to plant the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the open space beside the gourd vine.

Due to the modification of the primary genetic fluid, Zhang Feng's physical fitness is very abnormal. Even if he carried a [-]-[-] kg sweet-scented osmanthus tree and walked on the mountain road for more than an hour, he still looked very relaxed without blushing or panting.

Zhang Feng didn't feel tired at all, he dug the soil vigorously, and soon dug a big hole of more than one meter in the yard, then Zhang Feng called Zhang Yi to help, and the two moved the sweet-scented osmanthus tree to the big hole Then fill in the soil, water and fertilize, and finally you're done.

(End of this chapter)

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