small farmer

Chapter 333 Disappointing Analysis Results

Chapter 333 Disappointing Analysis Results (13)

Zhang Feng squeezed out from the crowd, and was about to go to the yard to see how the rough jadeite grew.

At this moment, there was a "coax" in the yard, and Zhang Feng's three steps were taken as two steps, and he wanted to quickly walk into the yard to see what happened.

I saw more than a dozen people gathered in the middle of the yard, and it must be that someone is about to untie the stone again.Fortunately, Zhang Feng saw the opportunity quickly, and just quickly occupied a favorable position. Immediately after, a large group of people followed, scrambling to be the first, and it was very lively.

"Huh! Isn't that Liu Yishan from the Guizhou Province Jade Association? I thought it was someone who was going to interpret the stone, so it was him." The people next to him immediately recognized Liu Yishan who was about to interpret the stone.

"It is said that he spent 12 yuan on this piece of black black sand, and now only experts like him dare to touch the gambling stone. Immortals can't break an inch of jade, and I don't know how many people have lost their homes because of it..." Another person deeply Feeling, it seems that he has also been cheated by gambling stones.

"Shh! Keep your voice down, what are you doing so loudly? It's unlucky to speak so badly. If you encounter someone who is unreasonable, Jieshi Jiekua will definitely trouble you," the person who spoke just now quickly reminded.

"Ah! I didn't pay attention just now, thank you, brother, for reminding me." The one who just spoke shut up quickly knowing that he had said something wrong.

"It turns out there are so many ways to bet on stones," Zhang Feng sighed in his heart.From the conversation between the two of them just now, I know that the person who is going to interpret the stone is Liu Yishan, who is also an expert in stone gambling; moreover, the stone gamblers are superstitious, and some even have to burn incense and bathe, and choose auspicious days before starting to interpret stones.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he moved his eyes to the stone-dissolving machine. At this time, a 60-year-old man in a gray shirt with gray hair was drawing lines on the stone. This person should be Liu Yishan. The violent sun was shining on his face. Beads of sweat flowed down in big ones, dripping on the gray rough stone;

After drawing the line, Liu Yishan let out a long breath, looked a little more relaxed, and waved his hand to signal to the two calculus masters that they could start calculus, while he stepped back and took off his reading glasses to wipe the sweat on the lenses.

The stone-cleaning master turned on the machine and started to analyze the stones according to the line drawn by Liu Yishan. The sound of "哗哗" and "Ziz" was very ear-piercing. Zhang Feng frowned and covered his ears with his hands. Shi's interest, I just want to see the results of the stone solution soon,

Suddenly Zhang Feng was taken aback, as if he remembered something.

"Hey, why did I forget Eggy?" Immediately, his face was full of joy.

"Eggy, can you detect what's inside the rough jadeite?" Zhang Feng asked expectantly;

"Hey, master, you finally thought of me, I thought you forgot me, but unfortunately I can't see what's going on inside!".Hearing the first half of Dandan's sentence, Zhang Feng's face was full of joy, but unfortunately the second half almost choked Zhang Feng to death.


"But what?" Zhang Feng asked eagerly.

"I can analyze the possibility of various rough stones based on all the stone gambling information on the Internet!" Seeing Zhang Feng's anxious look, Eggy squinted her eyes triumphantly and continued.

So, Zhang Feng thought that this is probably similar to big data analysis, except that Dandan is more powerful, not only more efficient, but also has a wider range of data sources, so it is conceivable that its analysis accuracy will definitely be higher.

"Then take a look at this gambling stone, how does it perform?" Hearing that Xiaotian still has such a function, Zhang Feng immediately gave it a try to see if its analysis is accurate.

"According to the performance analysis of this rough stone, the possibility of it containing emeralds is one in ten thousand, and even if it does, it's just shitty or horse-toothed emeralds." Dandan quickly gave the analysis result.

Zhang Feng nodded slightly. The boss just left the rough stone on the side of the road at random. He probably thought there was nothing to do with it, so Zhang Feng also felt that Dandan's analysis should be correct, but unfortunately he couldn't figure it out.

"Eggy, what do you think about this rough stone that is being unraveled?" Zhang Feng couldn't unravel the stone, but there was a ready-made one in front of him, Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, and the smart butler immediately ordered.

Soon, Eggy gave her own analysis, the probability of Liu Yishan's jadeite deflating is one percent, and the probability of containing jadeite in it is one-thirtieth, so it can be said that it is almost impossible to contain jadeite.

"It's really hard for a god to break an inch of jade. Even a professional stone gambler like Liu Yishan chooses the same material. No wonder stone gamblers often say that nine out of ten bets lose. There are also many people who go bankrupt. It seems that stone betting is a thing. It’s really not something people like me can afford, it requires not only professional knowledge but also great luck.”

Looking back at the crowd who were looking at Jieshi, Zhang Feng shook his head and walked towards a pile of small wool.

Three 40 yuan smaller woolen materials are piled up in this corner messily, covered with dust, and no one cares about them. These woolen materials seem to have been forgotten by the shopkeeper. The largest one is only as big as a head, and the smallest one is as big as an egg. After observing carefully for a long time, Feng couldn't figure out why. He felt that they all looked alike.

"Dandan, what do you think of this piece? I have a special feeling for this piece of wool. I think there must be jade in it." Zhang Feng asked Dandan with a heart-shaped piece of wool in his hand.

"Hehe! Master, it seems that your senses are very inaccurate. I have already detected it, and there is nothing inside. It is just a stone." Eggy's words immediately hit Zhang Feng hard, and then Zhang Feng ruthlessly Throwing the rough stone in his hand on the ground, there was no one around, and he was not afraid of being discovered, and cursed secretly, feeling that this piece of wool was a waste of his expression.

Zhang Feng had already lost interest in slowly looking at the wool, so he ordered Dandan to scan directly, "Dandan scans all the wool to see which ones are most likely to contain emeralds, and record them."

"Okay, master, I can scan such a small number of stones in less than a minute." Dandan was full of confidence in this, full of confidence.

The speed of Dandan scanning detection is really not ordinary fast, and it really scans dozens of stones in less than 1 minute.

"Master, this is really a pile of broken stones, there is almost no jade in it, you can see for yourself!" Eggy complained dissatisfied after scanning.

Zhang Feng immediately checked Dandan's analysis. It turned out that not only were there none of these stones, but even the emerald ones were only a dozen or so, and all of them were most likely shitty waste.
"No wonder the price tag next to it is [-] yuan a piece and you can pick it casually. You really get what you pay for, profiteer, really too profiteer."

Zhang Feng scolded the owner of the store in his heart to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, let's go to the boutique area!" Zhang Feng was completely at a loss for these brick materials.

(End of this chapter)

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