small farmer

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Carrying two big fat pigeons
Zhang Feng walked briskly towards the house, with a smile on his face all the way.

Walking to the door of the house, Wang Guilan saw something in her son's hand, so she asked curiously, "Xiaofeng, what are you carrying?"

"Mom, I'm lucky today, I just shot two pigeons." Zhang Feng answered with a smile, picking up the pigeons.

"You kid, don't go hunting indiscriminately next time. The bird-picker you watched on TV was sentenced to ten years in prison. You must be careful in the future." Zhang mother shook her head and told her son worriedly.

"Mom, don't worry, this is not protecting animals, it's just wild pigeons that escaped from somewhere." Zhang Feng quickly replied.

"Well, but you still have to be careful." Wang Guilan nodded reassuringly, and then told her son again.

"Got it, Mom!" Zhang Feng also knew his mother's kindness, and he didn't want to be like the unlucky Yuxing who was sentenced to ten years for catching two birds. He had to say that the judge was the reincarnation of an animal, otherwise why would he be so sympathetic? Birds, to have such a cruel hand on a young man in his twenties is really a person wearing a judge's hat.

Back home, Zhang Feng quickly killed the two pigeons, scalded the feathers off their bodies, cut open their stomachs to remove most of the internal organs, and then put the cleaned two pigeons into the refrigerator, ready to cook a pot of soup later , the little girl will be back in the afternoon, I believe the little greedy cat will like it very much.

"Xiaofeng's weather is fine today, take out the dried mushrooms and fungus to dry." Zhang Feng had just washed the pigeons when his mother came in and told him.

"Understood Mom!" Zhang Feng nodded, took out two bamboo mats from the utility room, wiped off the dust on them with a rag, and poured the dried mushrooms at home on them to dry.

"It's still not enough!" Zhang Feng shook his head. The two mats only dried one to twenty catties, and there are hundreds of catties left. If these dried mushrooms are not dried frequently, they will easily become moldy, and a catty will cost two 300. Yuan, if it gets moldy, it will lose a lot.

Then Zhang Feng simply found out the plastic sheeting at home, which was left over from the previous slab of the house. This piece of plastic sheeting is very large, estimated to be fifty or sixty square meters, and it almost covered the entire yard when it was spread in the yard, enough to dry the leftovers. Under the mushrooms.

After laying out the plastic sheet, Zhang Feng poured bags of dried mushrooms on it. The weather today is very good, just like in a folk song: Xiaoyangchun comes in October, and the autumn temperature in Moon Lake is still very high. The outdoor temperature At least there are 28 nine degrees, if it is at noon, it will definitely be higher.

Seeing the red mushrooms all over the ground is like a red carpet. When a breeze blows by, the fragrance of mushrooms rushes to my face, and I feel extremely refreshing. These mushrooms are dried mushrooms baked in summer. Originally There are three to four hundred catties. After selling for a few months, now there are only more than 100 catties left, which can only be supported until the Chinese New Year.

"Xiaofeng, come and help me pack the crispy fish, and I'll go to the entrance of the village to deliver the courier." The elder sister carried a basket on her back, which contained the goods to be sent out today.

"Okay, you go, I'll leave this to me." The business of the eldest sister's online store is very good, there are dozens of orders every day, the gross income of two to three thousand yuan, and there are still thousands of net profits after deducting the cost. It can be said that the eldest sister can easily earn 3000 to [-] a month now.

The crispy fish has also become the best-selling product in the online store, because the crispy fish made by Dajie and Zhang Feng are extremely delicious, better than other similar products on the market, so it has won the approval of a large number of foodies. Almost every buyer has become a repeat customer of the online store.

After the elder sister left, Zhang Feng started packing the crispy fish,

A small fish the size of a finger is packaged in one package. In the past, the elder sister spent four or five hours on it every day. She was very busy every day and had almost no free time.

In the end, the eldest sister had to sell a more advanced automatic packaging machine. As long as the crispy fish is poured into the feeding port, the machine will automatically sort and pack, and the efficiency has increased by more than ten times.

Now it only takes half a day to complete the previous week's amount. With the walking packaging machine, the eldest sister's work has become countless times easier.

Now the eldest sister only needs to communicate with customers online every day, record the daily orders, and then deliver the goods to customers on time. Everything is OK, and the rest of the time can be used to do what she likes.

After a while, the elder sister came back, but Zhang Feng continued to help with the packaging. The elder sister was responsible for repacking the packaged crispy fish into half-jin or one-jin large packages. A half-jin package cost 50 yuan. It costs 100 yuan per catty, so it is very convenient for customers to buy, just send the packaged goods directly, reducing the trouble of repackaging.

"Xiaofeng, do you think mom will look down on Li Jun??" After a while, the elder sister frowned and asked the younger brother with a worried face.

"What?" Zhang Feng didn't react at first, and then smiled and comforted him: "Sister, are you still worried about this? Don't worry, as long as Brother Jun has no bad habits and treats you well, Mom will definitely not interfere in your affairs .”

"Really?" The eldest sister immediately asked happily.

"Of course, Mom is also very anxious. Otherwise, why would I ask you to call Brother Jun to come home, so, put your heart into your stomach!" Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that the elder sister was in the middle of the game , I can’t see the situation clearly. In fact, my mother wanted my eldest sister to start a family a long time ago. It’s just that the eldest sister used to work outside, and my mother couldn’t help it. Now that my eldest sister has found a boyfriend, my mother is too happy. How can I embarrass them.

Hearing Zhang Feng's explanation, the eldest sister immediately understood, knowing that her mother would not embarrass herself and Li Jun, so a smile finally appeared on the eldest sister's face, and the gloom just now dissipated instantly.


"Sister, I'm back!" The little girl Zhang Yue ran into the house excitedly, threw down her schoolbag and shouted happily.

Suddenly, the little greedy cat shrugged its nose, as if asking about the smell in the kitchen, immediately ran to the kitchen and asked in surprise: "Ah, brother, what are you cooking? It smells so good!"

"Stewed pigeon soup! How do you like it?" Seeing his sister swallowing, Zhang Feng smiled happily and said.

"Hee hee, I really like it." The little girl replied with a happy smile.

"Let me cook Xiaofeng's leftover dishes, you go and call Dabai Xiaobai back." After a while, the eldest sister came in and said to Zhang Feng.

"Understood, sister!" Zhang Feng lifted the soup pot, and the little girl impatiently took the bowl, poured herself a bowl of delicious pigeon soup, blew on it, took a sip, and said it was delicious.

In the fiery red sunset, Zhang Feng walked slowly with the two silly and cute, and the bells on the necks of the two lambs jingled, as if the melodious bells were heard far away.

 I am very grateful to the book friends of '々Gaishi Panda', 'Mingyang Branch of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences' and 'Water and Sky Connection' for their rewards. Thank you for your support, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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