small farmer

Chapter 260 A group of goblins patrolling the mountain

Chapter 260

"Mom, big sister, we're back..."

In the evening, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng finally returned home before dark.

"Xiao Feng, you guys are back. How is today's wedding? Is it lively?" Mother and eldest sister were resting in the yard just after eating. Seeing Zhang Feng and the monkey come back, both of them asked happily.

"I heard that Miao weddings are very lively, are they singing and dancing?" The eldest sister is also very interested. Although Moon Lake is not far from Sanjiazhai, there are no Miao relatives in the family, so although the eldest sister has heard that Miao weddings are very grand, But I have never participated in it myself, so I am very curious.

"It's very lively, especially those aunts singing folk songs and dancing Miao dances are very interesting. Every guest who goes there is also given three bowls of wine. They are very enthusiastic..."

Afterwards, Zhang Feng and his eldest sister shared many interesting experiences of the day, and even Zhang's mother next to him listened with gusto.Insert a sentence or two from time to time,

The eldest sister should sigh, but it is a pity that she did not experience such a scene in person. Thinking about the beautiful Miao wedding dress, the silver jewelry, the original textile, and the hand-woven cloth, all these are for every girl who yearns for love. All are full of incomparable attraction.

"Ah! Brother, Brother Houzi, you are back, did you bring me wedding candy?" The little girl came in suddenly, and asked in surprise when she saw Zhang Feng.

"What do you call me girl?" Zhang's mother, Wang Guilan, scolded her little daughter with a frown when she heard her daughter was called Li Hui (Monkey's name) Monkey Brother.

"Hehe, Auntie is fine, you can call Xiaoyue whatever you want..." Monkey smiled, he is numb now, just get used to it.

"There are no wedding candies, but there will be some peanuts and melon seeds!" Zhang Feng smiled and pointed to the two gift bags on the table and said, almost all wedding drinks have such things now, more peanuts and melon seeds will bring more blessings. , Send a blessing.

"Hee hee..." The little girl smiled and opened the peanut seeds and distributed them to everyone.

"By the way, brother, where are you going to play tomorrow?" The little girl finally waited until the National Day holiday, so she wanted to have fun for a few days.

"Tomorrow we are going to go to the mountains to pick wild chestnuts, why do you want to go?" Zhang Feng looked at the little girl who was eager to try.

"Yes, yes, if you want to go, I will definitely go too!" Zhang Yue nodded and said happily.

"Where are you going? The business is the best these days, and you won't help me set up a stall?" Mother immediately poured cold water on her.

"Ah... ah? Mom... It's hard for me to take a few days off..." The little girl suddenly looked down and pretended to be pitiful and coquettish.

The little girl's trick was tried and tested, and as expected, her mother let go after a while, and Zhang Yue was so excited that she could finally go to the mountains with everyone to play.


dawn the next day

Everyone got up one after another, even Zhang Yue, who loves to sleep in, got up very early today.

"Crazy, here we come..." After a while, Liu Yiyi came in with her grandparents,
Seeing the outfits of the three of them as if they were about to enter the mountain, Zhang Feng asked curiously, "You two are going to enter the mountain too, old man?"

"Hehe, why, look down on us two old bones? We are in good health, and there is no problem in climbing mountains!" The old man saw Zhang Feng's worry immediately and knew what he was thinking, and then said with a smile.

"Where, you are very welcome to join!" Then Zhang Feng thought that the two elders were in good health, and the place to go was not very far, so he agreed with a smile.

"Xiaoyue ready, let's go..."

Then a large group of people headed towards the back mountain in a mighty way, looking at the rolling Qinglong Mountain, surrounded by green green mountains, with dense pine forests on the mountain that are evergreen all year round, although autumn has come, it still gives people a feeling of spring and summer.

Bathed in the dazzling sunshine, the autumn air is crisp and the air is fresh, everyone is in a very happy mood, just like going on an outing, walking is very brisk.

As soon as Dahei and Xiaohei came out, they chased and played excitedly. It was so lively. Obviously, they were very happy to follow everyone out to play.

"Brother Madman, where are you going, Brother Madman?" Just after going out for a while, I met the group of monkeys in the village. There were a lot of little ducks, big hairs and small stones. The stocking mode was turned on, and the little monkeys started wandering all over the mountains and plains again.

"Hee hee, we have to go into the mountains to get wild fruits!" Zhang Feng was just about to send these little brats away, and the little girl Zhang Yue said it impatiently. It is not a good thing to follow a group of monkeys into the mountains.

"Ah! We're going too! We're going too!" The little guys said excitedly when they heard that they were going to enter the mountain.

"You can go there, but you must be obedient and don't run around. There are big bears in the mountains that are fierce. Big bears only like to catch children running around..." Zhang Feng shook his head knowing that these monkeys must not be able to get rid of them, so he had no choice but to To scare them and make them obedient and not to run around. Although the mountains and forests we are going to are not far away, there are certain dangers.

But as long as they don't run around, Zhang Feng and Dahei Xiaohei will definitely guarantee everyone's safety, even if he encounters wolves, tigers and leopards, he will not be embarrassed at all.

"Don't worry, madman, we will be obedient and won't run around..."

"Yeah, madman brother, we will definitely listen to you..." The little guys wanted to follow into the mountain to play, so they all patted their chests and promised.

"Okay, let's line up first, and you walk in the middle of the road..." Zhang Feng smiled helplessly, and had no choice but to surround the little guys in the middle to prevent them from running around.

"Hee hee! Go into the mountains! Go into the mountains..."

"Ducklings, do you still remember "The King Called Me to Patrol the Mountain" that my sister called you? How about we sing it again?"

"Okay! Okay!" The little ones also found the song very interesting and clapped their hands in agreement.

"The sun winked at me...ready to...rise"

The sun winks at me, the birds sing to me,
I'm a hard-working, clingy goblin.

Don't ask me where I come from, and don't ask me where I'm going,

I want to pick the most beautiful flowers and dedicate them to my little princess.

Your Majesty called me to patrol the mountains, I will turn around the world, beat my drums, beat my gongs...

"Hahahaha... let's patrol the mountain, little fairy..."

Soon the ethereal and childish singing of the little kids resounded through the blue sky and drifted into the distance along the autumn wind. Even the tourists by the Moon Lake looked up to the mountains one after another, wanting to hear the heavenly voice.

Along the mountain road, there are wild prickly pears, wild thorn pears, goat milk fruits and other wild fruits on the side of the road from time to time. As long as everyone finds them, they will rush to pick a few to taste. The road is full of laughter. , Incomparable joy.

(End of this chapter)

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