small farmer

Chapter 291 The Big Pumpkin Harvest

Chapter 291 The Big Pumpkin Harvest
the next two days
The village car park is finally getting a makeover

On both sides of the thousands-square-meter parking lot, development-style prefabricated houses will be installed, and more than [-] parking spaces will be planned, of which [-] to [-] have been reserved by the villagers, and the rest will be operated externally to accept parking for tourists business.

The open space in the middle of the remaining parking lot is still an open-air parking lot, but after this transformation, the parking lot has not only added a fence surrounded by cement and wooden piles, but also installed several cameras around it. At the same time, A guard room was also built at the gate, and the village will invite two elderly people to operate here for a fee.

In the past two days, besides traveling in the mountains and rivers with Liu Yiyi, Zhang Feng was doing the final finishing touches to the root carvings, and finally painted the varnish, and a beautiful 'Eternal Knot and One Heart' coffee table was finished.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed
I sent away today's vegetables and eel in the morning

Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi returned home. As autumn came and the weather became cooler, the wild flowers and weeds in the yard tended to wilt, so Zhang Feng watered them with sunflower auxin every day to supplement the nutrients in the flowers and plants in the yard. , keeping them in perfect condition all the time.

"Madman, do you think the corn hanging in front of your house is a little monotonous? It would be even better if you put the big pumpkin in the backyard here." Liu Yiyi suggested while watching Zhang Feng watering the flowers while sitting on the wicker chair .

"It seems to be the case." Zhang Feng stood up and looked at the layout of the gate, and felt that if more pumpkins and peppers were added, it would make the atmosphere of a small farmyard even more.

"Yiyi, your suggestion is really good! I'll go pick the pumpkins in the backyard later, and put them here." Zhang Feng nodded and felt that Liu Yiyi's idea was good.

"Hee hee, of course, my aesthetics has always been good." Seeing that her suggestion was approved, Liu Yiyi said proudly.


"Let's go, Yiyi, let's move the pumpkins!" After watering the flowers and plants, Zhang Feng put down the water bottle and said to Liu Yiyi with a smile.

"Okay!" Liu Yiyi readily agreed.

The pumpkins in Zhang Feng’s backyard may have mutated, and the pumpkins grown on a pumpkin vine are not small, which has attracted the attention of villagers and tourists.

In addition to the largest giant pumpkin, there are four smaller pumpkins. The largest of these pumpkins has a diameter of about 1.5 meters and weighs seven to eight hundred catties. The smallest diameter is also fifty or sixty centimeters and weighs one hundred. Come on, it can be said that Zhang Feng's pumpkins are as perverted as he is.

With the arrival of autumn, the giant pumpkins in the backyard have turned golden yellow, and the leaves on the melons are gradually withering and yellowing. It is time to harvest.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Zhang Feng patted the [-]-jin big pumpkin under his feet, and suddenly made a dull sound.

"Crazy, wait, I'll take some pictures first!" Seeing that Zhang Feng was about to cut off the melon, Liu Yiyi hurriedly called out and took out her mobile phone, snapped a photo of the big pumpkin on the ground, and was going to send it to Moments for everyone to see Look strange.


"Okay, you can pick it." Liu Yiyi nodded in satisfaction.

Zhang Feng chopped off the melon stem on the handle with two knives, then easily put the pumpkin aside, and continued to harvest other pumpkins.

"Wow! This lunatic is really big, probably weighs a thousand catties?" Seeing this giant pumpkin again, Liu Yiyi was still very shocked.

"Hehe, almost, even if it doesn't have a thousand catties, at least eight or nine hundred catties." Zhang Feng was also very happy to see such a big pumpkin. Zhang Feng was also full of achievements to grow such a giant pumpkin.

But then Zhang Feng frowned, because this giant is too big, with a light diameter of more than one meter and nearly two meters, and a weight of at least eight or nine hundred catties. Although he is not weak, he needs to be carried away by himself It is undoubtedly very difficult.

To be on the safe side, Zhang Feng decided to call a few people to help, because it would be a pity if such a good pumpkin broke by himself.

After receiving Zhang Feng's call, Uncle Er Niu rushed over immediately, and as soon as he entered the backyard, he laughed and said loudly: "Haha, I'm here, madman. I've been waiting for you to pick this big pumpkin, and today it's finally here." .”

Uncle Er Niu came over and frowned when he saw the big pumpkin in front of him, "This pumpkin is really big, we can't handle it with just the two of us!"

"It's okay, I also called four or five people, and they should be here soon." Zhang Feng said with confidence with a slight smile.

"Even if there are four or five more people, it won't be easy, right?" It doesn't mean that the more people you move, the better, because if there are too many people, other people won't be able to intervene.

"Of course, I have already asked Zhang Yi to bring his family's flatbed truck. When the time comes, we will carry the pumpkin onto the truck and push it out with the flatbed truck." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"That's about the same!" Uncle Er Niu nodded.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng hurriedly brought baskets, and harvested all the vegetables that might be crushed later, to make enough space for the flatbed truck to pass through.

As soon as Zhang Feng cleared the road, Second Uncle, Zhang Yi, Dashan Uncle, and Little Seventh Uncle arrived one after another.

"Second Uncle, Zhang Yi, you two stabilize the flatbed cart, Erniu Uncle, Dashan Uncle, Little Seventh Uncle, you three and I carry the pumpkin onto the cart."

"It's okay, everyone!"

"No problem!" They were all strong men in the village, and they were full of pride when they saw such a big pumpkin.

At this time, the villagers who got the news came to watch one after another, and the eldest sister and mother also ran to the backyard. Everyone was shocked to see such a big Big Mac pumpkin, and they all stood by and took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the Big Mac. stand up.

"Come on, the three of you lift that side, and leave this side to me."

"Xiaofeng, please pay attention to your waist, don't try to be aggressive." Second Uncle reminded with some worry.

"Hey! Uncle Daqiao and Uncle Omura are here too, come and help!" Zhang Feng is very confident in himself, but on the other side each person has to bear a weight of [-] to [-] catties, which is a bit dangerous, so Zhang Feng called two people to help again.

"Okay..." The two rolled up their sleeves with a smile and ran over to help.

With the addition of two people, the pressure on everyone will be much less.

"One, two, three... up..." Afterwards, the six people worked hard together, and the Big Mac was finally lifted up slowly by everyone.

"Everyone, be careful, don't worry, slow down... slow down..." The second uncle commanded from the side while holding the flatbed cart.

"Good! Good! Good! Lighten up, everyone... Okay... That's it..." Seeing the big pumpkin being loaded into the car steadily, the crowd also burst into cheers. Everyone was extremely excited, as if this place had its own A credit.

"Everyone give way, give way..." Then Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu pushed the flatbed cart and moved the Big Mac pumpkin to the yard smoothly.

Then everyone was busy for a while, and then they lifted the big pumpkin out of the car and placed it on the open space in front of the house. With the help of everyone, the remaining few big pumpkins were all moved to the door of the house. Peak's pumpkin harvest is finally over.

 I am very grateful to the book friend 'Little Ant Loves to Crack the Bones' for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thank you for your monthly pass and subscription support, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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