small farmer

Chapter 133 It's All the Duckling's Cause

Chapter 133 It's All the Duckling's Cause (Subscribe)

"Is Xiaofeng at home?"

"Hey! It's uncle, hurry up and sit in the house!" At noon Zhang Feng was lying in the yard to enjoy the shade, and when he heard the village elder's voice, he immediately stood up and said.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng, you had a good life in your childhood!" Seeing the deck chair under the cypress tree and the teapot on the stone table, the uncle said with a smile.

"Hey!" Zhang Feng rubbed his head in embarrassment, and after the village chief sat down at the stone table, he quickly poured tea. "Uncle, come have a cup of tea!"

"Your boy has more time to go out a day, just like a confinement daughter-in-law who stays at home all day." The village elder shook his head. There was really nothing he could do about this nephew. A student of a key university, everyone is proud of him, but after graduating from university, he stayed at home for three years and did nothing, so he became a well-known lazy man.

Fortunately, this kid has changed a lot recently. It can be said that he has been completely reborn. Not only has he managed his house in an orderly manner, he has also started green planting. In just two months of hard work, he has earned hundreds of thousands, which is really impressive.

However, this guy's lazy temperament can't be changed at all. Whenever he has time, he lies down in the yard, and the village chief shook his head when he thought of this.

"Uncle, I understand. By the way, I don't know what you want from me?" Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that the uncle cared about him.

"That's right, the orchards in our village are all in the back mountain. It is very inconvenient to transport them every year when they are picked, so the village plans to build a road leading to the back mountain. Let's get to know everyone's thoughts first, and see if you have any ideas. I don't have any suggestions." The uncle said his intention for coming.

Hearing what his uncle said, Zhang Feng instantly understood that he was planning to build a road, and Zhang Feng also agreed very much. Otherwise, it would take about ten minutes to walk from his home to the orchard on a mountain road that is only 600 meters long, especially on rainy days when it is slippery and muddy. , People often fall down on the mountain road.

"I think it's very good to build a road to the orchard. I don't have any suggestions, but I don't know how to build this road and who will build it?"

"According to our plan, our village will mainly repair this road. It is estimated that we will need 2 to [-] yuan, most of which we need to raise by ourselves. The county only approved a special subsidy of [-] yuan." The uncle pondered. Talk about it in a while.

"That's it, then I'll pay [-] yuan. I hope this road can be repaired quickly." Zhang Feng pondered for a while, and decided to invest [-] yuan. After the road is repaired, it will be more convenient for everyone to transport fruits and various mountain products, and The village chief came to his home in person, and he certainly didn't really come to ask for his opinion.

Thinking about when I was in college, the village elder was still running around, applying for a scholarship of 3000 yuan for himself, and he has always taken good care of his family.

Besides building roads and bridges, this is a good thing to accumulate virtue and do good deeds. As the saying goes, the poor are good only for themselves, and the good will benefit the world. Now that you have made money and have the conditions, donating tens of thousands of dollars to build roads and improve the traffic conditions in the village is also a matter of course. .

"That's really great, I would like to thank you for everyone!" The village elder happily took up Zhang Feng's hand and said excitedly.

"Hehe, why don't you still be polite to me? Don't my family leave after the road is repaired?" Zhang Feng said with a modest smile.

"How can this be the same? With your 1 yuan, the county's [-] yuan, and the village's [-] yuan collective fund, then you only need to raise another [-] to [-] yuan." The village chief happily counted the money. I didn't expect most of the road construction funds to be settled in this way, and I was very happy.

"Is Xiaofeng at home?" At this moment, Mr. Liu walked in.

"What's the matter with Grandpa Liu? Come and sit down!" Zhang Feng stood up and greeted.

"Hey! The village head is here?" The master asked in surprise when he saw the village head.

"Yes, the old man is here for a cup of tea!" The uncle stood up and gave the old man a cup of tea.

Afterwards, Grandpa Liu knew that the village needed to build roads and still lacked [-] to [-] yuan in funds, so he immediately said straightforwardly, "I will cover the remaining [-] to [-] yuan."

"Ah! Thank you so much." The uncle said excitedly.

"Hehe, am I not also a member of the village now? I should also make some contributions to my village." The old man waved his hand. Their family has hundreds of millions of dollars, and [-] to [-] yuan is just a drop in the bucket.

Then the uncle left very happily. He went to Zhang Feng's house with the idea of ​​giving it a try, but he never thought that there would be such a big harvest. He actually raised 5 yuan of funds. Now the funds for road construction in the village are finally With all the pieces together, the road construction plan will start soon.

"Xiaofeng lend me your big pair of scissors, and I'll trim the flowers and plants in the yard."

"Old man, do you want me to help you?" Zhang Feng quickly took the scissors from the window sill and asked the old man.

"No, I'll just trim the morning glory." The old man waved his hand with the scissors. Trimming the morning glory is very simple without any effort.

Seeing the morning glory in the courtyard of Zhang Feng's house, it was very beautiful like a painting hanging on the wall, so the old man also planned to trim the wall of his own courtyard to make the small courtyard more tidy and beautiful.

After seeing off the old man, Zhang Feng also walked out of the house. His mother was setting up a stall at the door. After talking to his mother, Zhang Feng took a leisurely walk along the lake.


Zhang Feng walked in curiously, and soon drove to a few monkeys, only to see Mao Ya sitting on the ground crying very sad, his brother Da Mao looked at him a little bit at a loss.

"What's wrong? Why is Maoya crying?" Zhang Feng hurried over and asked.

"It's all ducklings, he used cow lice to still put them on my sister's hair!" Da Mao complained to Zhang Feng angrily, it turned out that the ducklings were to blame again.

"You were the ones who threw it on my head first! You were the ones who threw it first!" The duckling also immediately countered.

As soon as Zhang Feng heard it, he immediately understood what had happened. It turned out that these guys were playing a war game, but the weapon was only cow lice, which is what we often call cocklebur.

This kind of little thing is like a lice on a cow, but it has thorns all over its body. Once it sticks to the hair, it is not easy to take it off. Boys' short hair is fine, but girls' long hair is stuck. It is very difficult to get it off, but it is very easy. Pull the hair together.

Zhang Feng saw that Maoya's head was densely covered with cockleburs, he smiled wryly and shook his head, with so many cockleburs on his head, no wonder the little girl cried so sadly.

"You guys, why don't you hurry up and help Mao Ya get the cocklebur off." Zhang Feng scolded the ducklings with a straight face, especially the monkey, the duckling, who is too naughty and does some pranks every day play tricks on others.

"Woooo! I don't it, they make hurt so much..." the little girl said while crying.

"Then I'll help you with it. Don't worry, as long as you don't pull your hair, it won't hurt." Zhang Feng shook his head, and had no choice but to go into battle himself, helping Maoya remove the cow lice from her head one by one. .

After a while, other little guys also came over to help, and it took about ten minutes for everyone to clean up all the cow lice on the hairy girl.

But at this time, Mao Ya has completely become a little girl, her hair is disheveled, like a wild girl who hasn't combed her hair for a few days.

"Okay, it's finally cleaned up." Zhang Feng stood up and said with a sigh of relief.

"Okay, it's finally okay!" The little guys were also very happy, jumping and jumping up and down as if they had completed a major task, looking very happy, especially the culprit duckling, who was even more happy in his heart, so he would be happy when he returned home. won't be beaten.

Mao Ya also stopped crying, and soon became one with her friends, with a smile on her face again.

After bidding farewell to the little ones, Zhang Feng continued along the path by the lake, admiring the scenery by the lake while taking a walk, and arrived at the field at the entrance of the village before he knew it.

Seeing the snails floating in the ditch, Zhang Feng also missed the deliciousness of the snails, so he picked two big lotus leaves and prepared to put the snails in them. In ancient times, when there were no plastic bags, people often used them The lotus leaf is used to wrap things, so the lotus leaf rice and rice cakes we often eat have been handed down in this way.

There are quite a lot of snails in the ditch. Zhang Feng just searched along the ditch for 30 meters, and the snails he caught were filled with two lotus leaves, which weighed about a catty and a half.

So Zhang Feng took the snails and went back home. When he got home, Zhang Feng put the snails in a bucket, and then put some water and sesame oil. It is estimated that the snails would be able to spit out the sand in their stomachs in two days.

"Brother, the next door village is selling beef, do you want to buy two catties?" As soon as the snails were processed, cousin Zhang Yi ran in.

"Why, another cow fell to death in the next village?" It is more common to fall to death in the mountains. Generally, beef is sold only when the cow falls to death, and the price is very cheap at this time.

"Yes, I heard that it fell from the top of the eagle. It's a pity that a cow weighing seven or eight hundred catties just disappeared like this!" My cousin lamented that when such a cow is alive, it can be sold for at least 1 More than [-], but now it is estimated that it can sell for five or six thousand, which is not bad.

"Okay, let's go and buy some. It's been a long time since I've eaten beef." Zhang Feng nodded. Usually, at this time, the villagers in the nearby towns and villages would rush over to help buy some, so as to reduce the loss of the cattle owner.

On the way, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng also met many villagers. Everyone was rushing to the Sanjiazhai next door, most likely to buy beef.

"Hey! Xiaofeng, you're here too."

"Little Seventh Uncle, you are so unkind, you don't even call us when you come." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, how did I know that you, a big local tyrant, would also eat dead beef. This is what we poor people eat well." Little Seventh Uncle countered with a smile.

Zhang Feng smiled helplessly, and began to inquire about specific information, and finally found out that today's beef only costs 15 yuan a catty, which is still authentic yellow beef.
Since the cow didn't die of illness, it was more reassuring to eat, so Zhang Feng bought [-] catties at once. If he couldn't finish it, he could put it in the refrigerator, so that the family wouldn't have to buy beef for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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