small farmer

Chapter 295 Invitation

Chapter 295 Invitation

Seeing Wang Xiaohuhou's anxious look
Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you frame the painting after it's done, otherwise, what would you do when you take it home?"

"Really? Thank you so much, lunatic, I didn't expect you to be able to frame." Wang Xiaohu said with a pleasant smile.

"I was also forced to do nothing. Who told Qingshan not to have a special shop for painting and calligraphy mounting, so I had to do it myself." Zhang Feng shook his head and explained.

"By the way, Xiaohu, what are you doing at home recently?" Sitting on the rattan chair, Zhang Feng asked curiously after taking a sip of tea.

"Me, I am now doing silver jewelry business at home, and I even opened a Miao ethnic silver jewelry shop online." Wang Xiaohu said with a smile.

After talking, Zhang Feng knew that Wang Xiaohu had learned to make silver jewelry from his father after graduating from junior high school, and now he is one of the best silversmiths in his village.

As the hometown of Miao nationality tourism in Qingshan, there are still many tourists in Sanjiazhai, because their silver jewelry business is also good. Although they did not make a fortune, they still have a net income of [-] to [-] a month. Good too much.

With the development of the Internet, Wang Xiaohu has also opened an online store in the past two years. With the explosion of word of mouth, now the online store alone has a monthly income of five or six thousand, which has completely exceeded the sales in the village.

"You kid is doing well! You're almost becoming a local rich man." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"The local rich man? I'm almost a beggar compared to you!" Wang Xiaohu shook his head. Now, who in the ten miles and eight villages around here doesn't know Zhang Feng's name. He grows green fruits and vegetables and earns a hundred dollars a month in just three or four months. Wan, has become the veritable richest man in Moon Lake, and has become the envy of everyone.

"By the way, madman heard that your village has organized a vegetable planting cooperative. If you expand the scale again in the future, you must take care of me!" Wang Xiaohu has heard about the cooperative recently, and knows that this is a good project to make money. With just one quota, there can be a net income of over [-] in that year.

"No problem. If I really expand the scale in the future, I will definitely inform you." Zhang Feng smiled, and he was very confident in his vegetables. Vegetables of one or two hundred acres will definitely be in short supply.

"Haha, then I'll wait for your good news." Wang Xiaohu said happily.


"Madman, what kind of flower are you? It's so beautiful!" Zhang Feng and the two sat at the stone table drinking tea and chatting, while Miao Yan was more interested in the flowers and plants in the yard.

"That, that's a camellia that Yiyi's grandfather gave me. It is said that it is called Sanyang Kaitai, but I don't know it." Zhang Feng introduced with a smile.

"Madman, I really like these flowers in your family, can you send me some chrysanthemums and orchids later?" Miao Yan asked Zhang Feng embarrassingly.

Zhang Feng readily agreed, isn't it just a few wild flowers, anyway, there are many on the mountain, as long as he has time to go up the mountain with a hoe, he can dig as many as he wants.

Hearing that Zhang Feng promised to give her wild flowers, Miao Yan thanked her in surprise. The girls could hardly resist the beautiful flowers. His wish came true, and his heart was filled with infinite joy.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng took Wang Xiaohu and his wife for a stroll around, acted as a tour guide for them, and took them to appreciate the beautiful mountains and rivers of Moon Lake. Finally, Zhang Feng even rowed a boat and took them around the lake. Watch the Yiyi willows by the lake and the beautiful lotus in the lake.

"The scenery of Moon Lake is getting more and more beautiful!" Sitting on the boat, Wang Xiaohu said in admiration.

"Have you come here to play before??" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course, this is the most famous scenic spot in Qingshan. I must have been here. Besides, my home is not far from here, and I often pass by the village when I enter the city." Wang Xiaohu said with a smile.

"That's true!" Zhang Feng nodded and continued to row the boat to wander in the lake, bathed in the sun, and felt extremely cool with the gentle breeze.

"By the way, lunatic, in two days' time it will be the tenth day of the ninth lunar month. Our village chief's table banquet will be here. Miao Yan and I are going to invite you to our village for a banquet." Every year on the tenth day of September, Sanjiazhai is very lively On this day, the Miao Village will hold a long-table banquet, inviting relatives, friends, and original tourists to share the joy of the harvest.

"Long table banquet?" Zhang Feng was stunned for a while, he had heard about this lively day for a long time, and heard that it was very lively, so Zhang Feng was also very interested, and he had nothing to do these days, so he agreed.

"Is there any point in participating in the long table banquet?" Zhang Feng asked a little nervously.

"What's the point? In fact, it's just an ordinary village banquet, and you just need to eat with your belly open." Wang Xiaohu said with a smile.

"Well, I will definitely be there then." Zhang Feng was also very happy. It was the first time to participate in such a group activity, and it felt very interesting.

Then Wang Xiaohu asked Zhang Feng to bring his family, and of course Liu Yiyi was indispensable.


After dinner, before leaving, Zhang Feng also prepared a lot of gifts for the two of them. There was crispy fish with dried mushrooms from home, and he went to the backyard to fish two catties of rice field eels and gave them to them.

"Crazy, let's go. I'll call you when the time comes." Sitting on the motorcycle, Wang Xiaohu said goodbye with a smile.

"Got it, come and play when you have time." Zhang Feng waved his hand to say goodbye to the two.

"Okay, madman, remember to bring your girlfriend with you!" Wang Xiaohu reminded before leaving.

"As long as she has time, I will definitely take her with me." Zhang Feng smiled. Liu Yiyi was also very yearning when he heard the scenery of the Miao Village told by him last time, so this time he had such an opportunity, he also wanted to take her with him Yiyi went to experience the unique style of Miao Village.

After making an appointment, Wang Xiaohu took Miao Yan to leave Moon Lake on a motorcycle, and galloped quickly to Sanjiazhai.

Seeing the backs of the two completely disappear into the afterglow of the setting sun, Zhang Feng turned around and walked home.

When Zhang Feng came to the square at the entrance of the village, there were only three or five tourists who were still stranded here. With the arrival of evening and the approach of night, the turbulent crowds during the day had returned, and the village once again returned to tranquility.

"Yo! Second uncle, Master Paoshan is still playing chess?" The two old men guarding the giant pumpkin sat next to the giant pumpkin and played chess intently.

"Why are you arguing, kid? I'll settle the score with you if I lose later!" Master Paoshan gave Zhang Feng a look and said.

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head. Seeing Pao Shan Ye's appearance, he knew that he must be at a disadvantage in this game of chess.

"You are not ashamed, you still want to blame Xiaofeng when you lose?" The second uncle took the top score and was about to win the game of chess, so he hit Master Paoshan with a smile on his face.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm not going to play anymore, I'm going home for dinner..." Master Paoshan learned the second uncle's sneaking skills, dropped the chess in his hand, and walked home with his buttocks.

"Hey! You can't go! You're an old man and you're playing tricks!" Seeing Paoshan running away, the second uncle shouted angrily.

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing immediately, thinking that the two old men are both second-guessers, and their cheating methods are almost the same.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, I'm leaving too. Hurry up and move your treasure back!" After saying that, the second uncle packed up his chess, took his own folding chair, and hurriedly chased after Master Paoshan.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, pushed the giant pumpkin on the flatbed cart and headed home.

 I am very grateful to the book friend 'Yufeng Poxiao' for her continuous support, and thank you for your subscription and votes, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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