small farmer

Chapter 155 Grilled Fish by the River

Chapter 155 Grilled Fish by the River (44)

The next day

There is no cloud in the sky, and the blue is like a blue gemstone. It is crystal clear and beautiful. It seems to be another sunny day.

"Brother Yang, how about we go to the river to grill fish later?" Xiao Wang, who got up in the morning and sent away the vegetables, poured a cup of bitter tea with Yang Guang and sat at the stone table, taking a sip of tea slowly , and then Zhang Feng suggested.

"Grilled fish? Wait, let me ask the two leaders of our family first. Now that I have the lowest status in the family, I have to ask the leaders for instructions first!" Yang Guang said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Pfft..." Zhang Feng almost spit out a mouthful of tea, thinking: Brother Yang is really a role model for loving his wife and children!
"Jia Jia, we'll go to the river to grill fish later, do you want to go?" Fortunately, Yang Guang turned around and didn't see Zhang Feng's embarrassment.

"Is Mom going? And Uncle Crazy, Elder Sister Yiyi, Elder Sister Xiaoyue?" The little girl had a happy face, and then counted with her fingers.

"Hehe, do you want to go? As long as you go, of course they will too!" Yang Guang replied with a smile.

"I'm going, the food made by Crazy Uncle is delicious!" The little greedy cat licked his lips and couldn't wait to arrive.

Everyone was very happy when they heard that they were going to grill fish by the river. They packed up their things, but there was nothing to take with them. Except for a few glasses, two bottles of water, and some fruits, there was nothing else.

"Crazy uncle, aren't we going to grill fish? Why don't you bring fish?" The little girl looked at the empty back basket and asked curiously, blinking her eyes.

"Hehe, you'll find out when you get to the river!" Zhang Feng replied in a tricky manner.

Seeing that the lunatic uncle didn't say anything, the little girl moved her mouth and still didn't ask any more questions, so she followed everyone to the river beach full of doubts.

"Uncle Crazy, I know here! I know here! This is where we caught crabs last time, isn't it?" The little girl said excitedly when she just came to the river beach, looking at the cobblestone-filled river beach.

"That's right, it's here, Jiajia has a really good memory!" Zhang Feng praised with a smile.

"Hee hee!" The little girl was very happy to be praised, her smile was like a flower.


"Brother Yang, can you be in charge of making two simple stoves?"

"Like last time?"

"Yes, that's all right!"

"That's no problem..." Yang Guang heaved a sigh of relief. After seeing the stove built by Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi last time, the method is very simple, just put together a few big stones.

"Xiaoyue, you go to the woods to pick up some dry branches and come back"

"Understood bro..."

After arranging everyone's work, Zhang Feng took a sharp hatchet and cut off a branch in the small woods by the river. After picking off the branch, he sharpened one end. This is the simplest fish The fork is done.

"Xiaofeng, just use this to fish." Yang Guang couldn't believe it, thinking that fishing with this thing was too much fun, how could there be such a miraculous fishing technique.

"Hehe, last time I hit the sap I was able to catch fish, and this time it will definitely work, don't worry, I will let everyone eat fish later!" Zhang Feng said with a smile, he also knows his fishing skills The method is different, and it is very difficult. If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely not work, but my current physical fitness is very strong. Although it is not guaranteed to stick fish with a stick, it should have a success rate of more than half.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Yang Guang remembered what happened last time. Thinking of Zhang Feng's superb sap-knocking skills, he admired Zhang Feng so much that he no longer doubted whether Zhang Feng could catch the fish today.

Zhang Feng came to the river with a harpoon, took off his shoes and stood barefoot patiently in the small river, carefully searching for the fish.

"Crazy uncle, do you use this to catch fish?" The little girl Jiajia followed curiously, standing by the river and asked curiously.

"Yes, be careful not to get into the water!" Then Zhang Feng put his finger to his mouth to signal the little girl not to speak.

The little girl quickly covered her mouth and stared at Zhang Feng curiously, wanting to see how he used the stick to catch fish. The little girl thought it was amazing.

The hard work paid off. After waiting for about two or three minutes, a carp about 3 centimeters in size swam towards Zhang Feng. The carp swam and swam uncomfortably. The fish maniac is waiting for him.

When the carp was within half a meter of Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng finally made a move. The harpoon in his hand was like lightning, and quickly plunged into the water.

"I got a fish, I got a fish! Uncle Crazy got a fish!!" The little girl was so excited that she cheered enthusiastically, as if she was as happy as she had caught a fish.

"Jia Jia quickly bring me the fish basket."

"Got it, Uncle Crazy!" The little girl jumped up and down like a little white rabbit, and helped Zhang Feng take the fish basket to the small river.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng could catch one every three to two minutes, and he planted more than ten small fish in about half an hour.

Zhang Feng went ashore, put on his shoes, carried the fish basket in one hand, and led the little girl in the other, and walked towards the edge of the grove.

"Xiaofeng caught so many?" Seeing that the fish basket in Zhang Feng's hand was full of fish, everyone was amazed.

"Hehe, today's harvest is good." Zhang Feng said with a smile, very happy in his heart.

"Brother, do you think we have collected enough firewood?"

"Enough, so much is definitely enough." Seeing a pile of firewood piled on the ground, Zhang Feng then removed the internal organs of the fish he caught, put them on the branches, lit the pine branches and put them on the earthen stove for barbecue.

As time passed, a strong smell of meat wafted around, and everyone couldn't help swallowing. The little greedy cat Jiajia squatted by the fire, staring straight at the delicious grilled fish. Everyone couldn't help being happy.

"Is Uncle Crazy getting better?"

"Hehe, not yet, there is another side that hasn't been grilled yet." Zhang Feng turned over the other side of the grilled fish, and then asked with a smile, "Why is Jiajia hungry?"

"Hee hee..." The little girl smiled shyly, her saliva almost dripping from her mouth.

"If you're hungry, eat a piece of fruit first. You can eat this fish only when it's cooked, or you'll get sick, you know!" Liu Yiyi smiled and took out a fragrant pear from the basket and handed it to the little girl.

"Thank you sister Yiyi!" Yang Guang reminded his daughter with a smile.

"Thank you sister Yiyi!!"

"Hehe, you're welcome! Our Jiajia is so polite!" Liu Yiyi touched Jiajia's little head and said with a smile.

About 10 minutes later, the first batch of grilled fish was finally finished. Although the grilled fish was dark and inconspicuous, the taste was very pure and authentic. Zhang Feng shared the fish with everyone, and then continued to grill the rest.

Everyone peeled off the scorched fish scales and skin, and looked at the steaming fish inside. The strong aroma was mouth-watering. The little girl had already opened her mouth, waiting for her mother to remove the fishbone and stuff the fish into her mouth. Extra sweet.

"Well, the grilled fish made by big brother is delicious." Zhang Yue is also a greedy cat, sitting by the fire and eating with relish.

Liu Yiyi and Zhang Lin eat very decently, unlike Zhang Yue who is a foodie and doesn't care about their own image, but it also looks cuter this way, as if they never grow up, just like the little girl Jiajia like that.

Although the grilled fish made by Zhang Feng does not use any condiments, the advantage is that the water quality of the Tapang River is good, and the quality of the fish is also good. In addition, the pine branches of the grilled fish are added, so the grilled fish is very fragrant, and there is a faint scent of rosin. The taste, don't have a taste.

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(End of this chapter)

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