small farmer

Chapter 286

Chapter 286
Everyone cherishes the opportunity to make money

Even at night, there are still people wearing stars and moons, busy in the vegetable field relying on a little bit of starlight.

"Uncle Yao is you? I thought who it was, but it's still in the field in the middle of the night." Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi took a closer look, and found that the person in the field was not Uncle Yao from the third grandpa's family, but Uncle Yao who.

"Hey, Xiao Feng, where are you going for a walk?" Uncle Yao was very absorbed in doing it, and only after hearing Zhang Feng's voice did he realize that someone had come behind him, stopped the hoe in his hand, turned around and said.

"Yes, it's dark and you still not off work?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hehe, it will be over soon, and this is the last thing left." Uncle Yao said with a smile, he did not look tired at all. Now that he has the hope of making a fortune, it seems that he has inexhaustible energy. His face was radiant and full of energy.

"Then let's go first, you should go back early after finishing your work, it's not too late." Zhang Feng said goodbye to Uncle Yao with a smile.

"Well, I see, it will be ready soon." Uncle Yao nodded and continued digging in the field.

Bathed in the starlight, Zhang Feng and the two of them shuttled in the dark night to enjoy the hazy scenery around them. During the daytime, the gurgling water, Yiyi Yangliu seemed to be covered with a layer of black gauze at this time. Under the shining of the starlight, sporadic exudes a little shimmer.

In the deep alley where dogs bark, crowings and mulberry trees

At dawn the next day, the village was already full of cocks and dogs, and the smoke from the kitchen was curling up, creating a peaceful rural scene.

At six or seven o'clock in the morning, the villagers have already woken up early, ate some breakfast casually, and hurried to the vegetable field. It's too long to seize the day and night. Everyone hopes that their vegetables can grow as soon as possible. Vegetables are everyone's hope to make a fortune.

As a result, almost all the elderly in the village, ranging from seventy to eighty-year-old, and children down to three or five years old, have gone to the fields today to work with everyone.

When Zhang Feng finished his exercise and came to the entrance of the village, some villagers had already picked vegetables and were waiting here early.

"Xiaofeng is here..."

"The big boss is here, quickly weigh the vegetables for us!" Everyone laughed and teased Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng greeted everyone with a haha. He had already gotten used to everyone's teasing, so he brought the platform scales in a leisurely manner and began to weigh vegetables for the villagers.

The villagers who were waiting in line looked at Zhang Feng and talked a lot.

"Xiaofeng is really promising now. I heard that our vegetables can sell for more than ten yuan a catty when we bring them to big cities." Villager A said with some complacency.

"What, more than ten yuan a catty is so expensive?" Villager B asked in surprise.

"Why is it expensive? Our vegetables taste good. Yesterday, a guest from the city came to my house. I made a stir-fried cabbage with vegetable seedlings. The guests ate it full of praise and praised my cooking skills. Actually It’s all because of the good taste of the vegetables themselves.” The villager B rolled his eyes and said with a smile after retorting.

"It's really so delicious??" Another villager asked in disbelief.

"I can also prove this. My family also ate some newly released vegetables yesterday. The taste is really good..."

"Hey, you just found out, my family already knew about it, and all the vegetables I ate recently are newly released vegetables."


"Okay, everyone line up, let's start paying the bill." After a while, Zhang Feng weighed all the vegetables from more than 20 households, and then Zhang Feng took out a handful of banknotes and immediately paid everyone.

"Second uncle, 35 catties, a total of one hundred and five yuan, can you take a look?" Zhang Feng handed the money to the second uncle and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, yes, how can it be wrong." The second master took the money with a smile and withdrew it.

"Uncle Dashan, 42 catties, a total of 120 six yuan..."

"Aunt Guilian, 38 catties, a total of 110 four yuan..."

"Grandma San Tai, 25 catties, a total of 75 yuan..."


"Little duck, five catties, a total of 15 yuan."

"Little duck, did you steal the vegetables your father planted..."

"That's right, little duck, be careful not to break your leg when you go back..."

"Ah, it's not there. My father picked it for me and asked me to sell it for pocket money!" The little guy quickly turned around and explained to everyone.

"Hey, duckling, are you going to save money to get your wife?"

"Yeah, little duck, what's the money you got from selling mushrooms last time, why don't you hurry up and ask your father to find you a child bride!"

"A child bride? What is a child bride?" The little guy asked innocently, tilting his head.

"Hahahaha, you'll know when you go back and ask your father..." Seeing the little guy's appearance, everyone burst into laughter.

"Hmph, I don't want to ask." Seeing everyone's appearance, the little guy held his mouth, knowing that this child bride must not be a good thing, so he muttered angrily and ignored everyone.

"Okay, okay, take the money and go back quickly." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head. If this little guy is still here, he will be limped by these old drivers.

"Understood, madman..." The little guy got more than ten yuan, and ran to the village happily.

After receiving the money for the vegetables, the villagers gradually dispersed. Some went back home, and some continued to go to the fields, began to water the vegetables, and carefully tended the vegetables in the vegetable fields.

"Yo! Uncle Erniu and Aunt Erniu, you two really love each other. You spread dog food in broad daylight, and you are not afraid of poisoning single dogs passing by?" It looks like a newly married couple, Zhang Feng teased with a smile after seeing it.

"What's the matter between us two old husbands and wives, but you and Yiyi hug each other every day, and you are not afraid of teaching the children in the village." Uncle Er Niu countered with a smile.

"That's right, you two are not afraid of hot eyes!" Aunt Er Niu also teased with a smile.

"Well, you two are like husbands and wives, I can't argue with you."

"It's you kid who is the first to talk cheap, okay?" Uncle Er Niu smiled and shook his head.

"Would you like to come in and sit down, kid?" Uncle Er Niu then asked.

"Forget it, you two managed to get the duckling away, and I don't want to disturb your two-person world." After speaking, Zhang Feng immediately walked away, not giving them a chance to refute.

"This kid is getting worse and worse."


"Wow... woof..." Zhang Feng just met everyone, and the two puppies put down the toys in their mouths and ran towards Zhang Feng quickly.

"Go, go! You two bastards are playing with my slippers again?" Zhang Feng frowned and pushed the two cheeky guys away.

"Say, who took it out first!"

"Huh? Do you think I won't know if you shut up?" Seeing the erratic eyes of the two puppies, Zhang Feng knew that the two little things must want to deny it.

"It must be you, right?" Zhang Feng pointed to Xiao Hei. Although the two puppies look similar, they have different personalities. Xiao Hei is just a mischievous guy, not as honest and steady as Da Hei.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The little guy shook his head quickly, looking at his master with aggrieved expression, looking pitiful, as if he was more wronged than Dou E.

"The little bastard still doesn't admit it, why don't you pick it up for me?" Zhang Feng shook his head, there was really nothing he could do with these two little guys.

"Woo..." After understanding Zhang Feng's words, Xiao Hei ran over immediately, and soon came to Zhang Feng with his slippers in his mouth.

"Where are you going? Hurry up and stand up for me, stand on the small stool for me, if you don't punish you today, you will be more and more embarrassing."

Xiao Hei immediately paused when he left. Hearing the master's reprimand, he bowed his head and walked back with a low expression. It's shaking, it looks like it's doing acrobatics.

"Don't move, stand up for me." Zhang Feng said while cleaning the slippers, seeing the saliva marks and imprints on the shoes, he could only shake his head helplessly.

Although these two little guys are cute, they are just too naughty. If only they could be as worry-free as Dabai Xiaobai.

Look at Dabai Xiaobai, who is now grazing in the yard with his head bowed. He doesn't even touch the flowers and plants planted by Zhang Feng. It's not like these two mischievous guys. They don't care so much as long as they play crazy. He was chasing and playing around in the flower garden without paying attention. If Zhang Feng didn't take care of it from time to time, it is estimated that these wild flowers and weeds would have been ruined by them.

 I am very grateful to the two book friends 'a661218ba' and 'The Lone Wolf Wandering the World' for their rewards. Thank you for your support, and thank you for your monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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