small farmer

Chapter 184 Wish

Chapter 184 Wish (3)

"Ah! Make a wish!"

Seeing the shooting star, Zhang Yue shouted loudly, quickly closed her eyes, and began to make a wish to the shooting star devoutly.

The other girls quickly closed their eyes and silently made a wish to the sky. The little duck also followed suit, holding their little hands, closing their eyes and muttering words.

Zhang Feng smiled, looking at the beautiful stars in the night sky, his heart became extremely ethereal, as if he was far away from all mundane thoughts, and his heart became extremely peaceful.

"Ah! Duckling, maybe you have made a wish?" Zhang Yue asked curiously when she opened her eyes after wishing to see the duckling.

"I made a wish, I hope my dad won't beat me again..." the little guy said honestly.

"Hahahaha, little duck, your wish is too sincere..." Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard the little duck's wish.

"You monkey!" Uncle Erniu and Aunt Erniu couldn't laugh or cry, pity the hearts of parents in the world, how can parents like to beat their children, but this little guy is too naughty, he can't do without a lesson.

"Little duck, it seems that your wish is very difficult to come true!" Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"Why can't it be realized?" The little duck asked anxiously.

"Whether it can be realized depends on whether your father is willing to beat you..." Zhang Yi looked at the little duck and Uncle Er Niu and smiled.

"Ah..." The duckling also understood now that his fate was still in the hands of his father, and the duckling felt a little discouraged at once, and finally realized that some things are not only useful if you make a wish.


Afterwards, everyone bathed in the silvery moonlight and enjoyed the night in the rice fields. The fragrance of rice flowers said a good year and heard the sound of frogs.

Such beautiful scenery made everyone reluctant to leave for a long time. Everyone played and played until after nine o'clock in the evening. Then everyone packed up their things, went back home, and walked to the village.

"Uncle Erniu and Aunt Erniu come to my house to eat grasshoppers and drink..." Zhang Feng called when he walked to the door of Uncle Erniu's house.

"I won't go. I have to go to work tomorrow. Remember to drink less alcohol and bring the child back early." Aunt Er Niu told her to go home. She will go to work in the county early tomorrow morning, so everyone also No further advice.

"Let's go! Drink and eat grasshoppers!" The little duck got his mother's approval, and happily ran to the front of the crowd, jumping and jumping happily.

"Hahaha... This little guy still wants to drink!" Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"What's the matter? When I was a child, didn't my dad dip his chopsticks and feed me every time he drank?" the little guy said with a smile.

"Haha, Uncle Erniu, you old drunkard, are you planning to train a little drunkard, right?" Everyone joked.

"Oh, I'm not a little drunkard!" The little guy also knew that drunkards are not good words, so he immediately retorted.


Everyone talked and laughed on the road, and soon returned home.

As soon as we got home, everyone had enough food and clothing by themselves, cleaned the grasshoppers together, and then turned on the fire and poured oil. When the vegetable oil in the pot was boiling hot, they immediately poured the cleaned grasshoppers in. Suddenly, there was a crackling sound in the pot. Soon the grasshoppers were fried golden, and the smell of meat wafted throughout the room.

"Ah! It smells so fragrant!" Zhang Yue took a deep breath, and couldn't help but said after smelling such a fragrant smell.The duckling next to him salivated at the delicious food in the pot. He had obviously forgotten everything about the outside world, and only saw the fragrant fried grasshoppers in his eyes.

Soon two large bowls of fragrant grasshoppers were placed on the table, with piles of peanuts and delicious crispy fish beside them.

"Okay, let's eat..." Following Zhang Feng's order, everyone moved their chopsticks to taste the delicacy in the field.

"Well, it's delicious! Is the duckling delicious?" Zhang Yue ate one, chewing it in her mouth.
"It's super delicious!" The little guy said with a mouth full of food.

Looking at these two foodies, everyone couldn't help laughing, and they ate very happily. Then everyone played card games together, and those who lost would drink beer, so the house became extremely lively, and everyone had a great time. Happy, playing until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the little duck couldn't open his eyes, and fell asleep lying on Er Niushu's lap, and everyone dispersed.


wake up the next morning

Still practice gymnastics unshakably
Then I went to the backyard with my family to pick today’s vegetables. As for the vegetables planted in the vegetable field at the entrance of the village, it has been half a month. fruit thinning shop.

As soon as Xiao Wang sent off the truck carrying vegetables, Aunt Yu and Aunt Daqiao arrived at home. They almost watered the vegetable field every morning, so they went to Zhang Feng's house every morning to get watering artifacts.

"Xiaofeng, our watering machine is so convenient."

"Yeah, more than ten acres of land can be watered in just over an hour, that's really fast..."

Both of them were full of praise for the watering machine. They thought it was a magical tool for watering. It saved time and effort and didn't consume electricity. Unfortunately, the price was too expensive for ordinary people to use.

Zhang Feng smiled, and handed over the two watering machines to them, and then the two of them walked to the vegetable field with the watering machines, ready to water the vegetable field of more than ten acres.

Just after breakfast, Uncle Yao and Brother Caesar walked in
"Hey! Old Yao Uncle Jueming, come in and sit down." Zhang Feng quickly got up and greeted the two of them.

"Thank you Xiaofeng, I was really thanks to you last time, if it weren't for you my dad would have..." Brother Jue Ming said gratefully.

"Yeah, Xiaofeng, we came here today to thank you. This is the wild gastrodia elata I dug up not long ago. It's a good thing to use for stewing chicken." As he said that, the old uncle Yao handed over a large bag of wild gastrodia elata to Zhang. peak.

"Old Yao, you don't have to be so polite. This is what I should do. We folks in the village, can we ignore that kind of thing?" Zhang Feng declined politely with a smile.

"I told you to hold it and you took it, because you dislike my Gastrodia elata, right?" Seeing that Zhang Feng would not accept it, the old Yao uncle immediately said with a straight face pretending to be angry.

"Uncle Yao, don't get me wrong, you have too much, I can just ask for half..." The price of wild Gastrodia elata is not cheap, at least seven or eight hundred for a catty of dry goods. Old Yao uncle makes a living by collecting herbs in the mountains , only one or two catties can be harvested every year, how can Zhang Feng accept it with peace of mind.

Zhang Feng knew that if he didn't want anything at all, the old Yao uncle would definitely not agree, so he asked for half, so that the old Yao uncle could easily accept it.

"No, no, how can you get back half of the things you gave away?" Old Yao Shu shook his head hastily.

"Xiaofeng, just accept it!" Brother Jue Ming also persuaded.

"Half of it is enough for my household for several years, too much is wasted."

"Okay then, I'll send you some fresh ones next year." Old Yao uncle nodded, knowing that this stuff is really not commonly used, so he put a little on it when he stewed chicken and fish.

"You are always too polite..." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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