small farmer

Chapter 328 Precious Guizhou Treasure

Chapter 328 Precious Guizhou Treasure

Exposure of Moon Lake Dividends
It also brought a lot of trouble to Zhang Feng.

The leaders of the county came here on the same day, and immediately had a detailed understanding of the cooperative, especially after knowing that everyone's dividends are real, the leaders became more enthusiastic. I hope that Zhang Feng can expand the scale, and it is best to cover nearby areas. Several villages.

In the end, Zhang Feng tactfully refused, because it is easy to talk nonsense if you take a big step. Now that the market is not yet mature, it will expand to nearby villages at once. What if the sales cannot keep up? When the time comes, the county leaders will leave People, what about me, I guess it would be strange not to be scolded to death by the villagers.

Therefore, the expansion should not be too fast, and should be done step by step. Since the vegetables of the cooperative have established a firm foothold in the market and cultivated a large number of loyal customers, especially some stores have already been in short supply, so Zhang Feng and Yiyi is also planning to expand the scale appropriately, but how much to expand requires careful calculation and thinking.

With the arrival of the deputy county magistrate, there are also reporters from the TV station,
Since the dividends of Moon Lake can also be regarded as a model of local new rural construction, of course they should publicize such achievements,

Therefore, the reporter did not interview Zhang Feng, but also interviewed many villagers. When the reporter learned that everyone joined the cooperative and could earn tens of thousands of yuan a month, even the reporter was envious.

That night, the TV station in the county broadcast the news about Moon Lake. Seeing how profitable the vegetable cooperative in Moon Lake was, the entire Qingshan County was shocked. After Hu's dividend was real, they were all envious and asked whether it was possible to join the cooperative.

In the next few days, thousands of tourists poured into Moon Lake every day, and everyone came here one after another to see the legendary "No. [-] Village in Qingshan".

That's right, since Moon Lake's first dividend was exposed, the title of "Qingshan No. [-] Village" has been given to Moon Lake, and it has been recognized by the people of the whole county.

A mountain village with a family income of at least [-] yuan can be said to be the "No. [-] Village in Qingshan". In addition to Moon Lake, there is no other village in Qingshan County that deserves such a title.


"Yeah! OK! OK! Don't worry, I'll let you know if there is a chance." Zhang Feng didn't know how many calls he had received. With the exposure of the dividends of the cooperative, many relatives and friends called. Most of them congratulate themselves, and of course some want to join the cooperative.

For example, Wang Xiaohu from Sanjiazhai is one of them. Although he can earn seven to eight thousand a month selling silver jewelry, that is almost the income of a family. It would be better if he could join a cooperative and earn more money. , who would have trouble with money, so just now Wang Xiaohu called Zhang Feng.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head. Old classmates like Wang Xiaohu were fine. Some relatives who had never met each other found him, so Zhang Feng simply turned off the phone.


In the evening, after dinner, Zhang Feng went directly into the room, ready to clean up the ocean in the space by category.

In the 15th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (AD 1890), my country's oceans began to be officially cast by the government.In the early days of the Republic of China, silver dollars were used as the main currency in circulation and a large number of castings were carried out.

Dayang, as a common currency in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, has many types, and there are more than 200 kinds in China alone. According to the difference in the amount of various silver dollars in the world, their collection value also varies widely.

Therefore, Zhang Feng is going to take a careful inventory of the ocean harvested last night, classify them, and store them separately.

"Well, this is Guangxu Yuanbao from Beihu Province"

"This is the silver coin of the Qing Dynasty in the third year of Guangxu"

"This is Yuan Datou in the third year of the Republic of China..."

"Yo! Sun Datou's founding commemorative coin... Alas, it's a pity that it's the most common version." Zhang Feng looked at it carefully, feeling a little regretful. You must know that Sun Datou's founding commemorative coin was the most expensive in 15 years It was sold for 500 million, which is almost a sky-high price. For a layman like Zhang Feng, it is unbelievable.

Zhang Feng continued to classify Dayang one by one, and then found many classic versions, including a signature version of the 18th year of the Republic of China, with a sailboat on its back. The market price of this piece of Dayang is as high as [-] to [-].

"My God! This is Qian Bao, Qian Bao from the 16th year of Guangxu!" Zhang Feng's excited eyes lit up, and he couldn't believe his eyes. Qian Bao, this is Qian Bao, which has not yet circulated. How much is it worth? It is said that there are only a few pieces left in the world.

Zhang Feng felt that he was so lucky to meet such a baby.

We all know that in the late Qing Dynasty, the Yunnan-Guizhou border economy was still very backward. The folk commodity trade was mainly salt and cloth, and the transportation was carried by people or horses. Most of the silver used in transactions was broken silver or silver ingots.

Due to its proximity to Guangdong Province, since the end of the [-]th century, foreign silver coins have flowed in one after another. Because of the convenience of use, the domestic market has received a great impact.

So in the 13th year of Guangxu (1887), Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Guangdong and Guangdong, asked the imperial court to make silver dollars. After getting permission, he ordered machines in the UK and took the lead in casting silver dollars. Since then, Chinese machine-made coins have appeared, which has changed the manual casting of money for thousands of years. traditional approach.

In the ninth year of Guangxu (1883), in order to change the economic backwardness of Yunnan and Guizhou, Cen Yuying, the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, started to promote silver coins that are easy to circulate and tried to cast a kind of "Qianbao" silver coin. In June 1889, he died of illness and took office as the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou. Therefore, the implementation of "Qianbao" to revitalize the economy of Guizhou Province has never been followed.

Therefore, Qianbao has not been cast on a large scale, and there are not many samples left in the world. So far, there are only a few pieces in the world, and one is preserved in the Shanghai Museum;
Rare things are precious. Since Qianbao appeared in the world, it has been sought after by many collectors. Many coin collectors can't dream of it. It is conceivable that Qianbao is precious;
Zhang Feng remembered that more than ten years ago, that is, in 06, an auction house in the capital auctioned a Qianbao from the 16th year of Guangxu, and finally sold it for an astonishing 200 million yuan, which was more than 200 million. For Zhang Feng, it is also a huge sum, and now, the collection price must be higher, even if it is tens of millions, it is not impossible.

"Hahaha, I've posted it this time." Zhang Feng was extremely ecstatic in his heart. He didn't expect that there would be such a precious silver coin among these silver coins. These ordinary silver coins are mixed together, which is really wasteful and ignorant.

After a whole busy night, Zhang Feng finally sorted out more than 1000 scattered silver coins, the most precious of which was the Qianbao.
After that, Zhang Feng got another commemorative coin of Yuan Datou’s founding of the People’s Republic of China. The current market price is 10,000+. Although he could not find any more precious silver coins, Zhang Feng was already very satisfied. Very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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