small farmer

Chapter 161 Company Opening

Chapter 161 Company Opening (Subscribe)
Chapter 150 The opening of the company

"Good guy! This is an adult black bear!"

Master Paoshan saw the dead black bear carried by everyone from a distance, and couldn't help exclaiming!Such a big guy is rare even in the depths of Qinglong Mountain. I don't know how he ran out this time.

"Master Running Mountain! Have you ever encountered such a black bear while hunting?" asked the curious Zhang Laosan at this time.

"Of course I have encountered black bears, wild wolves, jackals, and pythons in the mountains. I have encountered all these ferocious animals!" Paoshan said with a lot of aftertaste.

"Really? Have you ever met a tiger?" Zhang Laosan continued to ask.

"Of course I've seen it! I've even seen someone beat a tiger with my own eyes!" Pao Shan said with a slight smile.

"Ah! Where did you see it?" Zhang Laosan was a little excited, wondering if there was a South China tiger that disappeared in Qinglong Mountain. If there was, it would be a great discovery that shocked the whole country!If he could find clues about the South China Tiger, then he would be rich and famous!
"In "Water Margin"!" Master Paoshan turned around and squeezed into the crowd without saying anything.

"Eh~~" Zhang Laosan was taken aback, and found out that he had been tricked a few seconds later, and was immediately annoyed, but when he thought that Paoshan Master was an elder, he couldn't get angry, so he had to stand alone by the roadside and sulk.

Even the serious running mountain master teases Zhang Laosan, so you can imagine his image in everyone's mind. He is usually sneaky, cheating, greedy for cheap things, and the market is short of money when shopping. There are even tourists who often I went to the village to complain that his small shop not only sold expired food, but also gave fake money to tourists, so the villagers didn't like him very much.

Master Paoshan shook his head, and walked towards the dead black bear surrounded by everyone. Unfortunately, the surrounding villagers were on the third floor and the other three floors, and they couldn't squeeze in for a long time.

Just at this moment, Zhang Feng came out, so Master Paoshan stopped, and wanted to wait for Zhang Feng to come out, and then ask about today's situation.

"Xiaofeng, where did you find the black bear?" As soon as Zhang Feng came out, you asked curiously, Master Pashan.

"When we entered the mountain and reached the third mountain, we met this thing in the dense forest on the top of the mountain!" Zhang Feng and Master Paoshan said as they walked out, and then Zhang Feng explained what happened today in detail.

Hearing the ups and downs of Zhang Feng's expression about what happened, Master Paoshan was also in a state of turmoil. He didn't expect that it would be so dangerous to enter the mountain today.But when he thought of Zhang Feng's strength, he was like an overlord alive, so he was relieved.

Since it was early in the morning, Zhang Feng also left Paoshan Master and returned home immediately.

The family members were terrified after learning about today's situation, and all told Zhang Feng not to take such risks in the future, and what to do if something went wrong.

Zhang Feng was grateful for the assurance that he would not do such a dangerous thing in the future, and everyone gradually felt at ease. Zhang Feng also did not want his family members to worry about him. Zhang Feng has an evaluation of his own skills, and he will take action only when he thinks he can handle it, because Zhang Feng is not stupid, and it is impossible to sacrifice himself to save others.

"Okay, wash up and go upstairs to sleep!" Since it was already late, the mother quickly reminded.

"Understood Mom!" Then Zhang Feng took a shower, closed the doors and windows, and went upstairs to rest, because he would feel that the company would attend the factory's groundbreaking ceremony early tomorrow morning.


Early the next morning, Zhang Feng drove his SUV to the industrial zone. Today, his factory finally started production. Zhang Feng was both looking forward to it and feeling a little nervous. He didn't know if his products could be sold smoothly. , Can it be promoted quickly.

Qingshan County Industrial Park, this is a very small industrial park, there are only a dozen small enterprises in it, all of which are light industries, such as pharmaceutical, brewing, textile and other enterprises, the largest one has an output value of only tens of millions , but this is not bad in such a small western county.

When Zhang Feng came to the industrial park and walked to his own factory, the delivery room was already covered with banners celebrating the opening, but most of them were sent by other manufacturers in the park, and there were none from other enterprises.

But that's okay, Zhang Feng thought that his company would soon become the most famous company in the county and even in the whole country, because with the black technology in the system, it would be difficult not to be famous.

"The lunatic is here, come and visit our factory!"

"I'll go, what's there to visit with just a few machines?" Zhang Feng smiled. His factory is only one mu of land in total, and there are only a few machines for one production line inside. He has seen it several times.

"Hey..." Xu Yang also smiled, ignored Zhang Feng, and continued to wait at the door to meet the leaders of the management committee of the park.

"Director Liu is here..." Xu Yang's eyes lit up, seeing the waiting leader coming, he hurried to meet him.

"Haha, Mr. Xu, can we not come when your company opens??" The leader surnamed Liu said with a smile.

"I really appreciate that the leader came to our company's opening ceremony even in his busy schedule. Let me introduce to you, this is Zhang Feng, the chairman of our company!" Then Xu Yang introduced Zhang Feng to Director Liu.

"Hello, Director Liu, thank you and the management committee for your great support to our company!"

"Where is that..." The two exchanged pleasantries before preparing to cut the ribbon.

At this moment, the security guard at the door rushed in and reported: "Mr. Xu has a police car coming in front!".When everyone heard what the security guard said, they all looked towards the door.

"Don't panic, I'll go out and have a look!" Zhang Feng came out at this time, and went to the door to have a look. The police car just stopped listening, and seeing the people in the police car, Zhang Feng had a smile in his eyes.
"Uncle Tang, why are you here?" Zhang Feng hurried up to meet him.

"Hahaha! You didn't even notify me when your little company opened. Your uncle mentioned it yesterday, but you still don't know." Uncle Tang scolded with a smile.

"Hehe, don't I want to disturb you?" Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Okay, let's go in quickly, don't delay the opening time..."

"Hey! Are you here, Old Liu?" Uncle Tang greeted Director Liu with a smile when he saw Director Liu of the Management Committee.

"Director Zhang, aren't you here too?" Director Liu smiled and shook hands with Tang Shu.

"Hehe, my nephew's factory has opened, and my uncle, of course, has to come and have a look." Uncle Tang explained with a smile.


"Madman, I didn't expect you to have an uncle who is the police chief?" Xu Yang asked Zhang Feng quietly.

"It's just a distant cousin! I don't usually move around..." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Hehe, that's not bad, as long as people know that we have a relationship with the leaders of the police station, the company can save a lot of trouble!" Xu Yang became the general manager only to know the difficulty of running the company, as the saying goes , With the relationship of the police, some little ghosts in the society dare not easily provoke them.

As soon as the time came, the leaders began to cut the ribbon, and at the same time the sound of firecrackers crackled.

"Xiaofeng, let's go and visit your factory..."

"Good uncle, Director Liu, please..."

"This is our company's production line. Although it only has a few machines, its work efficiency is leading in the country. If it is fully produced, it can produce tens of thousands of bottles of medicine in a day, with an annual output value of hundreds of millions..."

At first, seeing such a small scale, both of them didn't care about it, but after hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, both of them became interested. It seemed that although the factory was small, it seemed to have a good future, so they continued to carefully He listened to Zhang Feng's introduction.

"Our company's main products have independent intellectual property rights. Among them, the non-residue pesticides and fruity fragrance medicines have obtained the production and sales licenses issued by the state, and we are applying for agricultural science and technology awards for these two patents..."

"Really?" Director Liu immediately asked pleasantly. Originally, he was just attending the opening ceremony as a routine. How could he have thought that this humble small company would have such technology, especially after hearing about the effects of these two medicines? Afterwards, he was even more shocked. He thought that from now on, he must provide good support to ensure the smooth development of this company. When he thought that such a promising company was brought in by him, Director Liu felt as if he had been wiped with honey. Same sweetness.

"Of course, one of my seniors is the Ministry of Agriculture. He helped us apply for the Agricultural Science and Technology Award for our two technologies." Xu Yang continued.

"Okay! Mr. Xu, if you have any problems in the future, feel free to come to me. As long as our management committee can do it, we will do our best." Director Liu feels that he has found a treasure. Such a promising company will appear in In such a poor country, if Fengyang Company succeeds, this will be his greatest political achievement, and there is great hope for promotion and fortune.

"Thank you so much, Director Liu!!" Xu Yang was overjoyed. With Director Liu's promise, the company's development will definitely be smoother.

The ribbon-cutting was over soon, and the leaders left in a hurry after listening to the introduction.

"Yangzi, our company has finally opened. It's been a hard time for you..."

"Your boy finally said something of conscience..." Lying on the chair, Xu Yang smiled and shook his head, feeling that he just couldn't help but fall into Zhang Feng's "thief ship".

"Hey, by the way, have we finished our product sales plan?" Our products are very advanced, but we have to sell them.

"It's been fixed a long time ago. If we wait until now, our company will not go bankrupt?" Xu Yang rolled his eyes and said.

"That's good..." Zhang Feng was also very happy to learn that the company's medicines can be spread all over the body as soon as they are produced, but all this is due to Xu Yang's relationship. It just so happens that he has a senior from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Helped, so the drug sales channel was successfully opened.

So many people want to go to key universities, why?Isn't it just to meet more outstanding people and accumulate personal connections? After all, China has been a society of human relationships since ancient times.

Knowing that the company was going well, Zhang Feng, the hands-off shopkeeper, handed over the company to Xu Yang, and drove back to Moon Lake.

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(End of this chapter)

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