small farmer

Chapter 147

Chapter 147
smoked a cigarette
rested for a while,

Everyone began to dismantle the barbed wire fence on the road, so that it would be convenient for the villagers to enter the mountain after dawn.

"Okay, Xiaofeng Erniu, you guys lift up the wild boar, let's go back." Paishan Master put away the lower set of wire, and said to several juniors.

"Well, I'll leave the wild boar to us..." Uncle Er Niu said a little excitedly, and the others were also very happy. They didn't expect such a big harvest on the first day of patrolling.

"Erniu, don't be too busy." The uncle stopped the excited Erniu uncle, and then asked everyone: "What do you think should be done with this wild boar? Do you sell it directly, or kill it for meat?"

"Of course it is sold. This wild boar is old and thick, and has a strong fishy smell. What are you doing keeping it?" Master Pa Shan shook his head quickly, he was not interested in wild boars.

"Yeah, let's just sell it. This wild boar meat is not as good as domestic pig meat." The second uncle also nodded in agreement.

Others also agreed to sell the wild boar. The sale of the wild boar last time made everyone a small fortune. Everyone seemed to have tasted the sweetness, so they all decided to sell the wild boar and buy whatever they wanted after the money was allocated. Not better.

"Well, since everyone agrees to sell it, then Xiaofeng, you can call Boss Niu and see if he wants it?" The uncle saw that everyone had reached an agreement, and said to Zhang Feng with a smile.

Zhang Feng nodded and immediately dialed Fatty Niu's phone number. When the other party heard that Zhang Feng and others had caught another wild boar, and it was still alive, he was very excited, and immediately said that he would buy it, and the gross weight was still 25 yuan per catty. high-priced purchases.

"How about Xiao Feng?" After hanging up the phone, everyone looked at Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Okay, Brother Niu is going to send someone over to take it away right away. The gross weight is 25 yuan per catty." Zhang Feng smiled and said.

"What?" Everyone asked in disbelief: "The gross weight can be sold so expensive?"

"What's the matter? Wild pork is in the restaurant, and a plate of half a catty costs hundreds of yuan." Zhang Feng shook his head, knowing that the consumption in Niu Fatty's restaurant is not low.

"Hehe, that's of course, others will definitely make money when they buy it back!" Paoshan Master will see it at that time, hehe smiled knowing that this is how business is like buying low and selling high, and it is someone else's ability to make money.

Knowing that this wild boar has sold for such a high price, everyone is very happy. This wild boar has a gross weight of about 25 catties, and it is 7000 yuan per catty, so it can be sold for more than 1000 yuan. There are seven people here. More than [-] yuan was allocated. If I went to work as a construction worker in the city, I would have to work for at least seven or eight days, and I would have to work hard.

After walking about [-] meters, we soon came to the intersection of Laishan Mountain.

"Fuck me, where are you going? Do you want to exercise to carry the wild boar back?"

"What if we don't carry it back?" Before Er Gouzi could react, the mountain road ahead had already been repaired.

"Haha..." At this moment, Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi also realized that they were amused.

Then everyone lifted the wild boar onto Uncle Er Niu's three wheels, and the others sat on the three wheels of Uncle Er Niu's house. The two electric cars drove slowly towards the village one after the other.

"Ah! Wild boar... Wild boar... What a big wild boar..."

"Where is the wild boar? Where is the wild boar..." As soon as everyone pulled the wild boar out of the mountain, they were seen by sharp-eyed monkeys. Applause is not lively.

"What a big boar!"

"I haven't seen anything in years..."

"These people are really good at catching such a big wild boar." The tourists by the lake also talked a lot, curiously following behind the car to watch the fun.


Aww~ Aww~~
"Hey! Little brother, your wild boar is still alive..." Seeing Zhang Feng and others unloading the truck, the wild boar screamed, and the people watching the excitement were startled, and they all backed away. Far.

"Hehe, what do you think..." Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

Everyone saw that the wild boar was still howling with a big mouth, and the long fangs looked a little creepy, and they didn't dare to get too close. The little brats had to be more daring, especially the little ducks. The branch poked and saw that the wild boar didn't respond, and kicked it even harder.

"You little guys, hurry up and stay away, the wild boar will break free from the rope later, and won't bite off your little dick..." Zhang Feng threatened the little duck and the others.

"The lunatic is lying, the wild boars are all tied up, how can they break free..." The little kids are smart, and they are not easy to fool at all, but they still carefully protect their little birds with their hands, just in case .

Seeing the little duck's movements, Zhang Feng smiled triumphantly.


"You guys, are you going to kill the wild boar for meat or something??" At this moment, the onlookers asked a little excitedly, hoping to buy some wild boar.

"I'm sorry everyone, we have already sold this wild boar, and we will take it away when the boss comes..." Zhang Feng said with a smile and apologetic.

"Brother, if you sell it like this, you will definitely not be able to sell it at a high price. Why don't you sell it for thirty yuan a catty..."

"Yes, brother, as long as you kill this wild boar, I will buy ten catties by myself, and I will never regret it..."

"Yeah, I'll buy five catties too..."

"I'll buy three catties..."

The yard of the village head's house was almost crowded with tourists who came to watch the excitement, and everyone expressed their willingness to buy it. Unfortunately, Zhang Feng and others have already decided to sell the whole head.

"I'm very sorry everyone, we have agreed to sell this wild boar to someone else, I'm really sorry..." At this moment, the second uncle stood up and cupped his hands to everyone.

"Oh, that's such a pity..."

The tourists saw that the situation was already like this, so they didn't insist anymore, and some people left disappointed, but there were still many people standing in the yard to watch the excitement, and everyone made a fuss with their mobile phones to take pictures, and even if they couldn't eat wild pork, they had to take a good look.

Tourists who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement posted the pictures they took to their circle of friends, and some people who couldn't eat grapes and said that grapes were sour even @police, hoping to see Zhang Feng and others unlucky.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng and others can only hehe if they know!In order to protect the crops, the village has obtained a hunting license, so it is not afraid of people to investigate.

Sure enough, when the police station saw that the location was in Moon Lake Village, they immediately knew what was going on, and they didn't go that wrong way at all, because they issued the hunting license two days ago, but in order to clear up the misunderstanding, everyone would not think that the police Inaction, the police station issued a statement on the bib and WeChat, specifically explaining, and posted pictures of crops damaged by wild boars in Moon Lake Village on the Internet to let everyone know the fairness of police law enforcement.

About half an hour later, Xiao Wang finally came to the village in a pickup truck. Everyone moved the wild boar to the scale and weighed it. As everyone expected, it weighed exactly [-] catties.

Then everyone helped move the wild boar to the truck, and Xiao Wang immediately settled the bill for everyone. There are 75 chapters in total of the glowing red Grandpa Mao,
When the other villagers saw so much money, they were envious immediately. Everyone thought that patrolling the mountains at night was a hard job, but they didn't expect to have such a harvest.

The village elder took the money and counted it in front of everyone, and his face was undoubtedly smug. Two days ago, in order to get together the mountain patrol personnel, he had to go to every household to recruit young men. Everyone was still not happy, but now finally Reflecting his wisdom and prowess, patrolling mountains is not only no longer a drudgery, but if you are lucky, you can even make a small fortune.

So many villagers are thinking, talk to the village head later, let the village head arrange them into the mountain patrol team, if they are lucky enough to meet a wild boar...

Two blooms, one for each

No matter what the other villagers think, after Xiao Wang left, everyone got into the uncle's house and started to divide the money. Each person shared 1000 yuan, and Pao Shanye gave an extra 500 yuan, because the method of setting traps was taught by Pao Shanye , so everyone has no opinion, this is a windfall, and everyone is very surprised to get so much.

Sure enough, after the incident, many villagers approached the village head one after another and asked to join the mountain patrol team. The village head was also very happy, and there were more than 30 people at the last count. This solved the problem of insufficient manpower for the mountain patrol team.

Due to the flood of wild boars in the mountains, all the mountain patrol teams had almost harvested in the next few days. The morale of the Yu mountain patrol team members rose sharply, and the people behind were gearing up, hoping that their time to patrol the mountains would come sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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