small farmer

Chapter 178 Earn 1 a day

Chapter 178 Earn Thirty Thousand A Day (44)

The hot business lasted until seven o'clock in the evening,

Until the vegetables prepared at home are sold out, it is better to inform tourists in advance that the food is about to be sold out, otherwise there must be tourists waiting behind;
After the tourists dispersed, everyone was almost exhausted, so in order to reward everyone, Zhang Feng personally cooked a large table of delicious dishes for everyone, using all the good ingredients of his own, so it must be extremely delicious.

"Zhang Yilai, bring the braised fish over..."

"Well, braised carp is here..." Zhang Yi has never smelled such a delicious dish, it is simply a delicious delicacy in the sky, swallowing his saliva, feeling that the night is really a blessing, and excitedly put the dish on the table ;
Braised fish in brown sauce, braised eel in brown sauce, pickled cabbage fish head tofu soup, fried pork with bamboo shoots, minced meat tofu, and a large pot of pumpkin and cowpea, everyone's appetite increased sharply;
"Xiaofeng is too polite, he has cooked so many good dishes..." Second Uncle looked at the table full of rich dishes and said with a smile;
"Yeah, everyone is a family, just eat whatever you want"

"Xiaofeng can just make these. It's too hot to eat, and it won't be delicious tomorrow..." At this time, the second grandma and third uncle also said;
"Okay, the last dish will be ready soon," Zhang Feng promised in the kitchen;
"Everyone sit down, thank you for your help today, otherwise we will definitely be too busy." Soon, the last dish was served, and everyone sat down one after another. The mother happily thanked the second uncle, the second aunt and the two grandmothers;
"Sister-in-law, we are all a family, so don't be so polite;" Second Aunt hurriedly said modestly;

"Hehe, let's eat, let's eat." Hearing everyone's words, my mother's heart warmed, and she said gratefully;
"Little girl, do you have any drinks? Bring some, and by the way, take a few disposable cups..." Knowing that everyone doesn't drink, Zhang Feng asked the little girl to bring some drinks;

"Also, do you want Coke or orange juice?"

"Orange juice"

"Just drink orange juice." Everyone thinks that carbonated drinks are not good, and they always burp when they drink it, so orange juice is more natural;
"Come on! Let's have a toast, thank you for your help, thank you..." After pouring drinks for everyone, Zhang Feng stood up and thanked everyone on behalf of his family. just busy;

"Cheers..." Everyone stood up happily and raised their glasses to celebrate;
After drinking the drinks, everyone started to eat. We are all a family so there is no taboo, everyone eats very naturally;
"Well, it's delicious. Today's fish is very tender and has a faint fragrance. Everyone, try it..."

"Not bad, delicious, this pumpkin cowpea is also very good..."

The vegetables at home are different, and they received unparalleled praise from everyone when they were served on the table. They all said they were delicious, especially Xiaoyi and Xiaoyue. It's all oil, and it's delicious while eating;
"Xiaofeng, how many fast food did you sell in total today?" After eating, everyone went to the yard to enjoy the shade, and the second uncle asked curiously, because he has been helping today, and this is the first time he has encountered such a hot business. I realized that if I don’t ask, I always feel that my heart is in a panic, and I probably won’t be able to sleep well at night;

"It's estimated to be around [-] copies. I didn't calculate it. Zhang Lin probably knows about it." Zhang Feng was not worried that the second uncle would reveal the secret, and the second uncle was not an outsider, so he told him directly;
"Today we sold [-] copies." Zhang Lin was also at the side at this time, so she replied;

"Two thousand one hundred copies? How much does it cost?" Everyone couldn't help exclaiming after hearing it;

"My dear, one copy is 15 yuan, two thousand and one hundred copies, that's thirty-one thousand five hundred yuan!" The second uncle did the calculations and was extremely shocked. He didn't expect such a small business to sell fast food. can make a lot of money;
Hearing the second uncle's words, everyone was also shocked, more than 3 yuan, and everyone's income from planting land for a year is only 2 to [-] yuan, but Zhang Yue and the others earned everyone's income for two or three years in one day, which is too much. It's unbelievable, it's too dreamy, it's unbelievable, when it becomes so easy to make money;
Seeing everyone's shocked and stunned looks, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, but did not speak. In fact, today's income is more than that. It is estimated that the income of the younger sister from selling cigarettes, alcohol and beverages is also 3000 to [-] yuan.

So calculated in this way, on the day of the 'Moon Lake Tourism Festival' alone, the turnover of my family is more than 4000 yuan;
Because the fast food vegetables are all ordinary vegetables, the input cost is not high, only 3000 yuan, which means that on June 3th, the fast food business of the eldest sister and the two younger sisters earned a net profit of [-] yuan;

If such results are announced, it will definitely shock the entire Moon Lake Village, and even Qingshan County, and there will definitely be people who can't help but want to grab business;

But Zhang Feng wasn't worried at all. Originally, the elder sister and the others were just playing for tickets, and the younger sister and Zhang Lin were just taking advantage of the summer vacation to earn some pocket money, so Zhang Feng was not afraid of competition at all.

And if you want to compete, you need to have such good cooking skills. Otherwise, it’s just a joke. The biggest advantage of your own fast food is your own cooking skills. Count him lucky.


After dinner in the evening, Zhang Feng was sitting in the shade of a tree in his yard to rest, when he suddenly saw Zhang Laosan walking into the yard and asked with a smile;
"Xiaofeng, I heard that your family earned tens of thousands of yuan yesterday?"

"How can it be? Uncle, who did you listen to? If my family can earn tens of thousands, then your family's grocery business is better. Don't you have to earn hundreds of thousands?"

Zhang Laosan is already a relative of the fifth server, so he doesn't have much contact with each other at ordinary times. Zhang Feng knows that he probably saw his fast food business is booming, and he is a little envious.
"Hehe, what are you talking about? It's just my small grocery store. If I can make so much money, I would send it out sooner." Although he knew that Zhang Feng was running on him, Zhang Laosan still said with a smile;

"Xiaofeng, why do you think your family's business is so good? I think it's your family's business that sells boxed lunches in Moon Lake this time. How do you say your family does it?" Zhang Laosan finally revealed The purpose of coming here is to find out the best-selling secret of Zhang Feng's fast food;
My family knows their own affairs. The biggest reason why my fast food sells so well is because it tastes good. Everyone knows that fast food is cheap and easy, but the biggest disadvantage is that it tastes bad and food safety cannot be guaranteed.

But the vegetables and rice used in our fast food are all produced in the village, so they are very safe, and the taste is outstanding, so the business is so good;

There is no secret at all that our business is good, even if I tell Zhang Laosan, he can't learn it, because he doesn't have such good cooking skills and can't cook such delicious meals;
"What's the matter, because my family's food is plentiful and delicious, so the business is better."

"That's right, doing business is to be honest, like my family's selling things are always real, no deception." Zhang Laosan said cheekily;
Zhang Feng curled his lips, feeling a little shameless towards Zhang Laosan's behavior. Everyone in the village knew that this man was ungrateful for profit and had a bad character.
Going to his house to buy things, not only often buy some expired products, but also easy to receive fake B. There are many such things, and everyone gradually recognizes this person;
"Dahei, Xiaohei" Zhang Feng didn't want to continue talking to each other at all, he turned his head and called the two puppies lying at the door, the puppies brought back from the second uncle's house;
"Woof..." Hearing Zhang Feng's cry, Da Hei and Xiao Hei dragged their chubby bodies and ran towards Zhang Feng;
As soon as they got to Zhang Feng's side, the two puppies shook their heads and kept rubbing their furry heads against Zhang Feng's legs, seeming very happy;
 It's still early to add a new chapter, I hope everyone supports it.If there are typos, please leave a message in this chapter, and Renmao will take the time to correct them.

(End of this chapter)

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