small farmer

Chapter 265 Little 8's Hotness

Chapter 265 Xiao Ba's Explosion

Faced with the influx of tourists, Wang Guilan and her daughter were sweating like rain, as if they were facing an enemy.

Fortunately, Zhang Feng and others just arrived. Seeing so many tourists gathered in front of his house, Zhang Feng was also very surprised. At first, he thought that something happened, so he hurriedly asked the people who were eating melons by the side of the road. Only then did he realize that it was Xiao Ba's fault, and Zhang Feng heaved a sigh of relief knowing that his mother and eldest sister were fine.

"Let's give way... let's go..." Zhang Feng hurriedly put the chestnuts at the gate, and immediately pushed away the crowd and walked into the booth.

"Xiaofeng, come and help!" Zhang Qin exclaimed in surprise when she saw her younger brother came back.

"Good..." At this time, the booth was full of tourists, Zhang Feng hurriedly squeezed in, as for Xiao Ba, he was not afraid at all when he saw so many people, and he still chatted with the tourists casually.

"How much is Xiao Ba's melon seeds per catty?"

"You're so annoying, I've asked you three times!" Xiaoba is not easy to be fooled, and after being teased by everyone, he has gradually learned to be smart, knowing that not everyone who asks the price will buy his own things, so he no longer responds the tourist.

"Eh..." The tourist was so despised by Xiao Ba, and his face immediately turned awkward, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Hahahaha...Xiaoba is really interesting, buddy, if you don't buy his things, he will ignore you!" The tourists next to him suddenly laughed, thinking that Xiaobai was so interesting.

"Xiao Ba is really a profiteer..."

"Hahahaha, so this is Xiaoba's business experience!"

"Haha, Xiao Ba is so cute when he's pissing people off!"

Hearing Xiao Ba's words just now, the tourists in front suddenly laughed, and the tourists behind rushed forward one after another, wanting to see what interesting things happened inside.

"Okay, everyone, leave as soon as you buy something. It's not good if there are old people and children in this crowded place..." Seeing the tourists staying in front of the booth, Zhang Feng shouted to the tourists while weighing things road.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, many old people and parents with children gradually calmed down and retreated slowly. At the same time, Zhang Feng also asked Xiaoba to go out to play for a while, avoiding the limelight, and wait for the tourists to leave. return.

Although the business would be much better with Xiaoba here, Zhang Feng was really worried about so many tourists crowded here, so he drove Xiaoba away. If it stays here all the time, the tourists will not disperse easily.

"Ah, boss, why did you let Xiao Ba go?"

"Yes, boss, let Xiao Ba play with us!"

"Boss, please call Xiaoba back, as long as Xiaoba will let me know, we will buy more things."

"Yes, boss, as long as you call Xiaoba back, I will buy five catties of dried mushrooms..."

The tourists saw Xiao Ba spread his wings and disappeared from sight in two or three strokes. The tourists shouted at Zhang Feng one after another.

"Hurry up, everyone! Don't crowd here in such a hot day..." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, rejecting the tourists' suggestions. Although Xiaoba's business would be good here, it would also increase a lot. Less security risks,
Zhang Feng believes that the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and the quality of his own products is very good, especially the crispy fish made by himself and his eldest sister, which can be said to be a rare delicacy. Without Xiao Ba, it would have little impact on their own business.

Seeing everyone gradually dispersed, Zhang Feng and the three breathed a sigh of relief. After receiving the remaining dozen tourists, the mother and eldest sister immediately slumped on the wicker chairs. They were really exhausted just now, physically and mentally exhausted. .


Although the tourists dispersed, the storm caused by Xiao Ba had just begun.

At this time, in the circle of friends, the conversation between Xiaoba shopping and tourists has already detonated the circle of friends, and everyone exclaimed in the group.

"Ah, what kind of bird is this? Is this a spirit? It can actually talk!" A Xiaobai who didn't know mynah asked in surprise in the group.

"The one upstairs is really a rookie, and he doesn't even know about mynah? But this mynah is really smart, and he can even bargain!" Another member replied.

"Didn't you say that you are not allowed to become a spirit after the founding of the country? Where did this evildoer come from?"

"Naughty beast, let's see how I deal with you?"

"Brother, where did you get such a monstrous starling? I want to see it too!" Most people wanted to see Xiao Ba's monstrous performance, so they asked the person who sent the message first. road.

At the same time, Xiao Ba also appeared in some online forums. Everyone saw Xiao Ba's fluent conversations with tourists, and immediately shouted that the evildoer came to the world, thinking that this bird has really become a spirit.

At the same time, a video of Xiaoba was posted on Miaopai. Within an hour, there were tens of thousands of clicks and viewing records. Finally, this video was posted on the home page for recommendation. Now Xiaoba has countless fans. As long as it is Most of the netizens who have seen it have become loyal fans of Xiaoba, and completely fell in love with the clever Xiaoba.


About half an hour later, the village elder hurriedly ran to Zhang Feng's house.

"Xiaofeng Xiaofeng..."

"What's the matter, uncle? Sit down and rest for a while!" Seeing that the uncle was out of breath, Zhang Feng curiously asked him to do it.

"Ah, that's it. The reporter from the county TV station called the village just now, saying that they will come to interview your Xiaoba in a while, and let you prepare?" The uncle took a sip of tea, and then watched Zhang Feng arrive.

"What?" Zhang Feng was very surprised. He didn't expect Xiaoba to help sell something and attracted the attention of the TV station, but then he thought that the small TV in this county must not have any big news, so he was interested in this.

"What is there to interview about my little eight?" Zhang Feng was a little depressed, he didn't want to show his face, even his own small animals were no exception.

"Why don't you seem to be very happy?" Seeing Zhang Feng's appearance, the uncle asked with a smile.

"The TV station came to interview. This is free publicity for our village. With fame, there will be more tourists in our village, and life in our village will only get better and better."

"I know that, but I don't want to be on TV?" Zhang Feng said helplessly.

"Hee hee, big brother, it's easy, leave it to me then!" Zhang Yue popped up suddenly and said with a smile.

"It's true, you kid. Since you don't want to be on TV, then leave it to Xiaoyue." The uncle shook his head. I don't know how many people want to be on TV but can't. There is no way.

After the uncle left, Zhang's mother gave her daughter a white look, "You really are..."

"Xiaoyue, remember not to talk nonsense later!" Zhang Feng did not forget to tell his sister to come.

"Understood, brother, you're really long-winded!" The little girl said dissatisfiedly, showing her small canine teeth.

 Thank you very much for the rewards of 'Book Friends 20170830221125160' and 'Painting the Rain and Listening to the Wind'. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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