small farmer

Chapter 331 Selling Dayang

Chapter 331 Selling Dayang

It's dark outside the window

Zhang Feng was lying on the bed talking on the phone with Yiyi.

"Yiyi, I found that you have an advantage," Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"What advantages??" Liu Yiyi asked curiously.

"Praise me once and I'll tell you..."

"Crazy, you are so handsome!"

"Your greatest strength is that you love to tell the truth, hey! Hey!"

"Oh! Crazy, you are so shameless!" Liu Yiyi was speechless for a moment.

The two were flirting on the phone, and the chat was so sweet. Although they had only been separated for two days, it seemed as if they had been separated for a long time.
Every night, the two of them seem to have endless things to talk about, and it seems that only hearing each other's voice can relieve the endless longing in their hearts.

"Crazy, I miss you!" Liu Yiyi said softly.

"I miss you as well!"




After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng stared blankly at the sky outside the window, thinking, 'Why don't we go to the provincial capital tomorrow and give Yiyi a surprise? '

Heartbeat is not as good as action. Early the next morning, Zhang Feng talked to his family and drove to the provincial capital.

It was not ten o'clock when Zhang Feng came to the provincial capital. At this time, Yiyi must still be dealing with company affairs. Zhang Feng didn't want to disturb her work, so he drove to the antique street in the provincial capital.

The antique street in the provincial capital is not big overall, it is just a 50-meter-long street, with various antique or jewelry shops on both sides, and several shops selling art.

In Zhang Feng’s opinion, there are few real items in Antique Street, and most of them should be fakes, which can be regarded as modern handicrafts at most, so Antique Street should be called Handicraft Street more appropriately;

"Money Court"?
"Could it be an antique shop opened by the Money Gang?"

Seeing the name of this shop, Zhang Feng suddenly thought of the money gang in Xiao Li Feidao, and then smiled knowingly, thinking jokingly in his heart;
"But this "Mingquanzhai" seems to be more elegant, which one should we go to first?" Looking at the two shops not far away, Zhang Feng hesitated for a while;

"The "Money Pavilion" seems to be closer, so let's go and have a look first, I don't know what the current market price of silver dollars is?" After thinking for a while, Zhang Feng strode towards "Money Pavilion";
"Brother, please come in"

"Brother, do you want to buy ancient coins? Our "Money Pavilion" has a complete range of coins, which will definitely meet your needs. Take a look, this is a knife coin from the Qi State during the Warring States Period, this is a five baht coin from the Western Han Dynasty, and this is from the Qing Dynasty. The five emperors' money......"

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a shopkeeper, wearing a vintage robe, and of average build, saw Zhang Feng enter the room, and immediately twittered to Zhang Feng to sell the coins in his shop;
"Thank you, boss, shall I take a casual look first?" Faced with Tang Monk-like chatter, Zhang Feng finally couldn't help interrupting and asked directly;

"Okay! Then little brother, you look at it first, and call me if you need it?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the other party didn't take it seriously. Antique shops are like this, with many people looking at them and few people buying them, just like people often As I said, if you don't open for three years, you can eat for three years after opening;

So the boss sat back at the counter, bought himself a cup of tea, sipped it slowly, and glanced at Zhang Feng from time to time.

"Money Pavilion" really deserves to be a shop specializing in ancient coins. Although the ancient coins in it are not so rare, they are of various types and complete in variety. There are coins from almost every dynasty and period. From the bronze coins of the pre-Qin period, From modern banknotes, there are all the common ones,

There were even a lot of foreign currencies displayed in a corner, including an ancient Spanish gold coin with a price tag of 99 yuan. Zhang Feng couldn't help but wonder if it was real.

After briefly looking at the ancient coins in the store, Zhang Feng came to the silver dollar display area again. There are hundreds of exhibits here, many of which are complete sets of coins, such as rounds, corners, and allocated into a set. The price is three to five times higher than selling alone.

Zhang Feng took a closer look and got a preliminary understanding of Dayang's market price. The worst piece of Dayang here costs 35 yuan, and the most expensive is a Yuan Datou founding commemorative coin in the early years of the Republic of China. The price is as high as [-] Ten thousand.

"What? Brother, are you interested in silver dollars?" At some point, the boss walked behind Zhang Feng and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I also have some silver dollars at home. I wonder if you will accept them, boss?" Zhang Feng planned to sell part of Dayang, and only kept a small part of his precious book collection.

"Accept, why don't you accept it?" The middle-aged man nodded immediately, and then led Zhang Feng to sit down at the table;
"Brother, take out your things and have a look?" After sitting down, the middle-aged man said to Zhang Feng expectantly;
Then Zhang Feng pretended to take out the ocean from the bag, but actually took it out from the system space,

Seeing more than ten yuan on the table, the boss's eyes lit up, as if he could tell the authenticity of these yuan at a glance, "Brother, drink tea first, I want to take a good look..."

Zhang Feng nodded slightly, drank tea slowly, watched the boss constantly check the ocean, touched it from time to time, flicked it and listened to the sound;
"Brother, your Dayang doesn't seem so real?" About five or six minutes later, the boss finally finished reading the Dayang on the table, and said unexpectedly;

"What? Boss, what do you mean?" Hearing what the boss said, Zhang Feng knew that this guy must be trying to fool himself, belittle his own things, so as to lower the price later, and he was not stupid, so he immediately knew what this guy was up to. ;
"What I mean is, bro, aren't all these oceans of yours made by officials, some of them may be made by private individuals or warlords themselves, so the quality is not that good..."

"Look at this one. It's all hairy on this side, and there are black spots all over the surface. This is the manifestation of insufficient silver content in silver dollars..."

This guy is worthy of being a professional scammer. The wear and tear and oxidation that were normally normal were said to be worthless by him, and the official cast was also said to be privately cast. The price difference is several times;
"Boss, you are too dishonest. I don't know the quality of my things. After using it for so long, the edges are worn out, isn't it normal? And the black spots are just normal oxidation... ..."

"Hey, I didn't realize that my little brother is also an expert, but these few are indeed not that good, so the price will be lower." The boss is not angry when he sees his tricks being exposed, and it is estimated that such things happen often up;

"Boss, if you want it, give me a sincere price. If it's suitable, I'll sell it immediately. Otherwise, I'd rather not sell it. It will definitely increase in value if I keep it."

Zhang Feng also didn't want to keep inking with the boss. Of course, he couldn't really bring Dayang's home. As long as the price wasn't too cheap, Zhang Feng was ready to sell. After all, these ordinary Dayangs didn't have much collection value.

(End of this chapter)

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