small farmer

Chapter 326

Chapter 326

cool autumn morning

Thin mist enveloped the entire small mountain village,
When the red sun rose in the east, the mist dissipated quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the entire small mountain village emerged clearly again.

Sleep until you wake up naturally, count money until your hands cramp.

Last night, Zhang Feng had a dream. In the dream, he was lying on a hill made of banknotes. He counted and counted, but he couldn’t count. He just kept counting until dawn. After waking up, Zhang Feng Feng couldn't help but laugh, it turned out that everything was just a dream.

"Xiaofeng, get up and have breakfast!" Hearing the sound of Zhang Feng getting up, the eldest sister immediately shouted to him.

"Ah... well, I'll be right there!" Zhang Feng was startled. He checked the time and found that it was already seven o'clock in the morning. He didn't expect to wake up so late today, so he quickly put on his shoes and went downstairs to wash up, ready to join everyone Eat breakfast.

"Xiaofeng, the rice noodles are ready, you can put any hot sauce you want, and the shallots and coriander are also on the cutting board." The elder sister and mother had already mixed the bees, and suddenly a strong fragrance wafted into the air.

"Understood sister!" Zhang Feng came to the kitchen after washing up in twos and twos. A bowl of white rice noodles had been scalded. Zhang Feng put on his favorite beef chili sauce, added some shallots and coriander, um~ just Just smelling it made Zhang Feng salivate.

Smelling such delicious rice noodles, Zhang Feng's appetite suddenly increased. After mixing well, he gorged himself, and finally even drank the soup.

"Well, the rice noodles you made are delicious!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but admire.

"As long as you like it, if you want to eat it, I will continue to make it for you tomorrow." The eldest sister responded with a slight smile.

"Thank you, sister." Zhang Feng smiled and nodded. Rice noodles are also everyone's favorite in the local area, and he himself is no exception. He likes rice noodles very much.


"Madman, let's go to the county seat" Liu Yiyi walked in just as Zhang Feng finished his breakfast.

"Why are you going to the county?" Zhang Feng asked curiously after taking a sip of tea.

"Hehe, it's not time to give money to everyone today."

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to November [-]st, and today is the day when the cooperative will distribute money to the villagers. Everyone has made an appointment to settle the account once a month. Hearing Yiyi's reminder, Zhang Feng finally realized it.

"Yiyi, have you made an appointment? It seems that you need to make an appointment for more than [-] yuan?" Zhang Feng asked Yiyi while driving.

"I made an appointment early, do you think everyone is like you, just be a hands-off shopkeeper?" Liu Yiyi gave Zhang Feng a dissatisfied look.

"Hey, isn't there you?" Zhang Feng smiled wretchedly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Liu Yiyi shook her head speechlessly.

When Zhang Feng and the two came to the bank, because they wanted to withdraw a lot of cash, the manager of the bank personally received them and enthusiastically handled the withdrawal procedures for them.

To be honest, this is the first time Zhang Feng has seen so much cash, 80, a total of 80. This money is the income of the villagers participating in the cooperative this month.
Among the 20 or so households who participated in the first month, the minimum was 8000 this month, and the most was actually the second uncle’s family, which reached [-] yuan. This is a monthly income. If this continues, that year Isn't there an income of [-] yuan?

Even the villagers who joined later will have a lot of income this month. On average, each household has five or six thousand. When a large number of vegetables are on the market next month, everyone’s income will definitely be even higher. By then, it is estimated that each household will earn The monthly income can be tens of thousands.

80 cash in a suitcase. If ordinary people carry so much money, they would probably be cautious and trembling, but Zhang Fengyi is bold. As long as he does not use hot weapons, no matter how many ordinary people he is, he will not be able to threaten him.

Fortunately, the withdrawal of the two went very smoothly. After getting the money, Zhang Feng drove back home immediately. There were no twists and turns on the way, and there was no bloody robbery scene.

"Xiaofeng, you guys are back..."

"Yiyi, you are back..."

When the two walked to the village committee, the villagers who had been waiting here said hello to them one after another. Everyone was very happy today, with smiles on their faces, because today is the day for everyone to receive money.

"Come back, everyone, hurry up and line up, and we will send the money right away."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the villagers lined up in front of the village committee's gate and waited quietly in an orderly manner.

Zhang Feng quickly moved a table, then took out this month's account book, and started to check out everyone.

"Second uncle, you have a total of 8000 yuan this month, don't you think so?"

"Haha, yes, how can it be wrong!" The second uncle laughed happily. Now he can earn [-] to [-] yuan a month, which is a good thing he never dreamed of before, so he is extremely excited.

Afterwards, Liu Yiyi took out the banknote detector and started to check everyone out.

"Second uncle, this one of yours is 6000 yuan..."

"Second uncle, please take it..."

"Hehe, thank you Xiaofeng, thank you Yiyi..."


"Uncle Erniu, 3000 yuan..."

"Uncle Dashan, 8000 yuan..."

"Third Zhang... 6000 yuan..."

"The third wife... 800 yuan..."

After being busy for more than an hour, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng finally settled the accounts for this month. Everyone left happily after receiving the money. Since they had just received the money, everyone was going to buy some delicious food to reward themselves, so the village The business of selling meat was surprisingly good, and a big fat pig weighing two to three hundred catties was quickly snatched up by everyone.
Even Grandpa Yang Ke killed a few more sheep today, and everyone was more willing to eat when they earned money. Everyone paid for more than 30 yuan a catty of mutton, and even the most stingy people sold a catty or two to try it out.

At noon, the smell of meat wafted from every household. Because the adults were happy, they gave the children a few pocket money, so the little kids rushed to the small shop of Uncle Erniu's house. The whole village is like Chinese New Year today. It was very lively.

Today Zhang Feng and Liu Yiyi bought a leg of lamb and half of a lamb chop, so the two families got together again and prepared to have a big meal.

At noon, the two families gathered around the table to eat mutton hotpot together. Thin slices of mutton were rinsed in the hot soup pot. The taste was so delicious that Zhang Feng almost bit off his tongue.

Coupled with the grilled lamb chops made by the old man, the taste is incomparable. The lamb chops grilled over natural charcoal fire are golden and tender, and sprinkled with spices, the taste is really unforgettable.

"Well, the lamb chops made by grandpa are really delicious!" After eating the lamb chops, Liu Yiyi licked her hands, full of praise for the deliciousness of the old man's cooking.

"Hehe, as long as you like it, I'll make it for you in two days." Seeing the popularity of the lamb chops he made, the old man had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Hee hee, thank you grandpa..."

Everyone was very satisfied with this meal. The delicious mutton and delicious vegetables, everyone ate with gusto and appetite.

(End of this chapter)

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