small farmer

Chapter 153 Pistachio Jiajia

Chapter 153 Pistachio Jiajia (for subscription)

"Beep beep..."

the next morning
Zhang Feng's phone rang suddenly, "Hey! It's Brother Yang, why do you have time to call me today?"

"Hehe, our little girl is clamoring to go to your house to play every weekend. Why don't you call first and ask if there is any room?" Yang Guang really has a headache for the little princess at home. If she is not allowed to come Playing in Moon Lake for a day or two, it is estimated that the family will be turned upside down by her.

"The rooms are all vacant. The family doesn't plan to receive any more guests recently, but there must be space for you to come." Zhang Feng said with a smile, and he also loved that little girl Jiajia very much.

"Really? That's really troublesome for you." Yang Guang has lived in Zhang Feng's house several times, and he also knows that his house is actually a proper local tyrant, and there is no shortage of 200 yuan for accommodation and meals for the guests that day, so Hearing that Zhang Feng was willing to receive his family, he was very happy and grateful at the same time.

"No trouble, no trouble at all, by the way, Brother Yang, when do you want to come over?" Zhang Feng shook his head and said with a smile.

"We're leaving right away, and we should be there in about ten minutes."

"Okay! You can just come home when you arrive." Then the two hung up the phone.


"Whose phone is brother?" the little girl asked as she came over with a glass of watermelon juice.

"It's Jiajia and the others."

The little girl was very happy when she heard that it was the cute little girl, and hurried into the house to prepare delicious fruits for Jiajia, waiting for Jiajia's arrival.


"Crazy uncle, here we come!"

"Jiajia is here? By the way, where are your parents?" Zhang Feng was sitting at the stone table reading a book, when the little girl ran in excitedly.

"Hee hee, they walked so slowly, Jia Jia ran over first by herself." The little girl grabbed Zhang Feng's arm and arrived with a smile.

"Hehe, Jiajia runs really fast, but next time she must be with her parents, otherwise she will be taken away by the bad guys, and she will never see her parents again, you know?" Zhang Feng scratched Jiajia's nose , smiled and educated the little girl.

"Understood, Jiajia will definitely be with Mom and Dad next time." The little girl tilted her head and thought about what to do if she was captured by the bad guys, so she nodded and agreed.

"Jiajia is here, come here, sister, I'll give you something delicious." Xiaoyue ran out immediately when she heard Jiajia's voice, and waved to Jiajia.

"Sister Xiaoyue, you're so kind!" The little girl is another greedy cat, as soon as she heard that there was something delicious, she jumped and followed Xiaoyue into the house.


About 2 minutes later, Yang Guang ran in panting and asked. "Xiaofeng, Jiajia is here!"

"Here you are in the house now."

"Oh, this little girl ran as soon as she got out of the car, and almost exhausted me to death." Yang Guang panted heavily and was sweating profusely.

"Brother Yang, come sit down and rest for a while,"

"Well, Xiaofeng, these are ham sausages made by your sister-in-law. They taste good and I'll give you some to try." Yang Guang put the gift package on the stone table, then sat down and said.

"Thank you, Brother Yang, you are really polite..." Zhang Feng offered Yang Guang a cup of tea, and said with a smile without refusing.


The little girl Jiajia misses the little animals in Zhang Feng's family the most, big black and little black, beautiful little meow, and even a little starling who can sing.
So the little girl went into the house, drank a glass of juice, ate two pieces of fruit, and ran out in a hurry. When the animals in the house saw the little devil coming, they ran away like a mouse seeing a cat.

Ever since, there was another burst of chickens and dogs jumping around in the yard, very lively.Having a child in the family is like having a pistachio, and there is a lot of laughter in the yard.

"Little Hei, don't run, stop for me...don't run...if you run again, I'll ignore you." The little girl said angrily, but couldn't catch Da Hei and Xiao Hei after chasing for a long time.

"Woooo..." Xiao Hei turned around and yelled, as if to say who wants to play with you, we are happier if you ignore us, and then continued to run to the backyard with all four limbs.

The little girl, pouting her mouth and gnashing her teeth, continued desperately chasing, and Xiao Hei continued desperately fleeing, this chase and escape was so lively, the adults watched with joy.

"Jia Jia quickly come back to me, look at your newly bought shoes, how dirty are they now?" Looking at her daughter's white shoes covered with yellow mud, Jia Jia's mother looked distressed, this But the new shoes I just bought cost more than 1000 yuan, and adults are reluctant to wear them, but this girl doesn't know how to cherish them.

"Mom, I'll come when I catch Xiao Hei." The little girl turned her head and said, and continued to chase Xiao Hei, her hair was messed up, and she was sweating profusely as she ran.

"Hee hee, Jia Jia, come here, sister will teach you how to play with Xiao Hei..." At this time Xiao Yue waved to Jia Jia.

"Really?" Jiajia stopped, and walked back curiously.

In the end, I don't know what the two said, Jiajia happily followed Xiaoyue into the room, and after a while, they saw the two coming out with two pieces of crispy fish.Then everyone suddenly realized that the two of them were planning to tempt Xiao Hei and the others with delicious food.

Zhang Feng smiled, and I have to say that this method is very good. The small animals at home are also the most greedy like children. Of course, they also have principles. They only eat food given by family members or acquaintances. Soon after playing with Jiajia, the little girl stroked the heads of Dahei and Xiaohei in surprise, stroked their smooth hair, and showed a delighted smile on her face.

The greedy little ones didn't resist, and let Jiajia be petted and hugged, as if they had forgotten the little devil in front of them and the ravages they had been ravaged.

"Oh, stop, Xiao Hei!" I have to say that even Zhang Feng lost his sight. The puppy at home is really smart. Inattentive, whoosh!Just slip away.Angrily, Jiajia stomped her feet, but unfortunately she couldn't do anything with them.

Just as Jiajia was chasing wildly in the yard, Liu Yiyi walked in and was very surprised to see Jiajia, "Jiajia, you are here."

"Sister Yiyi..." As soon as the little girl saw Liu Yiyi, she immediately got down and ran towards Liu Yiyi in surprise.

"Sister-in-law is here"

"Yiyi is here"

Everyone greeted each other one after another. When Yang Guang and his wife learned about the relationship between Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi, they quickly congratulated and joked with them and invited everyone to a wedding.

Then everyone sat together, drank tea and enjoyed flowers, and talked about interesting things that happened recently, especially when everyone heard about the car accident that happened at the door yesterday, everyone exclaimed in amazement. I didn't expect that person to be so lucky. He broke the person but nothing happened, he was still lying on the water plants and sleeping soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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