small farmer

Chapter 215 A Boulder Falls from the Sky

Chapter 215 A Boulder Falls from the Sky (Subscribe for the fourth update)
In an instant

a few days have passed

It was dark on September [-]th, and Zhang Feng's house was brightly lit. Today is finally the day when his younger sister Zhang Lin goes to school.

We all had a quick breakfast,
Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi went to the parking lot at the entrance of the village and drove the car to the door of their house.

"Why haven't they come out yet?" After waiting for about 10 minutes and still not seeing his sister and Liu Yiyi, Zhang Feng frowned and said to himself.

"Crazy, come and help..." At this moment, the two beauties finally came out of the house.

But when Zhang Feng and the two saw the mountains of large and small bags on the ground, they were dumbfounded. Are these two girls going to move?
"Well, we seem to have a little too much luggage." Seeing Zhang Feng's strange eyes, the two women felt very embarrassed.

"Is this called a little bit too much? Is it super much?" Zhang Feng murmured in his heart, thinking that fortunately the trunk space of his car is not small, otherwise it would be strange to fit it.

The two women did have a lot of luggage, which filled the trunk of Zhang Feng's SUV, so both Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi's luggage had to be placed in the co-pilot's seat. A small luggage bag with two changes of clothes in it.

After everyone got in the car, Zhang Feng drove his Great Wall Haval SUV all the way to the northeast. The driving route of Zhang Feng was to take the Qinggui Expressway from Qingshan, pass the provincial capital Guicheng, and then enter the 324 National Highway. Going north, at about five or six in the afternoon, you will reach the destination of Zhang Fengs - Shancheng.

Zhang Feng drove very smoothly, traveling [-] to [-] kilometers per hour. Everyone was amazed at Zhang Feng's driving skills. Even Zhang Yi, an old driver, was astonished.

Because I have learned basic driving skills, even driving a large truck or bus is not a problem, but I don't have a corresponding driver's license.

Moreover, Zhang Feng's physical fitness is extremely abnormal, not only his facial features are sharp, but also his mental endurance is far beyond ordinary people, so not only did he drive very smoothly along the way, but his speed was not slow.

However, there are unpredictable things in the sky, people are not as good as the sky, just when Zhang Feng thought that before twelve o'clock at noon, he would be able to arrive at Loushanguan for lunch safely, the accident still happened.

Zhang Feng was driving the Great Wall Haval under a section of cliffs. Below the road was the famous Wujiang Grand Canyon, which was hundreds of meters deep. Stretching his head, looking out the car window

Just when the car was about to pass the dangerous cliff, suddenly!Zhang Feng's face changed drastically, and he stepped on the accelerator suddenly, the car accelerated suddenly, trying to rush out of the curve in front of him.

Immediately, Zhang Feng's car had a thrilling drift, one wheel was suspended in the air, under the wheel was the Grand Canyon hundreds of meters deep, and in the canyon was the rushing water of Wujiang River. There is no doubt that he must die.

At this time, the three people sitting in the back were all frightened by Zhang Feng's sudden action. Has Zhang Feng gone crazy?Not only did they not slow down at the turning point of the cliff, but they accelerated forward, crazy, Zhang Feng must be crazy, this is what the three of them thought at this time,
At the same time, each of them turned pale with fright, because although they were sitting in the car, they could clearly feel that the wheels were hanging in the air.

"Crunch, woo..." Zhang Feng's Great Wall Haval seemed to be angry and roared!Desperately turned to the other side of the curve, at the moment when the car just turned around, "Kachi! Bang bang!" A loud noise came from behind the crowd, and the scene behind was like the sky falling apart. in this way;

When everyone looked through the rear window of the car and saw the scene behind them, their souls suddenly froze, and everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale.

I saw the cliff above the road, as if it had been detonated by high-energy explosives. Countless boulders and soil, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, like a comet falling, rushed towards the road and canyon, but in the blink of an eye, the ten-meter-wide national road was destroyed. Countless boulders and soil tumbling and rolling down into the canyon, hit the fast-flowing Wujiang River, and immediately stirred up water waves several meters high.

Fortunately, there was no car passing behind at that time, and the car everyone was riding in turned around with Zhang Feng's efforts and rushed over smoothly. Suddenly everyone was secretly relieved, and their faces gradually improved.
It wasn't until he drove the car to a large flat place far away that he felt that there was no danger, so Zhang Feng parked the car on the emergency driveway. Only then did everyone find that Zhang Feng's face was covered with sweat, and the gray shirt on his upper body was completely soaked. up.

The safety of a carload of people was tied to him, and Zhang Feng immediately felt Alexander, so everyone knew that the hardest and most nervous person just now must be Zhang Feng.

Fortunately, I have a sharp mind. Zhang Feng felt that there should be no one other than himself who could escape in such a dangerous situation. This time he was really lucky. Fortunately, when he saw such a steep terrain, he carefully observed it. The surrounding situation, otherwise the four of them must have died here.

The situation at that time was like this. When Zhang Feng was driving the car and was about to pass the curve, Zhang Feng suddenly found a huge stone hanging a hundred meters above his head, rushing towards the car the four of them were sitting in like a meteorite. Zhang Feng reacted quickly, and immediately stepped up the accelerator and rushed over. Otherwise, if he hesitated a little, everyone would be smashed into meatloaf by the rocks.

Zhang Feng stopped the car, and his nervousness finally calmed down. He turned his head and looked at the three people behind him. The huge body tried to block them on the right side.

Fortunately, there were no injuries, but he hadn't recovered from the thrill just now, and there was still a trace of paleness on his face.

"How is it? Are you not hurt? It's safe here, everyone get out of the car and get some air." After speaking, Zhang Feng got out of the car first and walked to the viewing platform by the road, where there was a stone table , and there are several stone benches, just enough for several people to rest.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the three of them suddenly woke up, and they were safe now, so the paleness on the faces of the three of them slowly disappeared, and they took a deep breath, showing a look of joy on their faces.

When the four of them sat down, none of them spoke, and they seemed a little silent, "Hehe! It's all over, everything is over, everyone survived this catastrophe, I believe there will be future blessings" Zhang Feng said with a smile, wanting to relax Everyone's mood, let everyone recover as soon as possible.

"Yeah, this kind of thing happens once every ten thousand years. This time we were met by us, and we will definitely not encounter such unlucky things in the future." Zhang Yi also echoed, trying to create a relaxed atmosphere as much as possible.

Hearing what the two said, Liu Yiyi and Zhang Lin also relaxed a lot, and finally they were no longer so nervous. What happened just now really frightened them. If it weren't for Zhang Feng's super strong sixth sense, everyone might have been in danger. .

(End of this chapter)

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