small farmer

Chapter 252 Autumn Harvest

Chapter 252 Autumn Harvest (23)

Zhang Feng was carrying a pannier on his back, carrying a bag and walking behind the second uncle,

The two were walking on the mountain road, and the second uncle was talking to Zhang Feng while smoking a cigarette.

"Actually, the method of making persimmon cakes is very simple..."

The first step is to choose the persimmons, pick out the hard ones, put the soft persimmons for two days and eat them directly, and use the hard ones to make persimmon cakes.

After picking the hard persimmons, use a knife to peel off the skin of the persimmons, and then put them outside to expose to the wind and sun. Although it is already autumn, the weather in Moon Lake is still good. On sunny days, the outdoor temperature is around [-] degrees. As long as the weather is good, It is estimated that it will be done in five or six days.

"Okay, Xiaofeng, shall we separate here?" The second uncle said to Zhang Feng when he came to the door of the house.

"It's okay, I'll help you take the persimmons home." The persimmons in the basket are not light, and a basket full of them weighs fifty or sixty catties.

"Hehe, that's also good!" The second uncle smiled and did not refuse.

After delivering the persimmons to the second uncle's house, Zhang Feng immediately said goodbye and returned home.

"Xiaofeng, why did you pick so many raw persimmons?" The eldest sister asked curiously, seeing that there were still some Fan Qing's persimmons.

"I'm going to make persimmon cakes with these persimmons!" Zhang Feng said with a smile as he picked out the persimmons and put them in the dustpan.

"Huh? You also know how to make persimmon cakes?" The eldest sister was a little surprised, because she had never made this kind of thing at home.

"Hehe, I just learned from the second uncle, and I will try my hand today." Zhang Feng knew what the elder sister was thinking when he saw the expression on the elder sister's face, so he explained with a smile.

"Oh! So that's the case?" The eldest sister nodded and said, "Then what should I do? I'll do it with you."

"It's actually very simple. The first step is to pick out the hard persimmons and then peel them..." Zhang Feng explained the method, and the elder sister understood it.
Then Zhang Feng took out two fruit knives from the kitchen, and the siblings began peeling the persimmons in the yard. After about an hour of busy work, the two finally finished peeling all the persimmons, and the remaining step was to dry them. So the two put the prepared persimmons on the bamboo mat and put them in the yard to dry. They believed that the dehydration would be completed in a few days, and then the persimmon cakes would be ready.

After dinner, Zhang Feng sat in the yard to enjoy the cool.

"Xiaofeng, did you forget Dabai Xiaobai? They haven't come home yet?" This is the mother reminding with a smile.

"Oh! Look at my memory, I'll go and bring them back right away." Hearing what his mother said, Zhang Feng was startled, and then remembered that his two cute pets were still on the mountain, so Zhang Feng drove a three-wheeled car. Wheel hurriedly went to the orchard.

"Baa baa..." Just as Zhang Feng drove halfway, he found two goats. It turned out that it was evening and saw the sunset, and the sky had already turned dark. Dabai and Xiaobai couldn't wait for their master, so they prepared to go home by themselves. up.

"Dabai Xiaobai, I'm late..." Zhang Feng stopped the car, and guiltily touched the two snow-white goats that ran towards him.

"Baa baa..." Dabai Xiaobai was very happy when he saw his master, and arched Zhang Feng with his head.

"Hehe, get in the car, let's go home!" Zhang Feng smiled and carried Dabai and Xiaobai into the car, and then drove back home to herd the sheep.

At this time, Uncle Er Niu was walking by the lake, and when he saw Zhang Feng coming back with two sheep, he teased him with a smile. "Yo! Our shepherdess is back!"

"Fuck you, why are you so free today, and still have time to take a walk here?" Zhang Feng stopped the car, rolled his eyes and asked.

"Hehe, why don't you take a break from your busy schedule, let's take a stroll..."

After chatting for a while, the two separated.


In the blink of an eye, two days passed
Today was finally the day when Zhang Feng's family harvested rice. Just after dawn, Zhang Feng took his tools and drove to the field. The family affairs were handed over to his mother and elder sister.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Dahei Xiaohei saw Zhang Feng driving away, and quickly chased after Sanlun.

"You guys are going too? Then get in the car quickly..." Seeing the two puppies catching up, Zhang Feng slowed down the speed of the car. The big black and the small black happily got into the car with the owner's permission, and then obediently Sitting in the car, he followed Zhang Feng and galloped into the fields.

The rice at the entrance of the village has almost been harvested, and almost every household has rented rice harvesters, so this year is the fastest harvesting year ever, but five or six days into autumn, the rice in the village is almost finished harvesting, Zhang Feng The ones at home are already the last batch, and the autumn harvest will be completely over after today's harvest.

But for Brother Sheng, it is just the beginning. After harvesting the rice in the next few villages in the village is still waiting. Although this harvest season will be very busy, he is very happy. The gross income, after one harvest season, can earn at least 30 to [-] yuan, and as long as the weather is good, it is possible to earn [-] to [-] yuan.

When Zhang Feng arrived at the entrance of the village at six o'clock, the harvesters were already busy in the fields. Zhang Feng had to lament that only those who work hard can earn money.

"Brother Sheng came so early?" After the harvester stopped, Zhang Feng gave his cousin a cigarette on the ground.

"Hehe, it's getting late, brother Qingming is earlier than me, he called me before six o'clock!" Zhang Sheng said with a smile, lighting a cigarette.

"Brother Qingming, come to smoke a cigarette!" Zhang Feng thought it was Zhang Sheng who was so active, but he didn't know that Brother Qingming was more anxious than him.

"Thank you, I'm busy today and I have to go out later, so let Xiao Sheng come to harvest early!" Brother Qingming smiled and shook his head.

"Hehe, that's fine, it's my turn after collecting yours!" Zhang Feng smiled and said he would finish collecting quickly and liberate himself earlier, otherwise the whole family would be concerned about the rice in the field, even though the 1000 A lot of rice is not worth much, but the importance that rural people attach to food has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

After smoking a cigarette, Brother Qingming took the rice and went back. Brother Sheng was also ready to work, ready to harvest Zhang Feng’s rice. When it is full, use the snakeskin bag to make a good profit, and then let the harvester continue to harvest.

In this way, in just ten to twenty minutes, all the rice in Zhang Feng’s two-acre field was harvested. Zhang Feng had to sigh that the power of the machine is so powerful. If harvesting by hand, it would take four or five days for one person to harvest Done.

"Oh! Brother has finished harvesting??" Just as Zhang Feng finished picking up the missing rice on the ground and was about to return home, Zhang Yi walked in slowly.

"You guy did it on purpose, you only came after it's all over!" Zhang Feng rolled his eyes. Last night, this guy said he would come over to help in the morning.

"Hey, bro, didn't I oversleep?" my cousin rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

(End of this chapter)

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