small farmer

Chapter 237 Help

Chapter 237 Help
The next two days were sunny

The sun was shining brightly without clouds for thousands of miles, which was really a good weather for drying crops.

However, in just two days, Zhang Feng's corn was almost dried and ready for threshing.

Manual threshing is very troublesome. It is not bad if each person can thresh three to four hundred catties per day. If there is a thresher, the speed is super fast. Just throw the corn cobs into the machine, and the golden corn kernels will fall down. Very efficient and fast.

So Zhang Feng wondered if he should sell one himself?Huh!Suddenly Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something...

"Hi! Uncle Er Niu, I heard that you just bought a thresher?" Two days ago, I overheard someone saying that Uncle Er Niu sold a thresher, and Zhang Feng took his attention, so Immediately called and asked.

"Hey! You're pretty well informed..." Uncle Er Niu said with a smile.

"Lingtong's fart, our village is just as big as a slap in the face, and if there is any news that hasn't been spread all over the sky!" Zhang Feng smiled and started to talk about business, "Uncle Er Niu, is your thresher free now? Can you borrow it from me? One use??"

"Okay, no problem, you have to come and get it yourself." Uncle Er Niu readily agreed, and then he did not forget to tell: "But hurry up, my family will use it in two days!"

"My family has more than 1000 catties of corn. It takes two days, but it can be done in one day today."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Feng hung up the phone and drove towards Uncle Er Niu's house in three wheels...

"Xiaofeng is here..."

"If you want me to say, let Erniu Auntie stop going to work, you see you are so busy every day!" Zhang Feng suggested with a smile.

"Hey, I discussed it with your aunt, and she agreed, but we'll talk about it after this month." Uncle Er Niu was also very happy, otherwise he would be the only one in the family, not only making and selling wine, but also planting crops How busy is this.


The two chatted for a while, and with the help of Uncle Er Niu, Zhang Feng moved the threshing machine into the car, and Zhang Feng went home. A large pile of corn at home was still waiting to be separated.

When he got home, Zhang Feng moved the detached machine to the yard, plugged it in, and started threshing. He saw corns put in one by one, and immediately spit out golden corns. The speed was faster than artificial ones. hundred times.

These corn kernels cannot be stored immediately, and will continue to dry for a day or two until the water is completely dried before being stored in the granary.

Zhang Feng had to feed the corn cobs by himself, and pulled aside the full corn kernels. Seeing that his son was a bit overwhelmed, Zhang's mother, Wang Guilan, hurried over to help.

"Mom, just throw the corn cobs in for me, and leave the job of drying the corn kernels to me!"

The efficiency of the threshing machine is so high that the corn kernels on the ground will be piled up on the ground in one to two minutes. Zhang Feng quickly cleared an open space in the yard and dried the corn kernels on it.

The mother and son worked together and worked from morning to noon for about three or four hours before threshing all the corn. The originally spacious yard was now golden, and all the harvested corn was drying in the sun.

"Mom, Xiaofeng has eaten."

"Okay, we'll come right away!" The scorching sun was shining across the sky, and the sun was shining on the ground. Zhang Feng just finished drying the corn, wiped the sweat from his face, and responded with a smile.

Zhang Feng came to the water pipe, turned on the rushing tap water, wiped his face and felt much cooler, and the breeze blew gently, feeling extremely cool on his body.

At noon, the eldest sister made a pot of pumpkin rice, which was sweet and delicious. It was served with the dried cowpeas that had been drying before, and then dipped in red chili water. The taste was simply invincible.

"Xiao Lin, did you send some pumpkin rice to Grandpa and Grandma Liu?" Mother asked while eating.Now both of them are like this. If there is something delicious, they will give some to each other, and everyone will share it together.

"Mom, I've already brought a big bowl over there!"

"Ah That's good……"

"Elder Sister's cooking is getting better and better, and opening any restaurant in the future will definitely be very popular!" Zhang Feng said while eating.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, your second uncle's house is harvesting corn today. After dinner, go and see if you can help!" The mother thought of something, and then reminded Zhang Feng.

"Understood Mom, I'll go over after dinner!" Zhang Feng's second uncle's family grows a lot of corn, which should have seven or eight acres, and they can harvest tens of thousands of catties of corn every year.

But at this time of year, their family is too busy to touch the ground. Zhang Feng has to lament that only with hard work can one gain. The food is paid by everyone's hard work and sweat.


After lunch, Zhang Feng changed into old clothes and walked to the second uncle's house. Unexpectedly, when he came to the second uncle's house, there was no one there, only their family's rhubarb was lying at the door.

Zhang Feng knew that they must still be on the mountain, so he went home, took a few bottles of water, drove three wheels and roared, and headed back to the mountain.

"Second uncle and second aunt are still busy?" Zhang Feng's car parked on the side of the road, jumped out of the car and saw the second uncle, second aunt and Zhang Yi who were still busy in the cornfield.

"Hey! Xiaofeng is here?" The second uncle and the second aunt saw that it was Zhang Feng and smiled.

"Yes, I'm here to help too!" Zhang Feng smiled and walked towards the corn field with a basket on his back.

"Haha, that's just right, we can finish work earlier today with an extra strong worker!" The second uncle said with a smile.

"Yeah, we will be much more relaxed with Xiaofeng!" The second aunt was also very happy. Everyone has seen Zhang Feng's labor efficiency for a long time. This is simply a humanoid machine, and it works like a hairpin The bar is super fast.

"Brother, have you brought water? I'm almost dying of thirst!" Zhang Yi was sweating profusely at this moment, and looked like he was about to collapse. Working under the scorching sun was really not something ordinary people could persevere.

"Bring it, it's in the carriage..." Seeing Zhang Yi staggering towards the three rounds, Zhang Feng continued to remind: "Xiao Yi, bring two more bottles, and bring it for my second uncle and aunt. "

"Got it..." Zhang Yi replied weakly.

Zhang Feng smiled, and the humanoid machine started to crack corn, and when he broke one, he threw it into the basket. The speed was so fast that the basket was full in four to five minutes.

With Zhang Feng's help, the remaining two acres of corn were finally harvested after more than an hour. Zhang Yi drove the car back and forth several times before pulling all the corn.

"Xiaofeng, remember to come over for dinner later!" After returning home, the second uncle reminded Zhang Feng.

"No need for second uncle, you go back and have a good rest, I'll just eat at home..." Zhang Feng shook his head and declined, harvesting corn is very tiring, Zhang Feng doesn't want to cause trouble for them, seeing if Zhang Feng is unwilling, the second Uncle didn't persuade him any more, and went home with a basket on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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