small farmer

Chapter 202 The Great Harvest

Chapter 202 The Great Harvest

Chapter 190 Two Great Harvests
"Tsk tsk! My good fellow, this soft-shelled turtle should weigh two or three catties, no, no matter what, I want to catch such a turtle." Niu Zhong said with an envious look on his face, and then quickly hung up the bait and continued to move. Stimulated by Zhang Yi's harvest.

Zhang Feng could only smile wryly and shook his head, wondering if his luck is really that bad today?The other two had harvested, but they didn't catch a single small fish.

But luck is something that no one can say clearly, maybe his luck will come in the next moment, so Zhang Feng continued to stare at his hook, hoping to catch a soft-shelled turtle.

"Is there only such a soft-shelled turtle near here?" Zhang Feng shook his head and thought it was impossible. The earthworms in his home are extremely attractive to fish. As long as there are soft-shelled turtles nearby, I believe they will be able to attract them soon.

Sure enough, after another five or six minutes of fishing, it was finally Zhang Feng's turn to reap the rewards.
"Brother, quickly pull it over, I'll help you catch it..." Zhang Yi was also very excited. He didn't expect to catch wild soft-shelled turtles one after another today. Everyone was lucky, because there are many people who usually catch soft-shelled turtles. But it is not bad to catch one in ten and a half months.

"Okay!" Zhang Feng carefully rewound the line, and pulled the soft-shelled turtle towards the side of the boat bit by bit. At this time, everyone looked frozen, watching the tug-of-war in the water nervously.

When the soft-shelled turtle approached the boat, Zhang Yi made a decisive move. The net bag in his hand caught the soft-shelled turtle and immediately fished the soft-shelled turtle into the boat.

"Hahaha, let me see how the turtle I caught?" Zhang Feng was also very excited, and quickly caught the turtle out of the net pocket.

"Hehe, it's not bad. He Xiaoyi's one just now is not that big, and it weighs about two to three catties." Zhang Feng looked at the struggling soft-shelled turtle in his hand with a smile all over his face.

Then Zhang Feng turned the turtle upside down, pinched the turtle's neck, and pulled the hook out of the turtle's mouth abruptly. Because the turtle swallows the hook deeply, it is not easy to get it out. If there is no other way at this time, you can directly Cut the fishing line short and wait until the turtle is killed before cleaning the hook out.

"Put away your things, let's move to another place." Zhang Feng put the soft-shelled turtle into the fish basket and said to the two with a smile.

"Why, let's not fish here anymore?" Niu Zhong was very surprised. You must know that you have caught two soft-shelled turtles here just now, so you should take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Why are you retreating now.

"Hehe, Brother Niu, turtles all have their own territories, and there are only two or three turtles in each place, so if you continue to fish here, you probably won't get anything..." Zhang Yi also has some experience, and smiled at Niu Chong Said.

"Oh...that line of business, we are grateful to change places. I also think the feng shui here is not good, or why I didn't catch it..." Niu Zhong shook his head and said solemnly.

"Haha, Brother Niu, haven't you heard this sentence? You can't blame the Z government for your life, and you can't blame the society for your bad luck." Zhang Feng teased with a smile.

"Yeah, brother Niu, you can't blame the bad feng shui here for your bad luck, don't you see that my brother and I both caught turtles?" Zhang Yi also added fuel to the fire and said with a smile.

"Hmph! What's so great about you two, I'll catch a soft-shelled turtle for you to see later." Niu Zhong said indignantly.

"Okay, we will take a good look at it later." Zhang Feng said with a smile, while rowing the boat to the next location.


"By the way, Xiaofeng, my new store is about to open, and the vegetables in the store will depend on you." Soon Niu Zhong said to Zhang Feng seriously.

"No problem. I happen to have a lot of vegetables on the market. There is no pressure to supply one or two hundred catties a day. Even if there is more, there is no problem." Zhang Feng waved his hand indifferently. The cooperation between the two has always been very good. The price given by Fatty Niu It's not low, and every checkout is very straightforward, so Zhang Feng is willing to continue to cooperate with him.

"Hehe, thank you Xiaofeng." Fatty Niu smiled and finally heaved a sigh of relief. His restaurant really needs Zhang Feng's high-end vegetables to attract customers to open the market. He has spent millions of dollars to open a branch this time. Failure is not allowed, otherwise he will be injured and lose most of his wealth.

"It's okay, we have a win-win cooperation!" Zhang Feng smiled. It is also a good thing for Zhang Feng to have such a stable customer.

"Hahahaha, I won't be hypocritical about that brother." Niu Zhong said with a hearty laugh.

"That's right, Brother Niu, don't be too polite. As long as you grow vegetables for a day, I will try my best to ensure your supply."


After negotiating the issue of vegetable supply, the three of them just arrived at a new place. Zhang Feng searched for a long time before finding a suspected soft-shelled turtle den.

The three of them repeated the same trick, first sprinkled earthworms to make nests to attract the nearby soft-shelled turtles, and then everyone began to cast bait, quietly waiting for the soft-shelled turtles to take the bait.

It seems that the place Zhang Feng was looking for was a nest of many soft-shelled turtles, and soon everyone caught soft-shelled turtles one after another. The three of them caught four soft-shelled turtles here in total. Possibly caught that much.

In addition, the three of them also caught five or six snakeheaded fish and a large silver carp about half a meter in weight, estimated to weigh about ten kilograms. In order to catch this fish, Zhang Feng walked for about ten minutes before catching it.

"Oh! I have it... I have it again..." Just when Zhang Feng caught this big silver carp, he heard Niu Zhong exclaim in surprise. Zhang Feng put the big fish in the cabin and rushed to the lake. look in.

"Pfft! Hahahaha...Brother Niu, you are so lucky that you managed to catch this turtle." Seeing what Niu Zhong caught, both Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the excitement on Niu Zhong's face also froze. Hearing Zhang Feng's teasing, he couldn't laugh or cry. He thought he had caught a big soft-shelled turtle, but who knew he had caught a big water snake. What a shame.

"I'll go, why is there such a thing in Moon Lake?" Niu Zhong smiled wryly and shook his head, then continued: "Xiaofeng, why don't I let it go?"

"Farewell, Brother Niu, the water snake is also good. Go back and stew it with the soft-shelled turtle later. It will become a delicious black turtle soup. The taste is probably not bad." Zhang Feng smiled and stopped.

"Is this water snake really delicious?" Although Niu Zhong has eaten delicious food, who really has never eaten water snake.

"Of course, the taste is super good. My brother caught one a while ago and stewed it with the local chicken. The taste is tsk's not too delicious." Zhang Yi recalled with a smile.

Afterwards, the three of them together caught the two-meter-long big water snake on the boat and locked it in a fish basket alone. Seeing that the harvest had already been a lot and the fish basket could no longer fit, everyone went home happily. Can't wait to go home to eat soft-shelled turtle feast, and of course delicious water snake and black fish.

 There will be another chapter later, estimated at around 22:[-],
(End of this chapter)

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