small farmer

Chapter 321

Chapter 321
"Da Mao, you have been shaking for such a long time, it's time for me." After about tens of seconds, the little duck couldn't wait to cry.

Seeing how the little ones were rushing to shake honey, Zhang Feng stood beside him and smiled, thinking that the world of children is really good, they can play with everything all day long, even if it is just a broken brick.Seeing these little guys, Zhang Feng had to sigh that his childhood was really unforgettable.

The little kids played around for more than ten minutes, almost all the honey in the hive separated, and finally gathered at the bottom of the honey shaker.

"Okay, okay, get out of my way to fill the honey." Zhang Feng took out seven or eight jars from the room, and drove away the little kids who were having a good time with a smile.

"Hey madman, let's play for a while..." The little ones seem to be addicted to playing, and they find it very interesting to shake the handle of the honey shaker, and they can't put it down.

"You don't eat honey anymore, do you? Hurry up and wash your hands. I'll give you a bowl of honey later." Zhang Feng smiled and knew that these little kids would not be so obedient if they didn't give him some sweetness.

Sure enough, as soon as they heard that there was sweet honey to eat, the little ones scattered, and immediately cheered and went to the water pipe to wash their hands.

Seeing the little black hands of the little guys, Zhang Feng smiled and felt extremely kind, because Zhang Feng was also like this when he was young, running all over the mountains and plains, his hands were always covered with mud.

Zhang Feng took a spoon and put the honey into a clean bottle spoon by spoon. The golden honey was mixed with all kinds of floral fragrances, including the fragrance of chrysanthemums and the strong fragrance of osmanthus... There were many others that Zhang Feng could not distinguish. The fragrance that comes out is really a delicious potpourri nectar, rich in fragrance and rich in sugar. Since the wild flowers in the yard are watered with auxin, my potpourri nectar also has strong health effects. Long-term consumption is good for the body of the elderly Both have huge benefits.

"Hehe, the harvest this time is not bad." Looking at the seven or eight bottles of golden honey placed on the ground, the old man came over and said with a smile.

"Well, there should be fifteen or six catties!" Zhang Feng also showed a smile on his face. Zhang Feng scraped out all the remaining honey at the bottom of the bucket, and there was still more than half a bowl. Zhang Feng directly handed it to the long-awaited honey Little ones, the little ones immediately cheered and couldn't wait to dip their chopsticks in honey and stuff them into their mouths.

"Oh, don't grab the little stone..."

"Little duck, you pushed me again..."

The little ones were like chickens scrambling for food, chattering around the stone table and scrambling for the sweet honey, which made the adults laughing and shaking their heads endlessly.

A total of eight bottles of Baihua honey were harvested, Zhang Feng gave the old man four bottles, and the rest were kept at home. The little girl will definitely take one bottle with her when she leaves at night, and the last three bottles will be soaked in water for her mother and eldest sister.

After everyone left, Zhang Feng took out tools and wooden boards from the utility room, and started to make two new beehives.

The beehive is the place for the bees to multiply and live in the beekeeping process, and the most basic beekeeping tool.More than 100 years ago, the American Lang invented the living frame beehive, and the subsequent invention of the nest foundation machine and the honey separator are called the three major inventions of bee tools. The use of beekeeping tools ended thousands of years of traditional beekeeping. The production method of soil nest and destroying nest to get honey has laid the foundation of new beekeeping.

First of all, the bee path and frame should be designed before making the beehive.

Among them, the bee path refers to the space in the beehive for the passage of bees and the circulation of air.In the beehive, it is the gap between the frame and the frame, and between the frame and other parts of the hive.The bee path should be formulated according to the habit requirements of different bee species and through the measurement of the bee's natural hive.The individual of Apis cerana is slightly smaller than that of Apis mellifera, and the bee path is slightly lower than that of Apis mellifera.

The frame is an important part of the beehive. It consists of upper beams, lower beams and side bars, used to support, fix and protect the hive. Its shape, size and quantity play a decisive role in the design of the beehive.

Once the beehive is designed, start selecting materials. The wood used to make the beehive should be durable, light, and not easily deformed or cracked.In the north, white pine, red pine, paulownia and basswood are better.Dry fir trees can be used in the south, and it happens that Zhang Feng's family has a lot.

Later, when making the four walls of the box body, it is best to use a whole piece of wood, so as to avoid rain for a long time, and the rainwater will leak into the box body, which will affect the service life.

The outer wall of the beehive should be planed as flat as possible. If it is not too troublesome, you can also paint white paint or tung oil on the surface of the beehive to make the beehive durable, heat-preserving and moisture-proof.

"Xiaoyue, go to the utility room and help me get out that bottle of tung oil!" After about an hour, Zhang Feng finally finished making the two beehives, as long as they were coated with tung oil, everything was OK.

"Brother, where is the tung oil?" The little girl reluctantly approached the utility room, looked perfunctorily and asked Zhang Feng.

"Hey, I said your eyes are in the sky, right? The tung oil is in the corner by the door!" Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly.


"Xiaofeng finished?" Zhang Feng just finished the work, the old man walked in with a smile.

"It's done, old man, please see if there are any problems!" Zhang Feng smiled and looked at the beehive he made, still full of a sense of accomplishment.

"Well, that's right. We have all the beehives and nest frames. I'll teach you how to divide the boxes myself!" The old man smiled, and then the two walked to the backyard wearing their equipment and carrying the beehives.

As the old man walked, he explained to Zhang Feng the skills of binning.

"Bees sorting is best between one o'clock and four o'clock in the afternoon. Because at this time, most of the worker bees will go out for activities. At this time, we can remove the queen bee from the hive, and then place the foundation in the new hive. and the frame, and finally put some beeswax and honey in the hive, and when the bees return at night, they will go into the new hive.”

"Xiaofeng, put the new beehives over there, at least 20 meters apart."

"Why, old man?" Zhang Feng asked curiously, because isn't it troublesome to be so far away?

"Hehe, if the two beehives are too close, they won't fly back by themselves!" The old man explained with a smile.

After hearing the old man's words, Zhang Feng suddenly realized.

"It's good to understand. In fact, we divide the queen bee into a new beehive. If you don't see it, it's the queen bee..." Then the old man took out a huge bee from the hive and said to Zhang Feng.

"This is the queen bee!" Seeing this huge bee, Zhang Feng felt that he had learned a lot. Today is the first time he has seen a queen bee.

"Hehe, of course, the size of the queen bee is about one-third larger than that of ordinary worker bees, and the royal jelly it produces is a good thing. You have to remember that when we divide the box, we not only need to separate the queen bee. , It is also necessary to move all the nearby hives with larvae to new hives."

"Understood, old man!" Zhang Feng nodded, saw the old man demonstrate it himself, and finally comprehended the essentials of bee sorting, and believed that he would be able to complete such a job alone next time.

(End of this chapter)

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