small farmer

Chapter 138 Buying a Car

Chapter 138 Buying a Car
Zhang Feng is full of confidence in the future of the company,

Because he has the super weapon of the system mall, Zhang Feng plans to purchase several pesticide production technologies from the system, so that the company's products will be more abundant in the future.

An old classmate Xu Yang’s hometown is also in Guizhou Province. He and Zhang Feng were classmates and roommates in undergraduate studies. Later, he was admitted to the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences as a graduate student. After graduating from the master’s degree last semester, he was successfully admitted to the doctorate. He is a typical academic bully .

Three days later, Xu Yang came to Qingshan, and discussed with Zhang Feng the specific matters of preparing to establish the company. In the end, both of them decided to open the company in the development zone of Qingshan County, where the land price is cheap, only tens of thousands of yuan per mu, and there are many policies offers on

In the next few days, Mr. Xu Yang, the general manager of 'Fengyang Technology', was busy registering the company, ordering machines for producing medicines, and then went to the development zone for on-the-spot inspections, selected the location to prepare for the construction of the delivery room, recruited technicians and trained employees, etc.

"Crazy, you damn capitalist, I'm exhausted all day long, as tired as a dog, but you're fine, you eat and sleep every day, you're too smart to live, I don't care if you hurry up Come here and help, or I won’t do it anymore.” Seeing the pictures of eating and drinking that Zhang Feng posted to the group every day, Xu Yang completely lost his temper, and angrily protested to Zhang Feng, the hands-off shopkeeper.

"We are Saorui! We are Saorui! It's all my fault, I'll go over to help tomorrow..." Seeing that his old classmate was going to pick someone up, Zhang Feng immediately apologized and promised to help tomorrow, which eased Xu Yang's anger.

"Okay, if you dare not come tomorrow, kid, I won't kill you at home!" Xu Yang put down his harsh words and hung up the phone.

Zhang Feng smiled wryly, it was all caused by random postings on Moments, he must be careful in the future, don't let people know that he is too busy, and pretend to be very busy.

In the next few days, Zhang Feng and Xu Yang ran around together, recruited a few more employees to help, and the company gradually got on the right track. A week later, the company was finally registered successfully, and all the procedures were completed. Thanks to the high efficiency of the development zone, otherwise I don't know how long it will take.


The busy days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, June 23rd was the day when the younger sister took the high school entrance examination. The family members were secretly praying in their hearts, hoping that Zhang Yue's high school entrance examination would go well.

On the 24th, Zhang Lin's college entrance examination results will be released. She has been in a daze for the past two days, looking forward to and feeling a little nervous about the upcoming announcement of the college entrance examination results.

At noon on the 24th, it was finally time to check the results of the college entrance examination. The whole family gathered in front of the computer nervously. Zhang Lin tapped on the keyboard with trembling fingers, and carefully entered the admission ticket number to check her college entrance examination results.

"125 points in Chinese, 113 points in mathematics, 132 points in English, 245 points in comprehensive literature, and a total score of 615."

"Huhu..." Seeing the score, Zhang Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone's frowning brows also loosened.

"That's right. I got 615 points in the test. Let's see what the ranking is in the province." Zhang Feng is also very happy, but the college entrance examination is compared with other candidates, so only those who rank high can enter a good school.


"The ranking is good. With this score, it should be no problem to apply for C University and CHONG University. For the rest, such as Jingcheng Normal University, H East Normal University, and Zhongn University, you can also apply for it."

According to Zhang Feng's younger sister's grades, the number of students enrolled in these schools, and referring to the admission scores of previous years, Zhang Feng feels that these universities are very sure, especially Zhong N University, although it is also 985, it is relatively weaker. With my sister's grades, it shouldn't be a problem to use it to guarantee the bottom line.

"Hmm!" Zhang Lin didn't say much, just nodded.

"These are just suggestions. In the end, it depends on where you want to go." Zhang Feng said afterwards.

"I think CHONG is very good, and I will apply for the remaining ones." Zhang Lin finally expressed her thoughts. Anyway, I can apply for five volunteers. It's about six hundred percent.

CHONGQING has developed very well in recent years and has become the largest financial center in the western region, and also one of the largest cities in the western region, comparable to Chengdu.

Hearing that Zhang Lin is going to apply for this university, everyone is quite satisfied. It is only a few hundred kilometers away from home, and it only takes seven or eight hours by bus, so it is very convenient to go home.

In the afternoon, when I got a notice from the school and learned that my sister had passed the No.3 exam in the county, everyone was very happy. In the evening, Zhang Feng and his eldest sister cooked a big table of delicious dishes, and called the second uncle and Erniu uncle's family. Let's celebrate together for my sister's good grades in the exam.

Early the next morning, Zhang Feng took Zhang Lin and his cousin Zhang Yi to the county seat on a three-wheeler. Today, his sister had to fill out a voluntary application, so Zhang Feng went to the county seat to buy a car. I took my cousin with me.

When I came to the school, I found my sister's class. There were already many classmates and parents in it. Everyone was holding the enrollment plan and the instructions for filling in the volunteer report, ready to fill in the volunteer report.

You must be very careful when filling in the volunteer form, and you must not fill in any wrong items. It is also best not to let others know the content of your own fill-in report, especially if you change your password, even teachers and relatives cannot tell it. Every year, problems arise due to password leaks. There are a lot of candidates, and you must not have the heart of harming others, and you must not have the heart of guarding against others. You must keep your own passwords.

After being busy for about an hour, the three checked carefully several times before Zhang Lin clicked OK and filled out her volunteer application.

"Yangzi, where are you now?" After walking out of the school, Zhang Feng called Xu Yang, intending to let Xu Yang come over and provide a car for the company.

"In the office, what's the matter with you kid?"

"That's why our company doesn't have a car? Hurry up and let's buy one." Zhang Feng explained.

"Okay! I'll come right over..." Xu Yang took the driver's license test when he was in college, and wanted to buy a car for a long time. Now he finally got the chance, so he hurried to the gate of No. [-] Middle School to meet everyone.

"Crazy, what kind of car are you going to buy?" Xu Yang asked excitedly.

"Let's buy an SUV. I checked on the Internet. There is a Great Wall Haval that is pretty good. The naked car costs about 15 yuan, and the other costs are only [-] to [-] yuan." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Well, I know that car is good value for money. The company might as well buy a Great Wall Haval." Xu Yang said expectantly. Now that the company's start-ups can't afford a good car at all, it is already very good to have a 10,000+ transportation.

"Okay, but this money is considered as a loan to the company!" The brothers settled the accounts clearly, so they had to make it clear in advance.

"No problem, I will pay you back when the company has money." Xu Yang readily agreed. There are products.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng drove a three-wheeler and drove towards the only 4S store in the county with a few people.

 Ask for subscription on the shelves, I hope everyone can support the original version, high-end subscriptions don’t even have [-], please don’t use free coins, you don’t have any money for subscriptions like this, how can you still have the mood to write a book, book friends who have conditions can help subscribe , I really hope that everyone can support the genuine version.

(End of this chapter)

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