small farmer

Chapter 239 Hot Business

Chapter 239 Hot Business (23)

Chapter 220 IX Hot Business
"Everyone, don't worry, don't worry, wait for me to drive the harvester home first, and everyone will sign up..."

"When will you wait until you come home..."

"That's right, you sign up for us quickly, or you won't be allowed to leave." The anxious villagers stopped directly on the road, and they wouldn't leave unless they signed up.

"Haha, brother fool, you are awesome..."

"Yes, no registration! We won't let you go!" Everyone booed, and the scene was very lively.

Well, Zhang Sheng saw these 'Road Hogs', so he had to sign up for everyone with a wry smile. Seeing him let go, everyone cheered, rushing forward and wanting to report his name as soon as possible, so that he can reap his own rewards sooner. paddy.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu were unwilling to let others go, and rushed forward. The weather in the last two days is good, and it is better to harvest earlier. Only when the grains are harvested, everyone will feel at ease.

"Brother Sheng, your business is really good!" Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng were still at the end of the queue after being crowded for a long time, and everyone gradually dispersed after registering, and the road became smooth again.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Harvesting Opportunity to be so popular!" Zhang Sheng was also very surprised and said with a smile on his face.

"How many people have signed up?" Uncle Er Niu asked curiously.

"Not much, just a dozen or so. There are a total of about fifty acres. If they are all close together, they can be harvested in one morning."

"So fast??" Uncle Er Niu asked in surprise.

"Of course, why should I buy it if I don't like it? Before I bought it, I tested it myself. It takes 10 minutes to finish the rice for an acre of land!" Zhang Sheng patted the iron lump under his body, and expressed satisfaction to Zhang Feng and the other two. Said.

"Uncle Erniu, Xiaofeng, I'll go first..."

"Well, go back quickly, I guess uncle is waiting in a hurry!"

After the two parties left, Uncle Er Niu took Zhang Feng back to the yard again and continued to peel the corn.

"Uncle Er Niu sees so many corns, doesn't he feel a little unloved??" Zhang Feng teased with a smile.

"Fuck you, do I have such a glassy heart? Hasn't it been like this since the beginning?" Uncle Er Niu said angrily.

Zhang Feng shook his head, and had to admire Uncle Er Niu for his hard work and down-to-earth, so he began to take on the burden of the family. At that time, the third grandfather was not in good health, and Uncle Er Niu had to drop out of school, and he went home before he graduated from high school. farming.

"By the way, Uncle Er Niu, do you know that I plan to organize the villagers to grow vegetables?"

"I knew it a long time ago, you guys don't inform me first, it's really not mean!" Uncle Er Niu gave Zhang Feng a blank look and said.

"Hehe, isn't it too late??"

"Could it be that your family lives in the sky, the sky and the earth go up for a year, right?? So it's only been a few minutes from your place, and you didn't have time to notify me?" Uncle Er Niu said disdainfully.

"Hey..." Zhang Feng smiled and pretended to be cowardly and stopped talking.

"I have discussed this matter with your aunt. Of course we will not miss such a good opportunity. From now on, your aunt will no longer go to work in the supermarket, but will sell wine at home. I will be responsible for growing vegetables and brewing wine in my free time. Brewing..."

The two chatted and chatted in the evening, Zhang Feng left after receiving a call from the elder sister, but Uncle Er Niu's house was still cold, and it was estimated that he would not be able to eat until eight or nine o'clock, so Zhang Feng would be hungry. The croaking duckling was also brought home.


Autumn is cool
The next day is still sunny
After Zhang Feng got up, he began to clean the yard, and then poured bags of corn into the yard, and then took out the rake to push the corn thin and flat, so that the corn could dry faster.

"Brother Madman, what are you holding? Why does it look like Zhu Bajie's rake??" The duckling sneaked in and found it very interesting to see the rake in Zhang Feng's hand.

"Like it? Hehehehe!" Zhang Feng played a few tricks to imitate Zhu Bajie's appearance, and the imitation was so lifelike that he immediately amused the little guy.

"Hee hee, madman brother, do you practice really well?" the little guy said with a smile.

"Of course, I learned martial arts from Zhu Bajie!" Zhang Feng blew nonsense to the little guy.

"Really? Then, shall I learn from you well?" The little guy's eyes were staring at him, thinking how good he would be if he had learned Zhu Bajie's martial arts?
"You little brat, why are you learning such advanced martial arts?" Zhang Feng asked the duckling curiously.

"Oh, I'm not a kid. I'm already in elementary school. If I learn martial arts, I don't have to be afraid of my father beating me!" The little guy pouted innocently.

"Hehe, even if you learn how your father can still beat you!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Why?" the little guy asked puzzled.

"Because your father is also a master. He has learned the peerless magic of the Bull Demon King. Do you think you can beat him?" Zhang Feng made nonsense, deceiving the child that he didn't understand anything.

"You lied to my father so he doesn't know martial arts?" It's not easy to lie to a kid in this day and age.

"Where did I lie to you? Isn't your father's name Erniu? He took this name when he was learning martial arts from the Bull Demon King. If you don't believe me, go home and ask your father." Zhang Feng said with a sneer, thinking that if this monkey I really went back and asked, probably another meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

After listening to the story made up by Zhang Feng, the little guy finally gave up the idea of ​​practicing martial arts, and completely gave up thinking about resisting the "violent bull demon king" at home.

"Little duck got up so early today??" At this moment, the eldest sister came out and asked with a smile when she saw the little guy.

"Oh, it's not all about my dad, he was arrested while he was sleeping soundly!" The little guy said with a full face of complaint.

"Hehe, of course you have to go to bed early and get up early when you go to school!" Seeing the little guy pouted, the eldest sister felt that he was even cuter.

"But today is Saturday!" retorted the little one.

"You little guy, come here and let me eat dried sweet potatoes for you!" The elder sister shook her head with a smile, grabbed a handful of dried sweet potatoes drying on the window sill, and handed them to the little duck.

"Thank you sister!" The little guy was surprised when he saw that there was something to eat, and a smile appeared on his face again.

While eating dried sweet potatoes, the little guy wandered around the yard, chasing big black and little black for a while, and chatting with little Ba Niu Niu for a while. Neither person nor bird knew what they were talking about, but the little guy was playing Very happy.

Everyone came to the backyard after practicing the gymnastics. The mother and elder sister were still responsible for picking vegetables, and Zhang Feng’s task was to catch eels. Every two or three days, Zhang Feng would fish for four to fifty catties each time, which was barely enough for cattle. Fatty's restaurant can be used for two or three days.

"Wow! Crazy brother, your pumpkin has grown so big?" Seeing the giant pumpkin more than one meter high, the little guy opened his mouth in surprise and asked in disbelief.

While talking, the little guy climbed up, wanting to climb up.

(End of this chapter)

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