small farmer

Chapter 225

Chapter 225
Chapter 210 Five, Dahei Buys Wine

Cobra venom not only has analgesic effect,
And it is effective for pain caused by neuritis, malignant tumor, cardiovascular disease, neuralgia and neurological leprosy.It has a certain effect on certain neurological diseases such as Parkinson's syndrome.

The medicinal wine soaked in cobra has the functions of dredging the meridians, dispelling rheumatism, treating rheumatic joint pain, beriberi, etc. It is a commonly used medicinal material in traditional Chinese medicine.

However, cobras are protected animals, and it would be bad if people saw them, so Zhang Feng put the snake corpse in the back basket and hid it, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles.

"Da Hei Xiao are awesome!" Zhang Feng touched the heads of the two puppies with a smile, happy for the bravery and wit of the two puppies. At that time, Zhang Feng was extremely proud.

"Woooo..." Dahei Xiaohei was praised by his master, and he stick out his tongue affectionately, wanting to lick Zhang Feng's face.

"Okay, you two little guys want to wash my face, right?" Zhang Feng quickly stopped the two enthusiastic little guys.

"Woooo..." After being pushed away, the two little guys happily shook their heads and tails beside Zhang Feng.

"Going home..." Zhang Feng stood up, carried the basket on his back, waved to the two puppies, and walked down the mountain, and then the two puppies followed behind, chasing and fighting in the grass from time to time Noisy, it's so lively when you chase me.

"Hurry up and catch up..." The two playful little guys love to run all over the mountains and plains. If Zhang Feng doesn't pay attention, he will disappear without a trace. If he shouts, the two puppies will catch up immediately, but they will revert to their old ways after a while , You had a great time chasing after me, and soon you couldn't see them again.

noon scorching sun
Walking on the winding mountain path, the cypress trees are lush and green, and the breeze blows extremely cool, as if eating ginseng fruit, you will be radiant.

Walking down the hill to the edge of Moon Lake, I saw willows on the shore of the lake, the surface of the lake is as smooth as a mirror, the breeze blows gently, wrinkling the clear water of the lake, and the willows are flying, just like a beautiful woman by the lake washing her long hair. Fat, the Moon Lake in summer is still so beautiful.

At this time, some tourists are sitting in the shade of the trees for a rest, some are sitting on the shore of the lake to fish, and some are holding hands and strolling under the shade of the trees to enjoy the beautiful lake and mountains of Moon Lake.

The little kids in the village are catching dragonflies flying all over the sky by the lake. At this time, there are the most dragonflies. I saw little stones and a few new-generation leather monkeys each holding a dragonfly net and waving by the lake. When a dragonfly was caught in the net, the little monkeys were very happy, jumping up and down as if they got lucky money.


Back home, Zhang Feng buried the roots of the wild flowers in the shade of the trees. It was the hottest time of the day in the flower garden, and the soil was scorching hot. It was not a good time to plant flowers and plants. The best time was to wait until the evening when the weather became cooler good timing.

"Ah! This snake is already dead... I was shocked!" The eldest sister heard the movement outside, and as soon as she came out, she saw the cobra standing on the threshold and was horrified. The snake on the ground had stopped moving, patted his chest and said with lingering fear.

"That's right, I'm already dead, sister, don't worry..." Zhang Feng immediately turned around and comforted him with a smile when he heard the elder sister's cry.

"You met this when you went up the mountain? Cobras are very poisonous..." the elder sister asked worriedly.

"No, it was met by two guys, big black and small black. In the end, the cobra was bitten to death by them. I picked up the cobra and prepared to make a pot of medicinal wine." Zhang Feng quickly explained with a smile.

"Dahei and Xiaohei are so powerful? Are they all right?" The elder sister was surprised at once. She didn't expect that the two dogs at home have such great abilities. They can even kill such a terrifying poisonous snake. They are so smart and powerful. .

"It's okay, they're fine..." Zhang Feng smiled and shouted to the two puppies who were still playing at the door: "Da Hei Xiao Hei, come in!"

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing his master calling him, two puppies ran in pissed off.

Seeing that Dahei and Xiaohei were fine, her sister Zhang Qin was also relieved. These two little guys are the treasures of the family. If they get hurt because of this, everyone will definitely be very sad.

The eldest sister beckoned and called the two puppies, and stroked their fur lovingly. The two puppies were lying on the ground, squinting slightly to enjoy the owner's petting.

"These two guys..." Seeing the two cozy dogs, Zhang Feng smiled.

"Dahei, come here quickly..."

"Wow... woof..." Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, Dahei immediately got up, shook his hair, and ran towards Zhang Feng quickly.

At this time, Zhang Feng prepared a bamboo basket, and there was a jug in the basket. There was still 50 yuan and a note under the jug. Seeing this scene, the elder sister felt a little puzzled.

"Dahei, go to Uncle Erniu's house and help me bring back five catties of wine. I remember it's Uncle Erniu's house!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but remind him several times. After all, this is the first time for Dahei to go shopping. Finally, Zhang Feng couldn't help but want to see if Dahei would buy things for him, so he was going to try it out now.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Dahei immediately understood when he heard it, and quickly ran out of the yard with the bamboo basket in his mouth.

"This... can Dahei do it??" The elder sister frowned and asked worriedly.

"Dahei is so smart, so he should be able to do it. Don't we know after a while?" Zhang Feng smiled and had more confidence in Dahei. He estimated that Dahei's IQ was already five or six years old. Help yourself There's no problem getting a drink.

"Hmm..." The eldest sister nodded, still a little nervous, and then the eldest sister walked slowly towards the door, as if she wanted to see how the big black was doing, to see if it could complete this arduous task.


on the other side of the village

Dahei has quickly arrived at Uncle Er Niu's house
"Hey! Why are you here?" Uncle Er Niu asked in surprise when he saw Dahei holding a basket in his mouth.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Dahei put the bamboo basket under Uncle Er Niu's feet, looked at the bamboo basket and then looked at Uncle Er Niu and yelled.

"Oh! I see, you want to drink, right..." Seeing the situation in the basket, Uncle Erniu suddenly realized, and at the same time was extremely shocked, this big black can have such ability, so smart, this The guy won't be a jerk, right?Didn't it mean that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were not allowed to become elites? ?
Temporarily reassuring the horror in his heart, Uncle Er Niu took out the jug, saw the 50 yuan below and the note left by Zhang Feng, his face showed the original expression, knowing that it was what he thought, Dahei was really here to fight wine.

"Dahei, you are so smart!" Uncle Er Niu couldn't help but praise.

"What kind of shit luck did Xiaofeng have to raise such a smart puppy." Uncle Er Niu was really envious and hated, thinking why he didn't buy one at the beginning, let alone such a smart dog Hundreds of dollars, even thousands of dollars, are great value for money.

 Thanks to the book friend "The Cat Looking Up to Heaven" for the reward, and thank you for your subscription and ticket support. In the past two days, there are not many monthly tickets. I hope that book friends who have monthly tickets can support this book. Thank you Renmao.

(End of this chapter)

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