small farmer

Chapter 140 The king called me to patrol the mountain

Chapter 140 The king called me to patrol the mountain

"Crazy brother, what are you doing?" Just then a group of monkeys came up the mountain.

"Sister Yiyi has sand in her eyes, I'll blow them out for her." Hearing the voices of the monkeys, Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi were startled and hurriedly separated.Children are very easy to deceive, and they were easily fooled by Zhang Feng.

"Why did you come up the mountain?"

"We're here to pick wild mountain bubbles..."

"That's right, there are the most wild mountain bubbles here..." several children said in a hurry.

"Madman, let's go down!" Liu Yiyi's face turned red after being discovered by so many children.

"Okay, let's go down and eat the corn." The two of them were interrupted by the monkeys, and they couldn't stay here any longer, so Zhang Feng took Liu Yiyi down the mountain and returned to the corn field.

"Yiyi, sit down first, I'll go over there and pick up some dry firewood."

"No, I'm going too..."

"Let's go there together." Then Zhang Feng took Liu Yiyi and walked towards the big rock nearby. Zhang Feng remembered that his mother often put the cut branches there.

Walking over and looking, there are indeed many dry branches on the big rocks. These are the branches of the miscellaneous trees that have been cut down on the edge of the corn field.

In order not to let the miscellaneous trees on the edge of the field cover the sunlight of the crops, every winter, Zhang Mu Wang Guilan will cut down these miscellaneous trees, and the cut branches are piled here.

The two cooperated with each other, Zhang Feng climbed onto the stone, handed down the branch, and Liu Yiyi placed it below.

"Ah! Mouse! Mouse!" Suddenly Zhang Feng heard Liu Yiyi's terrified scream.

Zhang Feng turned his head quickly and saw a little squirrel disappearing into the cornfield with a whoosh.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! That's a squirrel, not a mouse." Zhang Feng immediately jumped down, stroking Yiyi's back and comforting him.

"Really?" Liu Yiyi still looked undecided.

"Of course, you can see that there is a pine forest over there. The squirrel probably lived in it just now." Zhang Feng said with a light smile,
"Look, that squirrel climbed up that pine tree just now." The naughty squirrel just now was standing on the tall tree trunk, looking at Zhang Feng and the two vigilantly.

"Ah! It's really a squirrel!" Liu Yiyi saw that the squirrel on the tree was finally no longer afraid. Seeing the squirrel's cute appearance, her eyes lit up.

Girls lose their immunity when they see small furry animals. Although squirrels are cute, many people in the city treat them as pets, but despite their small size, squirrels are extremely fast and jumping. It's almost impossible to catch.

Although Zhang Feng has lived in the village for more than 20 years, he has never heard of anyone catching squirrels. They are very timid. As long as someone approaches or there is a slight disturbance, they will run away immediately and climb to tall trees.From here, we can know how alert the squirrel is.

Then the two carried the firewood to the open space beside the ground. Zhang Feng picked up two stones and simply propped them up so that the bottom of the firewood could fully contact with the air and burn more vigorously.

Zhang Feng took out the lighter and lit the branches with a handful of dry thatch. Soon the firewood became more and more prosperous. Zhang Feng immediately added a few big branches. It is best to use charcoal after burning firewood to roast corn. Corn doesn't have a smoky taste.

Let the firewood continue to burn, Zhang Feng took the opportunity to break two bags of waxy corn in the corn field, peel off the outer corn husk, and then use a small branch to string the corn so that it can be roasted by the fire.

Zhang Feng didn't know that the moment he caught fire, he attracted the attention of the monkeys on the mountain. These children are all ghosts and spirits. As soon as they saw the fireworks, they knew that someone might be grilling something, so they rushed down the mountain one after another. come running.

"Crazy brother! Crazy brother Yiyi, you are roasting corn..." The duckling swallowed, then ran to the fire and asked Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi.

"Why do you want to eat!"


"Hehe, you can eat if you want, but everyone has to perform a show first." Zhang Feng teased the monkeys.

"Oh! What should I do if I don't know how to perform?" The duckling became anxious when he heard the madman's request.

"Haha, little duck, don't you know how to sing 'duck song'!" Little Stone suggested with a smile.

"That's right, madman, can I sing a 'duck song'?" The little duck's eyes lit up, he often sings the duck song, it couldn't be simpler.

"Okay, listen to the song..." Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

"I am a little duck, babbling?... I am a little duck, babbling?" The little duck sang loudly.

"Hahaha, madman, you are really bad, but the duckling is really too cute." Seeing the duckling's serious performance, Liu Yiyi almost laughed out loud.

"Ahem!!" Zhang Feng almost couldn't help laughing, calmed down and continued, "Even if the little duck passed, who's next?"

"Let me do it, Brother Crazy, can I do a handstand?" Da Mao was the second to stand up.


Afterwards, five or six children performed their special performances, and Zhang Feng did not break his promise. One of them broke a piece of corn for them and asked them to roast by the fire.

In order to eat, the little kids became extremely quiet, staring intently at the corn in their hands, and suddenly the only sound left in the fire was the crackling and crackling of the corn.

A strong fragrance of corn wafted in the air, and soon Zhang Feng and his wife's corn was roasted. They distributed the roasted corn to the children and continued to roast the unroasted corn.

The taste of fresh corn is extremely sweet, and there is a special burnt smell, but this food should not be eaten too much, especially for children whose digestive system is not fully developed, it is easy to cause stomach bloating and indigestion.

"Brother Crazy, shall we roast another one?" The duckling looked a little unsatisfied after eating a corn.

"Hehe, that's not okay. If you eat too much corn, your stomach will hurt."

"Oh! Crazy brother let us eat another one!"

"Yeah, we'll just eat one..." the little kids said in a hurry.

"Okay, keep your stomachs for later and we will bake sweet potatoes!" Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that children are equally greedy.

"Ah! Roasted sweet potatoes are my favorite..."

"Crazy brother, you are so kind..." The little kids couldn't help cheering.

"You guys stay here with Sister Yiyi, I went over there to dig sweet potatoes, Yiyi, watch them."

"Don't worry, I will watch them," Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

"Understood, madman!" The little guys replied in unison.

Zhang Feng took the sickle and walked towards the sweet potato field. When he came to the sweet potato field, he peeled off the sweet potato leaves on the ground, found the sweet potato root, and then dug down with the sickle. In this way for about five or six minutes, Zhang Feng dug seven or eight. , each about the size of a child's fist, such sweet potatoes are easier to bake.

With seven or eight sweet potatoes in his arms, Zhang Feng walked towards the fire. As he walked, he heard the singing of the leather monkeys, and the singing became clearer and clearer.

'The sun winks at me' 'The sun winks at me',
"The birds sing to me", "The birds sing to me" Liu Yiyi sang a line and the children sang along. It turned out that she was teaching the little kids to sing "The King Called Me to Patrol the Mountain".

'I'm a hard-working, clingy goblin;
Don't ask me where I come from, and don't ask me where I'm going, I want to pick the most beautiful flowers and present them to my little princess;

The king asked me to patrol the mountains, and I will turn around the world, beat my drums, and beat my gongs...'

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing when he thought of the little kids singing this song all over the mountain.

"You lunatic brother is back, hurry up and sing to him the song I taught just now!"

"Okay, okay!" Almost all the children saw Journey to the West, and found this song very interesting and full of magic.

"The sun winked at me, the birds sang to me, and everyone sang together..." Liu Yiyi raised her head, and the children immediately began to babble.

Suddenly, a child's childish and lovely voice sounded from the edge of the cornfield.

At the same time, Liu Yiyi quietly recorded their singing, and then sent it to Moments, and even gave it a title - "A Group of Little Fairies Patroling the Mountains"

Later, this news caused a huge sensation in the circle of friends. Although Xiaoyazi Damao and the others did not sing well, each of their expressions were very cute. Coupled with the unique magic of this song, everyone exclaimed This is really the strongest children's day group. People who have never been to Moon Lake keep asking Liu Yiyi, where did they find these children, they are so cute.

"Isn't this Little Duck and Da Mao? I didn't expect them to be so cute!" People who have been to Moon Lake couldn't help exclaiming.

"Who are Little Duck and He Da Mao?" The people who didn't know the truth asked curiously.

"They're all from Moon Lake, they're the kids from Madman's village..."

"Oh! It's so cute, it's a pity that I didn't go with everyone last time, and now I regret it..."

"Yiyi, these children are so cute, why don't you ask them to rehearse the dance, if it is accompanied by a dance, it will be more perfect......"

"It is a strong request to accompany the children to dance..."


The two of them didn't know what happened in the group. At this moment, they were leading the kids to roast sweet potatoes by the fire. After about ten minutes, the sweet potatoes buried in the fire pit gave off a thick smell. fragrance.

"Crazy brother, can you eat it?" The little ones swallowed their saliva and asked expectantly.

"Not yet, do you have to wait a little longer?" Zhang Feng smiled slightly.

"How long will we have to wait?" the little ones asked impatiently.

"Hurry up, one or two more minutes."

"How long is that one or two minutes?" The little ones broke the casserole and asked in the end.

Zhang Feng: …………………

"Hehe, one or two minutes, as long as everyone counts slowly, it's almost enough to count from 2 to 1." Liu Yiyi suddenly felt that these children were super cute.

"Oh! We got it"

"1, 2, 3, 5, 8..." In the beginning, one, two, three was okay, but after that, there were all kinds of numbers.

"Haha... Crazy kids are fun!" Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi couldn't help laughing when they heard the ducklings counting them.

 Thanks to the book friend 'He Wei Ai' for the reward, the new book is on the shelves, I hope everyone will support the original version, thank you Renmao very much.

(End of this chapter)

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