small farmer

Chapter 257 Miao Village Wedding

Chapter 257 Miao Village Wedding
As the sun sets, the birds return to their nests,
The red burning clouds in the sky are like a raging fire, illuminating the whole world.

At this moment, Zhang Feng was leaning on the wicker chair and talking on the phone with Houzi, "Houzi, are you going to get married in the future?"

Zhang Feng and Houzi are not only classmates in junior high school, but they also went to a key high school in the city together in high school. As they talked, they chatted about the past in junior high school, so Zhang Feng thought of Wang Xiaohu's marriage;

"Ah, Wang Xiaohu is going to get married?" Monkey didn't expect the time to pass so fast. Wang Xiaohu is a junior high school classmate of the two of them. The age of starting a family and starting a business, think about how time flies;

"Hey, there are people in their early twenties, don't they allow others to get married?" Zhang Feng shook his head and hissed endlessly. Time flies and in a blink of an eye, all the friends have already married wives and had children.

"Hehe, of course not, I just feel that time flies by like running water. Think about when we were in junior high school, we often went to the Qingshui River to bathe and catch fish together, and went to school to steal cucumbers. That guy was always the most nimble One..." Monkey shook his head and remembered the carefree time in junior high school, the memory at that time was so beautiful;

In the blink of an eye, two days passed
The National Day is finally here. Moon Lake is very lively on this day. There are many people coming and going in the village. Every household has set up a small stall at the door to sell some rare aquatic products. Tourists from the city like these natural good things the most. .

Eight in the morning
The monkey has arrived at Moon Lake
Because today is the wedding day of old classmate Wang Xiaohu, the two made an appointment to drink wedding wine together.

"Mom (aunt), let's go!" Zhang Feng and the monkey said to Zhang's mother, as if walking outside the house.

"Hey! Come back soon!" Mother Zhang urged.

"Got it mom!"

The two came to the parking lot at the entrance of the village. Zhang Feng drove his own SUV with the monkey and drove towards Sanjiazhai.

Sanjiazhai is located in the lower reaches of the Tapang River, next to Moon Lake. The distance between the two is only two or three kilometers, and it takes only five or six minutes by car at most.

Sanjiazhai is a village inhabited by ethnic minorities. The whole village is Miao people. The buildings are mainly traditional brick houses. They are traditional Miao houses on stilts. They are very different from Han people's houses, and they still maintain a relatively primitive structure. style.

The reason why Sanjiazhai is called this name is said to be because there were only three families of Wang, Pan and Huang in the village at first.

Sanjiazhai, like Moon Lake, is located at the foot of Qinglong Mountain and beside the Tapang River, with beautiful mountains and clear waters. With the development of tourism in recent years, Sanjiazhai, a pure Miao cottage like Sanjiazhai, is becoming more and more popular. Tourists come here from outside the province;

The villagers of Miao Village used to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the fertile world in the village, as well as the medicinal materials and prey in Qinglong Mountain, everyone can live well.

However, with the establishment of the Qinglong Mountain Nature Reserve, everyone had to give up their original source of income and turn to traditional fields. The most prominent ones are the production of traditional Miao silver ornaments, as well as weaving embroidery and making beautiful Miao costumes. With the increase in the number of tourists, the income from these two items in the village is in the millions, and the average income of each family has a net income of [-] to [-], which is more than double the income from purely growing food.

After a few minutes
Zhang Feng and Monkey took the destination Sanjiazhai
Looking at the neat blue-brick and black-tiled stilted buildings in the village, a sense of simplicity emerges spontaneously. Such original ecological mountain villages are really rare. Although many stilted buildings have traces of new repairs, they should not be too too demanding.

"Ah, here comes the lunatic..." Wang Xiaohu's eyes were sharp, and the two of them just walked into the yard, and ran over to greet them in surprise.

"Huh, who are you? Are you a monkey??" Wang Xiaohu looked at the monkey with some hesitation, because he hadn't seen him for several years, and he didn't expect the monkey to come to his wedding;

"Hey, who isn't I? Hey, here's my red envelope. I wish you and the new wife have a son soon and grow old forever."

"Hehe, Xiaohu, this is my share money. I also wish you a happy wedding and a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

"Thank you, let's go inside and sit down..." Wang Xiaohu said happily after accepting the red envelope.

"Don't, you go and do your work, we will take care of ourselves..." Zhang Feng and Hou Zi hurriedly declined, the bridegroom officer has a lot of tasks today, and the two don't want to delay other people's affairs.

"Well, you two sit by yourself, and call me if you need anything..." Wang Xiaohu continued to greet the guests after speaking.

Throughout the morning, the two wandered from village to village,
Not only saw the weaving and embroidery of Miao women, but also visited the process of villagers making silver jewelry on the spot. I watched the craftsmen beat and beat, and quickly made a beautiful bracelet. It seems very simple, but most people don’t know it. These silversmiths have been practicing for decades just to make such an exquisite bracelet;

Since there is a wedding in Miao Village today, this attracts more tourists to come here. In order to see the authentic Miao wedding and watch the beautiful Miao costumes,

Thousands of tourists poured into the mountain village, and the villagers were very happy, because there were only twenty or thirty individual tourists every day, so the villagers showed their housekeeping skills, so that tourists could see the best of Miao Village. style.

In addition to Miao weddings in Shanjiao Village today, the most distinctive feature is the performance of more than a dozen famous silversmiths inheriting the traditional skills of forging.

In the open space of the village, a dozen or so wooden tables formed a circle, smelting, forging, hammering, drawing, molding, welding...

Dozens of silversmiths dressed in traditional costumes were divided into several groups according to the production process. They used live demonstrations to move the entire process of silver jewelry forging out of the workshop, showing this ancient and mysterious skill to tourists. .

Silver jewelry processing is a delicate job, which greatly damages eyesight, and the quality of eyesight largely determines the working life of a silversmith.From a young boy to a forty-year-old.The silversmiths holding chiseled knives will eventually put down their silver-making tools helplessly, and return to ordinary farmers farming in the fields in the most natural way.

Wang Qingshan, who is in his early sixties, is Wang Xiaohu's uncle, and he is an old silversmith in the village.It has been half a century since I learned the art from my parents when I was a teenager.

There are many kinds of silver ornaments made by the Miao people, but most of them have special meanings. There is a specific meaning behind almost every pattern.

They either represent totem worship, or symbolize wealth and status.As a nation without writing, the Miao people have poured all their memories into silver, and silver ornaments are to some extent the spiritual sustenance worn by the Miao people;
Seeing the ingenious craftsmanship of the silversmiths, tourists from all over took pictures one after another, wanting to leave this beautiful moment;

Zhang Feng and Houzi didn't bring their cameras.I had to use my mobile phone to take pictures. Fortunately, the two of them are not professional photographers. I feel that the pictures taken by mobile phones are not bad. The most important thing is to witness the entire silver jewelry production process and experience it personally.I feel that this time is worth it;
Today's Miao Village is really very lively. There are hospitable Miao people here, as well as various beautiful handicraft displays, which made Zhang Feng feel that the trip was worthwhile and felt the unique style of Miao Village.

(End of this chapter)

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