small farmer

Chapter 262 Picking Wild Chestnuts

Chapter 262 Picking Wild Chestnuts
Calcite looks pretty good

Almost all of them are square stones, so you can only look for the ones with high transparency that look shiny, and it’s not bad to take them home as decorations.

In addition to calcite, there are many colorful stones in the mountain streams. These stones have been scoured by the stream for thousands of years. Just like a beautiful ribbon or a colorful necklace made of precious stones, it exudes an incomparably beautiful brilliance.

"Hee hee, sister Yiyi, look, this is the stone I picked up..." After a while, Zhang Yue excitedly said to Liu Yiyi holding a heart-shaped pebble.

"Wow! What a beautiful peach heart, it's still red!" Liu Yiyi took it with a strange look, put it in the palm of her hand lovingly, and exclaimed with bright eyes, "Xiaoyue, you are so lucky!"

"Hee hee..." The little girl's face was full of smiles.

"No, I want to find a piece like this too!" Liu Yiyi gritted her teeth, reluctantly returned the peach heart stone to Zhang Yue, and began to search for it in the creek, as if she had made up her mind and couldn't find satisfaction. The stone will not give up.

"Oh, madman, look, I picked up a monk..." The little duck ran towards Zhang Feng in surprise with a stone in his arms.

"What?" Hearing the little guy's words, Zhang Feng's first reaction was to think, where did the monk come from here?It was only then that Arhat Stone, who saw the little guy injured later, understood.

"Hehe, it's not a monk, it's an arhat stone." Zhang Feng explained to the little duck with a smile.

"Ah, isn't this a monk? Why is it called Arhat Stone?" The little guy frowned and asked Zhang Feng with a puzzled expression.

"Because Arhat is a very powerful monk, so we call it Arhat Stone, doesn't that sound better?" Zhang Feng continued to ask with a smile.

"Ah, that seems to be the case!" The duckling tilted his head and thought for a while before replying.

"That's right, so when we choose a name, we must choose a louder one." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh... oh, so my name, Duckling, is also very powerful?" The little guy asked Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Pfft...hahahaha..." The little girl Zhang Yue couldn't help laughing out, thinking that your name is really resounding, and everyone will remember it after hearing it once.

"Hahahaha, this little monkey is really interesting..."

Hearing the little duck's words, everyone couldn't help but smile. They thought the kid was so cute. Seeing the expectant eyes of the monkey, Zhang Feng was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do next.

"Ahem, naming things is different from naming people. When naming things, we must obtain high-end and high-end grades. When naming people, we must obtain simple and simple names, so that there is no harm. You know that Ji Wubing is easy to feed, you see, you are called Little Duck, he is called Da Mao, and he is called Little Stone, isn’t it very simple?” Zhang Feng coughed in embarrassment and continued to explain to the little guys.

"Oh...oh!" The little guy nodded half-understood, then treasured the Arhat stone he picked up in his pocket, and continued to search for beautiful stones in the stream.

Seeing that the little guy stopped breaking the casserole to ask the end, Zhang Feng hurriedly wiped off his sweat, thinking that curious children are really not easy to fool.

Then Zhang Feng also picked up a few colorful stones, and went back to make a bracelet for Liu Yiyi. The red peach heart I got is the most beautiful, so this girl is the happiest and the happiest.

"Let's go, let's keep going and try to reach the destination as soon as possible." Zhang Feng clapped his hands and shouted to everyone.

"How far is the lunatic?" The monkey put the stone into the back basket, stood up and asked Zhang Feng, and the others were curiously waiting for Zhang Feng's answer.

"Hehe, it's not far away, and we'll be there in ten minutes or so."

"Let's go!" The little guys followed Zhang Feng bouncingly, obviously very happy to be wandering in the mountains.
Because this is a forbidden place that they usually dare not touch. Although the little guys are very naughty, they dare not go near the deep mountains, so these places are full of novelty for them.

Suddenly a howl of an eagle pierced the sky

"Wow! There are eagles..."

"Hehe, it's okay, this is our little sparrow." As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, the sparrowhawk soaring in the sky swooped down and landed on Zhang Feng's shoulder as quickly as a sharp arrow.

"Wow! It's so handsome, lunatic, is this your little sparrow?" Although Houzi had seen the sparrowhawk picture posted by Zhang Feng in Moments, although it was also very powerful, it was still not as shocking as what he saw with his own eyes.

The sharp eyes are like a cold-blooded killer, the sharp claws emit a cold light, and the sharp beak is like a big black iron hook, which looks very lethal. It really deserves to be the king of the sky. Scary killer.

"Yes, they flew to my house not long ago, and now they are staying at my house!" Zhang Feng said pretending not to care.

"You guys are cheap and good-looking. If you think it's inconvenient, you can just give them to me." Seeing Zhang Feng's expression that didn't want to be beaten, Monkey said angrily.


"Ah, Eagle Eagle..." After a while, the little ones finally came to their senses and ran towards Zhang Feng excitedly, wanting to touch the sparrowhawk on Zhang Feng's shoulder, but how proud the sparrowhawk was. The animals looked down on the enthusiasm of the little ones, and still looked into the distance with their sharp eyes.

"Go, go and play, the eagle is very fierce, it will catch people!" Zhang Feng waved his hand to stop the little guys, and then quickly sent the sparrowhawk into the sky, otherwise these little guys would have to rely on it Not by your side.

Seeing that Zhang Feng let Sparrow Eagle go, the little guy was very dissatisfied. Lao Gao, with his small mouth turned up, could almost hang a bottle of soy sauce, but the child has a big forgetfulness, and he forgot about the eagle after walking for a while. When I went to the flowers and plants on the side of the road, I became happy again, and there was a lot of chatter along the way.

"Okay, here we are!"

"That's it?" the old man asked in surprise.

"That's right, old man, look at the three trees in front are wild chestnuts." Zhang Feng pointed to the few trees in front and said to the old man with a smile.

"Let's go! Let's go! Pick wild chestnuts!" The little ones had sharp eyes, and as soon as they saw the trees covered with wild fruits not far away, they ran there quickly.

"Let's go, old lady, let's pick some too." Looking at the chestnut tree full of fruits, the old man became very interested, and he took Grandma Liu and followed everyone to the chestnut tree.

"I climbed up the tree to shake the chestnuts, and you guys are responsible for picking them below..."

"Understood, madman, go quickly..." The little guys couldn't wait any longer, picked up the scattered chestnuts on the ground, and said to Zhang Feng eagerly.

"Oops! Oops! Chestnuts! Chestnuts!" Zhang Feng nimbly climbed up the tree, shaking his hands and feet vigorously, and the mature chestnuts on the tree fell down with a clatter, causing the little guys under the tree to burst into laughter. cheer.

(End of this chapter)

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