small farmer

Chapter 125 Carrying firewood on the mountain

Chapter 125 Carrying firewood on the mountain
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Star Shift
The sun and the moon alternated, and another day passed in a blink of an eye.

After exercising, Zhang Feng started to make breakfast, only to realize that the firewood at home was almost used up, so Zhang Feng thought for a while, and decided to go up the mountain to get some firewood after breakfast.

Carrying a pole with a hatchet and a rope, Zhang Feng walked to the orchard on the mountain. The fruit trees in the orchard need to be pruned every year. The pruned branches are also good firewood after drying. Zhang Feng pruned some time ago However, there must be a lot of dead branches in the orchard.

When I came to the orchard, I saw that the orchard was clean and fresh, and the weeds on the ground had been eaten clean by the two cute pets, Dabai and Xiaobai. Zhang Feng didn't pick up firewood immediately, but walked straight to the place where he set the trap, and saw See if there is any harvest today.

Zhang Feng walked over and took a look, the cage was empty, obviously nothing was found, it seems that the nearby pheasants were either caught by him, or learned to be smart.

"It seems that we need to change the place." Zhang Feng looked around a lot, and felt that the hillside above the orchard would be good, where weeds are overgrown, and pheasants can be seen from time to time, so Zhang Feng picked up the chicken coop and went to the hillside , Find a place where pheasants are often active, and set a new trap.

After one or two months of exposure to the wind and sun, the pruned branches are already crisp and perfect for cooking. In about half an hour, Zhang Feng collected two bundles, each weighing more than 100 kilograms. , It may take two people to hug each other to hold it.

Zhang Feng inserted both ends of the pole into the firewood, and with a light lift, he carried more than 300 catties of firewood on his shoulders. Such a heavy firewood made the pole crunch, but Zhang Feng's current physical fitness is incomparable. Abnormal, more than 300 catties are still light to him, just like carrying fifty or sixty catties.

"Get out of the way, what are you skinny monkeys doing in the road?" Zhang Feng carried two bundles of firewood and walked easily on the rugged mountain road. Monkey blocked.

"Ah! Crazy brother, are you collecting firewood on the mountain?"

"Brother Crazy, we are feeding dung beetles..." The little ones saw Zhang Feng approaching with firewood, and hurriedly made way, and then said.

"You guys, the cow dung on the ground is so dirty, wash your hands well when you go back later!" Zhang Feng shook his head. Children in the countryside are like this. They have nothing to play with every day, and they can play with such dirty things.

Then Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that he seemed to be like this when he was a child. Every day, Zhang Yi and Uncle Er Niu went up to the mountains to herd cattle, and they fed dung beetles when they had nothing to do. Because dung beetles usually hide in the soil under cow dung, so my friends Water will be poured into its cave, and the dung beetle may slowly emerge from the cave due to lack of oxygen. At this time, everyone is very excited and has a sense of accomplishment. When they catch the dung beetle, they hold it in their hands. Be your own unicorn and fight the dung beetle caught by your friends.

It’s really interesting when I think about it when I was a child. Filling dung beetles is an activity that people often play when there is no water. Sometimes when there is no water, everyone will untie their belts and pour urine into it. Now that I think about it, it’s a bit indecent, but it’s full of fun. The rural children's interest.

"Xiaofeng, please send these two bundles of firewood to your grandfather Liu's house. They just moved there, and they must be short of firewood." Zhang Feng carried the firewood to the door of the house, and his mother Wang Guilan said to her son.

"Mom, I haven't thought of it if you don't tell me." Zhang Feng smiled, stopped walking into the yard, turned around and walked towards Grandpa and Grandma Liu's courtyard.

The layout of the small courtyard rented by the two elders is similar to that of Zhang Feng’s house. There is a small courtyard in the front and back of the house. The two elderly people in the backyard are going to grow some vegetables for their own consumption. The front yard is planted with flowers and plants, which is usually used as exercise. Body, self-cultivation and self-cultivation to pass the time.

"Xiaofeng is here?" The two old people were digging the ground in the yard and asked with a smile when they saw Zhang Feng.

"Yes, I'm here to bring you some firewood." Zhang Feng smiled and continued, "Where do you put the firewood, old man?"

"Oh! I'm really bothering you, Xiaofeng, let's put it under the eaves first." The old man said hastily.

"Hehe, it's okay, by the way, Yiyi is not at home now?" Zhang Feng put down the firewood and asked.

"Yiyi went back again this morning, and will come back here in the afternoon."

Grandma Liu went into the room and brought Zhang Feng a glass of water, "Xiaofeng, come have a glass of water."

Gulu Gulu drank the water, Zhang Feng said goodbye and left. The two old men continued to dig the soil in the yard, preparing to plant some wild flowers on the mountain.

Looking at the shoulder pole, Zhang Feng went to the orchard to pick up firewood two more times. Zhang Feng didn't stop until the firewood shed at home was full.


"Hahaha, it's so funny!" Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw a very funny news at noon.

"Why are you laughing, brother, so happy?" Just then my cousin walked in.

"Hehe, I read a news just now. A man hit an old man with a scooter. The man ran away on the bike. After a few minutes, he drove out again and hit the old man again..."

"No way? Could it be that they have enmity?" Zhang Yi wondered if the man wanted to murder the old man.

"Haha, do you know what he said after the traffic police caught him?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"What did he say?" Zhang Yi's curiosity was aroused.

"He said that he hit the old man for the first time, only to realize that his electric car was not insured, so he hurried home and drove the car to hit the old man again, so that he would not have to bear the medical expenses of the old man himself."

"Hahaha, this person is so funny, there can be such a stupid person!" Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing out loud.

"That's right, the traffic police knew the traces of the accident scene at a glance. It's not so easy to fool, and the old man is not dead yet. What happened, the old man doesn't know..." Zhang Feng also shook his head. People must have been frightened and dizzy at the time, and they did such a stupid thing.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen. By the way, big brother, is your Dabai Xiaobai at home? How about lending it to me for a few days?" Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"It's probably in the backyard. You want to borrow them to weed?"

"That's right, my parents said that I was idle all day, so they leave the work of weeding in the orchard to me." Zhang Yi said depressingly.

"Hehe, you're quite smart, you actually thought of asking Dabai Xiaobai to help you." Zhang Feng smiled slightly.

"Hey, isn't Dabai and Xiaobai all right? They are idle anyway, why not take them for a walk in the orchard and eat grass." Zhang Yi smiled slyly, walked to the backyard, and then pulled Dabai and Xiaobai just left.

Now the two stupid and cute people in the family have become little experts at work, and their hard work is definitely more than that of the old scalper. They help the owner to weed almost every day, and occasionally help Zhang Yi or Uncle Erniu's family to do part-time jobs. It can be said that the little ones in the family Among animals, they are the most diligent and most loved by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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