small farmer

Chapter 308 More than 1 profits

Chapter 308 More than 100 profits
as the sun rises
The temperature rose slowly, and the diffuse mist dissipated quickly. After a while, the Moon Lake appeared clearly in front of everyone again.

"Xiaofeng, go and take out the old books left by your grandfather to dry in the sun, or they will be moldy." After breakfast in the morning, Zhang's mother, Wang Guilan, told her son.

"Understood, Mom!" Zhang Feng nodded and walked to the utility room.

Zhang Feng's grandfather went to a private school for two years when he was a child, and became a primary school teacher in the village after liberation, so he left behind a lot of literature books.

Since the grandfather passed away, the books left by him have been packed into wooden boxes, and almost no one cares about them in the past 20 years.

Zhang Feng only watched some when he was in junior high school, but he didn’t like it very much. After all, these things are rather boring. It’s great to watch TV if you have time. Fishing, how can I be interested in studying these things.

""Historical Records", "Three Character Classics", "Zhu Ziqing's Prose Collection", "Shuowen Jiezi", "Cai Gen Tan"..."

"Huh! "The Temple of Qinglong Mountain"?" Suddenly Zhang Feng found an old thread-bound book at the bottom, which Zhang Feng had never seen before.

Zhang Feng carefully opened the first page, and only then did he understand why this book appeared here.It turned out that my grandfather was good friends with the Taoist priests of the mountain temple when he was young. Unfortunately, the situation in China changed suddenly in the 70s and [-]s. The Taoist priests in the mountain temple also knew that something was wrong, so they gave this book to grandpa, hoping that future generations can read it. Remember the inheritance of the mountain temple for thousands of years.

Qinglong Mountain Temple was first built in the late Yuan Dynasty, and it reached its peak in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People from hundreds of miles away were unwilling to come here to offer incense and pray. At that time, the temple was full of incense and rich temples The majesty, but it is a pity that all this has become a thing of the past. The temples that had been glorious for hundreds of years could not escape the turmoil of the 70s and [-]s. They were wiped out in the tide of the times. among the weeds.

"Huh, is this the design drawing of the mountain temple?" On the last page of the book, Zhang Feng found the design drawing of the mountain temple. "It turns out that the complete mountain temple looks like this."

"It's such a pity..." Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head when he thought about the ruins of the once glorious mountain temple.

Then Zhang Feng moved the entire wooden box out, and put all the books inside on the bamboo mat to dry. Seeing that Zhang Feng was busy, two puppies walked over shaking their heads.

"Go, go, play over there, don't make trouble here." Zhang Feng just waved the two mischievous ghosts away, and Dabai and Xiaobai came to the front yard from the backyard.

"Dabai Xiaobai, be careful when eating grass, be careful not to step on the flowers and plants in the yard!"

"Baa baa..." Dabai and Xiaobai looked back at Zhang Feng 'contemptuously', thinking that the two of us are professional weeding experts, can we still trample on flowers and plants.


"Xiaofeng, do you have any dirty clothes to wash? Hurry up and let me wash them together." After a while, the eldest sister came out and asked Zhang Feng.

Hearing what the elder sister said, Zhang Feng hurriedly thanked him, quickly returned to the room, and took out all the dirty clothes that had been accumulated for several days.

"Sister, let me go to the entrance of the village for a stroll..." Then Zhang Feng said to the eldest sister.

"Okay, let's go!" The eldest sister waved her hand.

So Zhang Feng walked slowly towards the entrance of the village, admiring the scenery of the village while walking. The clear lake water level is like a mirror, and the willows by the lake are fluttering, dancing with the wind in the autumn wind. From a distance, the willows by the lake are like All the beauties, with long black hair, are enchanting and beautiful.

"Second uncle, you are back..." Zhang Feng had just walked to the square at the entrance of the village when he met the second uncle returning with a basket of vegetables.

"Yes, Xiaofeng, you came late today, and the dishes have already been taken away." The second uncle said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll just take a look at the vegetable fields and farms." After chatting with the second uncle, Zhang Feng continued to walk towards the entrance of the village.

I met many villagers along the way, and everyone greeted Zhang Feng with a smile. Everyone was a little respectful when they saw Zhang Feng.

Because everyone's income has skyrocketed since the vegetables came into the market, and now selling vegetables can earn four to five hundred yuan a day, and tens of thousands of yuan a month, which was unimaginable before, but it is because of Zhang Feng that everyone has made a fortune Hopes of getting rich are finally starting to come true.

Then Zhang Feng went around the entrance of the village. The vegetables in the vegetable field were very green and healthy, so Zhang Feng came to the eel farm. It happened that Uncle Yu and Uncle Daqiao were on duty today. Smoking dry tobacco under the big willow tree.

"Xiaofeng is here?" The two greeted Zhang Feng with a smile.

Zhang Feng quickly handed cigarettes to the two, then asked everyone about the growth of the eel, and then went to the river to check it himself, and then left the farm in peace.

As soon as I got home, before my butt sat down, the phone rang.

When Zhang Feng saw that it was an old classmate Xu Yang's call, he immediately knew that he was going to suffer. As expected, as soon as Zhang Feng answered the phone, Xu Yang scolded him severely:
"I'm going, you kid went to heaven recently, right? You can't be found in the world, and you don't care about starting a company. I'm just working hard here? Do you still have a conscience? Sprinkle dog food in the group, have you ever thought about me as a single brother? In order to show you the company, buddy, I don’t even have time for blind dates..."

"Brother Yang, I was wrong, I will go to the company tomorrow." Zhang Feng quickly admitted his mistake with a flattering smile.

"Tomorrow? If you don't come, I'll run away with money..." Xu Yang said angrily.

"Hey, Yangzi, are you like this?"

"You don't want to have a hippie smile on your face. You haven't been to the company for more than a month. Do you understand the company's operating conditions?" Xu Yang said with a roll of his eyes.

"With you here, do I still have to worry?" Zhang Feng said roguely.

"You kid is really..." Xu Yang couldn't laugh or cry when he met such a hands-off shopkeeper, thinking how could he meet such a person, his company didn't care at all.

Knowing that he hadn't been to the company for more than a month, Zhang Feng also blushed a little, so he kept reviewing on the phone, and after hanging up the phone, he drove to the development zone immediately.

In about ten minutes, Zhang Feng came to the company.

"You kid is really a master. It took more than a month to invite you." Seeing Zhang Feng coming, Xu Yang shook his head and said helplessly.

"Hey, hasn't the company been doing very well..." Zhang Feng smiled and poured himself a cup of tea and asked, "By the way, what do you want from me today?"

"You boy... Isn't the company's fruity fragrance and super pesticide already on the market? This month's total profit is more than 150 million. Because it is the off-season, the performance is not as good as expected." Xu Yang shook his head, and then Slowly introduce the situation of the company this month to Zhang Feng.

"It's okay, it's not bad to earn more than 100 million!" Zhang Feng knows that it is the off-season now, and all kinds of vegetables and fruits have been reduced after the autumn harvest, so the company's products will definitely not sell well in autumn and winter. The profit of more than 100 million has exceeded my expectations.

"Well, but our products have initially established a reputation, and I believe they will be sold well next year." Xu Yang is very confident in the company's products, so he suggested that Zhang Feng put all the profits into production and continue to expand product reserves. In response to the sales boom after the spring of next year.

"Okay, let's continue to expand the reserve, but everyone has worked hard in the past two months. I suggest that you allocate 30 yuan to everyone as a bonus. You get 15 yuan, and the rest will be distributed according to everyone's performance. What do you think? ?" Zhang Feng smiled and suggested that if you earn money, you must reward everyone to be more motivated.

"How can that work? I don't think it's better than this. You and I each get [-], and the remaining [-] will be distributed to the employees?" Xu Yang suggested to Zhang Feng. Although he had been complaining just now, how should Zhang Feng He is also the big boss of the company, and Zhang Feng provided the company's technology and most of the funds. Of course, he should also have a share of the bonus.

"Forget it, I'm ashamed to ask me to take the bonus, you should divide it among yourself!" Zhang Feng shook his head and refused,

In the end, Xu Yang didn't continue to persuade him, so the matter of the bonus was decided.

Then the two discussed the company's development and initially formulated the company's development plan for the coming year. At the same time, both of them were full of confidence in the company's development and believed that the company would definitely create brilliant achievements in this field.

(End of this chapter)

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