small farmer

Chapter 278 The Beautiful Conch

Chapter 278 The Beautiful Conch

"Sister Liu, have you calculated today's turnover?" Sitting in the manager's office, Liu Yiyi asked the financial director of the restaurant.

"Dong Liu, it has been calculated. Today's turnover is 32." Sister Liu reported to Liu Yiyi with a happy face.

"Good! Good! You have worked hard today, go back and rest quickly." Although I knew that there must be a lot of business today, but after hearing the exact number, Liu Yiyi also showed a satisfied smile on her face. Then let the two go back to rest.

With a turnover of 30 yuan a day, it can be said that today’s opening is perfect, which is almost equivalent to the income of an old store in Guizhou Province for three or four days. Even if the latter ones cannot be sold out every day, they should be able to earn more than 20 yuan a day.

According to this calculation, it is 600 million a month, and 7000 million a year. After all kinds of costs and water fees, there is still a net profit of three to four thousand. It can be said that the newly opened restaurant is simply a golden cornucopia.

The next day

Xiao Wang specifically interviewed Yelang Restaurant, and the food from the restaurant was featured on Dragon TV's gourmet program that day, so the various delicacies here spread throughout the entire Shanghai, attracting more gourmets to visit.

Therefore, the restaurant was still full of business in the next two days, and the shop assistants were almost too busy to touch the ground. Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi also had to help.

"Yiyi, I think if the business here is so good, we must recruit more employees, otherwise everyone will not be able to hold on for a few more days." Zhang Feng's physical fitness is extremely abnormal, although he is not tired at all, But seeing everyone getting up early and working late, opening at [-]:[-] in the morning and leaving work after [-]:[-] in the evening, even hard-working people couldn't keep it, so Zhang Feng proposed to Liu Yiyi.

"Don't worry, Manager Wang has already made arrangements. The group is going to transfer seven or eight old employees from Guizhou Province directly to support." Liu Yiyi explained with a smile.

It was not until two days later that the support staff arrived that Zhang Feng and the two were completely liberated, and Liu Yiyi recovered after a full afternoon of rest. In the evening, the two came to the Huangpu River together to enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides.

The Huangpu River at night is extremely beautiful. Row upon row of high-rise buildings on both sides of the river are reflected in the river under the illumination of lights. It can be said that the night essence of the entire magic city is gathered here, and the civilization light of the entire China is gathered here.

When the lights come on, the Huangpu River flows quietly, reflecting the beauty and atmosphere of the magic city in the brightly lit city. The autumn evening wind blows Yiyi's long black hair, pulling Zhang Feng's heart to tremble, smelling the beauty in his arms With the faint fragrance on his body, Zhang Feng felt extremely happy. He really wanted to hold Yiyi and grow old slowly, and he couldn't bear to part for a moment.

It can be said that the night in Shanghai is an ocean of lights, a world of light, and the night scenes on both sides of the Huangpu River are dreamlike and unreal, like a fairyland on earth, which is too beautiful to behold.

Quietly leaning against the Huangpu River, Zhang Feng was also shocked by the beautiful night scene. Although he prefers the small bridges and flowing water in his hometown, and the natural landscape scenery, he has to admit that the night scene here is also intoxicatingly beautiful. .

"Yiyi, where do you want to go tomorrow?" Zhang Feng asked tenderly while holding his girlfriend quietly.

"How about we go shopping on Nanjing Road?" Liu Yiyi raised her head and said happily.

"No problem... you can go anywhere you want." Zhang Feng smiled and fondled Yiyi's hair.

Nanjing Road is one of the earliest and most prosperous neighborhoods in Shanghai.There are many shops on both sides.With the deepening of reform and opening up, the opening of Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street, and the presence of merchants from various countries, this commercial street has now become a veritable "China's First Street".

The pavement of the pedestrian street is paved with colored bricks, with the gold belt as the main line, symbolizing prosperity and wealth.There are also jingle cars in the middle of the road for tourists to go sightseeing.It is one of the ten most beautiful pedestrian streets in China.

This is not only the most famous commercial street in Shanghai, but also one of the most famous tourist attractions.There are a lot of people who come here to shop, taste food and travel on weekends.

Especially at night, when the lanterns are first put on, and against the backdrop of various neon lights, the distinctive buildings look even more magnificent.

Nanjing Road has a long history. Many buildings brought by Europeans at that time added a lot of historical charm to this place. It faces Lujiazui across the river.
Busy footsteps during the day, leisurely leisure at night, the history of Nanjing Road has endless stories, different streets have different internal characteristics, just like people's personalities, the dignity of the Bund, the modernity of Nanjing Road, the triviality of Tianjin Road, The elegance of Jiujiang Road.Take a leisurely walk to appreciate the beauty of various styles
Shopping is almost a hobby of girls, and Liu Yiyi is no exception. As soon as she stepped into the bustling Nanjing Road, she immediately got into the crowd of shoppers. Beautiful clothes, beautiful shoes, and fashionable backpacks, all of which are in demand. Can attract her for a long time.

After only one afternoon of shopping, Zhang Feng has become the elder of Nine Bags, with shopping bags all over his body. Seeing Liu Yiyi's still high spirits, Zhang Feng could only shake his head with a wry smile.

"Yiyi, you can see that my body is covered with..."

"Hee hee, it's okay, aren't my hands still empty? I'll just buy one more thing at the end!" Liu Yiyi thought it was interesting to 'squeeze' Zhang Feng like this, and said with a smile.

"It's the last one every time... Sigh..." Zhang Feng couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Crazy, what are you talking about?" Liu Yiyi turned around and asked.

"No, I didn't say anything, let's go quickly, go back and finish eating after shopping." Zhang Feng quickly smiled.

Poor Zhang Feng just turned into a shopping cart in the shape of a human, walking around with the items purchased by his girlfriend. Fortunately, he has a strong body. If it is an ordinary little fresh meat, he would probably have collapsed from exhaustion.


"Where do you want to go, madman?" Liu Yiyi asked Zhang Feng lying on the bed when she returned to the hotel at noon.

"How about going to see the sea in the afternoon? I have never seen the sea since I grew up!" The sea has always been mysterious in Zhang Feng's heart, because he lived inland since he was a child, so he has an incomparable fascination with the legendary sea. expect.

"Okay, let's go in the afternoon"

rested for about an hour
The two drove to the nearest city beach and galloped away.

"Wow, the beach here is so beautiful!" Looking at a piece of golden sand, the children are running and playing to their heart's content, so lively.

There are many entertainment items here, such as sea motorcycles, sea swimming pools, water walking balls, water bicycles, sightseeing battery cars, sea yachts, Ferris wheels, swing balls, beach playgrounds, sailing boats, windsurfing, etc. You can enjoy entertainment here.

Whenever the tide ebbs in the evening, it is the busiest time for the city beach.Usually, the father leads the children, rushing barefoot into the tidal flats, looking for a small wedelu with only a large pincer, while the mother waits tenderly by the tent for them to return with a full load.There is a kilometer-long viewing corridor next to the beach for summer vacation, and those who are interested can also bring barbecue equipment and have a picnic by the sea.

The motor boat that Zhang Feng shuttled in the sea was so handsome, so he rented one.

"Go Yiyi, I'll take you to fight the wind and waves..."

"No, I'm not going, I just need a swimming ring and go swimming at the beach." Liu Yiyi was obviously a little scared.

"Okay then, I'll come and accompany you after I play for a while."

At the beginning, Zhang Feng was not quite used to it. He rode a motorboat crookedly in the sea. However, Zhang Feng’s physical fitness was against the sky. After 2 minutes, he adapted to the conditions in the sea. He rode a motorboat against the wind and waves and walked on waves , Mercedes-Benz heartily in the sea.

"Ah... Roar... Roar!" Zhang Feng cheered in the wind and waves, passed through the tops of the waves, and walked against the current. Although his body was already soaked, he was extremely excited. stimulated.

Flying wildly in the sea, it seems that the whole world has no boundaries, and you are the whole world. No wonder there are so many people who want to conquer the sea throughout the ages.

After playing for about half an hour, in order not to make Liu Yiyi look lonely, Zhang Feng ended the gallop in the sea, and lay quietly in the sea with his girlfriend, admiring the beautiful scenery in the sea.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening, and the fiery red sunset shone on the entire beach, and the delicate yellow sand was shining with golden light. The scenery on the beach at this time was extremely beautiful.

"Crazy! How about we go catch the sea later?" After swimming at the beach for a while, Yiyi saw many people carrying small buckets and preparing to catch the sea on the beach when the tide was low, so she also became interested and excited. asked Zhang Feng.

"Okay! Let's rent two sets of equipment..." I am also very interested in Zhang Feng, who used to only see it on TV shows, but now I can personally experience the excitement of his true identity.

The sea has ebb and flow every day, and the time of ebb and flow is different every day, but every time it will send various marine specialties to the beach.

Therefore, when the tide is low, people will take their equipment and run to the beach to pick up small fish and shrimp left on the tidal flat, as well as beautiful shells and beautiful conch.

"Catch the sea..."

"Hurry up, everyone..."

When the tide receded to the depths, the tourists who had already been waiting on the beach rushed to the sea with buckets.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng also held hands and walked up the muddy beach with big strides, stepping on a puddle of mud could completely submerge the bottom of their feet.

"Ah, there is a conch!" Suddenly Liu Yiyi broke free from Zhang Feng's big hand and ran forward quickly.

Zhang Feng looked in Yiyi's direction, and his eyes lit up immediately, "What a beautiful conch."

Seeing the delicate and small conch, Zhang Feng couldn't help but lament Yiyi's good luck, and hurriedly followed;

Liu Yiyi grabbed the little conch, and happily ran to Zhang Feng, wanting him to share her success and happiness, although the little conch was not worth much, but it was found by herself, which is very commemorative;

"Yiyi, you are so lucky!" Zhang Feng gave Liu Yiyi a thumbs up, praising her good luck.

"Hee hee..." Liu Yiyi happily put the little conch carefully into the small bucket, smiling very happily.

Then the two continued to search to see what other good treasures there were on the beach, hoping to find such a harvest;
(End of this chapter)

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