small farmer

Chapter 159 Journey of Horror

Chapter 159 Journey of Horror (23)

It was uploaded in advance, and the typos were corrected after coming back.

Qinglong Mountain

Although the mountain is steep, the scenery is very beautiful.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the trees on the mountain seem to be covered with a layer of golden cassock, full of quiet Zen, which makes people feel extremely relaxed, as if they have integrated into this world and become a part of nature.

Quickly shuttling through the mountains and forests, Zhang Feng wanted to get out of the mountains before it was completely dark, because after the night fell, the mountain road was pitch black, and Zhang Feng's eyes were not good enough to be able to see at night. Walking on the mountain road would also be very troublesome, so Zhang Feng stepped lightly, and the distance was a few meters away. The rocks and trees were retreating rapidly. In about one or two minutes, Zhang Feng came to the middle of the mountain.

There is a beautiful sea of ​​flowers on the mountainside of Qinglong Mountain. Most of the wild flowers in the house come from here. Although the flower sea of ​​tens of square meters is not big, there are many kinds of wild flowers. Almost common wild flowers can be found here. ,
It is midsummer at this time, and colorful flowers are in full bloom in the sea of ​​flowers. The beautiful alfalfa is like a natural colorful carpet, covering the entire sea of ​​flowers. The green leaves and purple flowers are connected to form a beautiful landscape. screen;

There are also some yellow wild chrysanthemums, red amaryllis flowers, beautiful hyacinths, and even white and noble wild lilies dotted in the sea of ​​flowers. In addition, there are many unnamed wild flowers, which form a beautiful and natural landscape. of pictures.

it's getting dark
Zhang Feng glanced at the charming scenery, took a step and flew towards the foot of the mountain resolutely, the light in the mountain had dissipated.

Walking on the vague mountain road, the roadside is full of trees and weeds, and the chirping of birds that move at night, if you are timid, you may feel hairy all over your body;

Zhang Feng moved his ears, and faintly heard a slight moan coming from the forest not far away. Zhang Feng immediately stopped and listened carefully. Intermittent moans came from the woods not far away. .

Zhang Feng was shocked, how could there be someone here? ?

However, Yigao was bold, so Zhang Feng curiously followed the sound. After walking about ten meters, Zhang Feng suddenly saw a figure lying under a big tree, who seemed to have lost the ability to move.

Zhang Feng immediately turned on the light of the phone, looked through the light, hey!Isn't this the old medicine uncle in the village?How could he lie here covered in blood.

"Uncle Yao! Uncle Yao!" Zhang Feng anxiously shook his arm.

"En!" Hearing Zhang Feng's call, Old Yao Uncle slowly opened his eyes, and there was a gleam in his eyes after seeing Zhang Feng.

"Uncle Yao, are you finally awake?" Zhang Feng called excitedly.

"Yes... yes... Xiaofeng..." Old Yaoshu came intermittently.

"Old Yaoshu, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Feng quickly asked with concern, then slowly helped him up and leaned against the big tree, then quickly took out the water he brought, and gave Lao Yaoshu a sip .

"Hey! I went to the mountain to collect herbs today, but I met a bear just as I got to the front..." After taking a sip of water, the old Yao uncle finally became more energetic, and slowly told Zhang Feng about today's thrilling encounter.

It turned out that the old uncle Yao went to the mountain early this morning to pick some herbs. Over the years, as everyone's living conditions have improved, the number of medicinal herbs in the mountains has gradually increased, so the old uncle has harvested a lot. Decided to continue searching in this mountain forest.

Unexpectedly, the good times don't last long. Although I found a lot of valuable medicinal materials, I also found a black bear, no!To be precise, the black bear found him!
He didn't realize until the black bear was five or six meters away from him. Uncle Yao suddenly turned pale with fright, but he reacted quickly and ran away. Unfortunately, the speed of the black bear was not slow. Uncle Yao rolled down a [-]-meter drop in panic Although he was seriously injured, he finally got rid of the black bear because of a blessing in disguise.

After rolling down the hillside, he lay down and rested for a while, and then slowly climbed to the side of the big tree and lay down. Unfortunately, at this time, he had exhausted all his energy, and his serious injury prevented him from crawling a step.

Then Zhang Feng found his back basket under the guidance of Lao Yaoshu. The medicinal materials in the back basket had rolled down in the forest. Fortunately, his mobile phone was tied to the back basket, so Zhang Feng found Lao Yaoshu's house smoothly. phone call, and immediately notified Old Yao’s son, Brother Jue Ming.

"What? My dad fell down! Okay, okay, I'll be here right away!" After receiving Zhang Feng's call, Lao Yaoshu's family members rushed to the mountains immediately, accompanied by many villagers. All extremely worried.

Since he didn't know how old Yaoshu's injury was, whether he had hurt his bones or internal organs, Zhang Feng didn't dare to move casually, so he had to sit where he was and wait for everyone to arrive.

"Xiaofeng, don't worry...I'm fine...just...a little... dizzy!" Seemingly seeing that Zhang Feng was worried, the old uncle Yao comforted Zhang Feng with a painful smile, because he was a doctor himself. Although he is just a barefoot doctor, he is very aware of his physical condition.

"That's good, you take a rest first! Brother Jue Ming and the others are coming soon." Seeing that he was indeed more energetic, Zhang Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I sighed in my heart, I don't know whether it is good luck or bad luck for old Yao uncle, but anyway, it is good luck to be able to escape from the bear's mouth.

However, there are bears in this mountain, which is indeed worth noting. If the mountain people encounter it, it will be very dangerous, so Zhang Feng decided to tell his uncle after returning home, let everyone come to search the mountain, and it is best to drive the black bear away , rushed to the depths of the Qinglong Mountains.


About one or two ten minutes later, the rescue team from the village finally appeared in Zhang Feng's sight.

"We are here!!" Zhang Feng immediately stood up excitedly, shouting while shaking the light of the phone to guide everyone.

"I found it! I found it! Where are they!" The villagers finally found Zhang Feng and ran towards him quickly.

"Dad! Dad! Are you okay!" Brother Jue Ming anxiously squatted beside Old Yao Shu and shouted.

"I'm fine... just... a little... dizzy..."

Seeing that Uncle Yao was still speaking so clearly, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then they carefully moved Uncle Yao to the stretcher, and several strong men carried him to the village.

On the way back, when everyone learned of Lao Yao’s horrific experience, they were all shocked and exclaimed that it was too dangerous. Unexpectedly, after Lao Yao rolled down the hillside, he unexpectedly escaped the pursuit of the black bear.

Fortunately, he also met Zhang Feng, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, and everyone would be terrified after thinking about it.

"I didn't expect bears to appear on the outskirts of Qinglong Mountain!"

"Yeah, this is too dangerous, who will dare to enter the mountain in the future!"

Everyone shook their heads. You must know that everyone's mountains and forests are near here. What if you encounter a black bear when you enter the mountains? Not everyone can escape like Old Yao.

(End of this chapter)

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