small farmer

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

"Eggy, do you think there might be some kind of jade inside?" Zhang Feng asked Eggy nervously.

"Master, don't be nervous. Although this material can be gambled, the jade inside should be green beans, so the price won't be too high." Eggy saw that Zhang Feng had such high expectations for this material, so she gave it with a smile. Zhang Feng poured some cold water.

"Eh!" Zhang Feng choked suddenly, but after thinking about it, he felt that what Eggy said was right. After all, this piece of material is only 1 yuan, and even if the bet is increased by ten times, it is only 12 yuan. There must be no good jadeite out of it, so Zhang Feng gradually calmed down.

"Ah, it's green, it's green!" About 2 minutes later, a touch of green appeared on the face, and the sharp-eyed person next to him couldn't help exclaiming, as excited as if he had unraveled the emerald.

"Oh, it's a pity that it's only green bean seeds!" The master who solved the stone sighed, and then continued to wipe along the green place.

Hearing that the green stone was released here, many people came here. About half an hour later, a fist-sized pea green jadeite was released.

Because the color was very good, the jadeite was finally recovered by the store at a price of [-]. Zhang Feng was also very excited when he received the money. He didn't expect that the first time he gambled on stones, the price would be soaring.

With the first success, Zhang Feng became more confident in the analysis of Dandan, and walked into the boutique area again with confidence on his face, ready to search for a few more good jadeites.

"Master, this big rock is not bad." Just as Zhang Feng entered the boutique warehouse, Dandan's reminder sounded.

When he came to the gate according to Dandan's guidance and saw this stone, Zhang Feng was puzzled. Is this stone also a rough stone?Could Eggy have made a mistake?

"Master, according to Dandan's analysis, this piece of material should be a mutated piece of jadeite. Although the characteristics of the original stone are not obvious, Eggy can be sure that this piece of material will definitely increase greatly. There is a 80.00% probability that ice-type jadeite will come out of it. More than that." Eggy recommended it to Zhang Feng with certainty.

Hearing Dandan's analysis, Zhang Feng was startled suddenly. He really didn't expect that this unremarkable stone had a universe inside it, and Dandan could give such a high evaluation.

"Boss, come here?" Zhang Feng immediately waved to the boss, ready to buy this rough stone.

"Little brother, are you interested in this rough stone? Let me tell you, you should look at other things, this rough stone..." Liu Yishan appeared behind Zhang Feng at some point, and couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this rough stone.

"Thank you, but I'm still going to take a look!" Zhang Feng smiled gratefully, but out of trust in Dandan, Zhang Feng was still going to sell it for a try. Anyway, the price of this piece of material is only 5 yuan, even if it collapses It won't hurt your muscles either.

"Hehe, young people are aggressive!" Seeing that Zhang Feng still insisted on his own facial expressions, Liu Yishan smiled slightly and continued to walk into the warehouse.

Finally, with the help of the waiter, Zhang Feng carried the rough stone weighing more than [-] jin to the machine for understanding the stone.

"It's you again, young man, where do you start to unravel this rough stone?" The master who unraveled the stone asked with a smile when he saw Zhang Feng.

"Let's start here!" Zhang Feng directly drew a line on the stone under Dandan's guidance.

As soon as the sound of the stone-breaking machine sounded, the spectators gathered one after another. Seeing this big rough rock, everyone was very interested. After a while, the stone-breaking place was surrounded by spectators on the inner and outer three floors.

"It's actually this big rock?"

"Yeah, the appearance of this material is also very bad, somehow someone will buy it",
"Ah, I see. It turns out that this is the big rock at the door. Wasn't it reviewed by expert Liu last time? Why would anyone buy it?"

"That's right, this rough stone is simply a blank slate, nothing has been realized on the surface, neither green nor wild,"

"Hey, I guess some rookie is greedy for cheap, this piece of material is only 5 yuan!"

Hearing that everyone was not optimistic about it, Zhang Feng didn't care. He would definitely be able to extract the emerald from this piece of material, which would definitely surprise these people and shut their mouths.

You must know that this is the rough stone strongly recommended by Dandan. Zhang Feng is very familiar with Dandan's abilities. Dandan is originally an alien black technology with super learning ability. Can become the best stone gambling expert.

Sure enough, when the first cut was made, Master Xie Shi and Zhang Feng immediately discovered,
"Stop" Zhang Feng hurriedly called Master Jieshi to stop.

"Master, let's see if it's green?" Zhang Feng asked Brother Jieshi with some anxiety, and at the same time, the spectators got closer and came up to watch.

"Well, I saw a hint of green, but it's not obvious. I'll wipe it with an emery cloth." He took out an emery cloth from the side and wiped it skillfully.

"Ah, it's green, it's really green!" At this moment, a sharp-eyed tourist yelled, and the stone-cleaning master immediately stopped wiping.

After a while, a bowl of clear water was brought up, and at the same time, a large group of people gathered beside the stone-removing machine. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the final result. "Green, too green," Brother Jieshi said absently.

"Ah! It seems that the ice seeds are full of green, so it's soaring! It's soaring!"

"Guys, wipe it again"

"Don't rub it anymore, boy, I'll buy it for [-]"

"Why are you so shameless? That's full of green ice species. I'll offer you [-], so you can sell it to me, young man," said another person.The stone-dissolving machine became more lively in an instant, and everyone competed to bid.

At this time, Master Xie Shi looked at Zhang Feng and was waiting for Zhang Feng's decision, whether to continue or not,
"Continue to untangle until the jadeite is taken out," Zhang Feng said firmly.

In about a quarter of an hour, a corner of Zhang Feng's wool was untied, revealing a palm-sized piece of jade, covered with green ice seeds, which is the top variety of jadeite.Seeing this piece of crystal clear and green emerald, the viewers next to it couldn't help but sigh the beauty of this emerald, which is really a masterpiece of nature.

"Young man, I'll offer 50. Don't give up, sell us gold, jade and jewelry!" At this time, a short, fat man who claimed to be a purchasing manager of gold, jade and jewelry began to bid.

"Huh! 50, you Fat Pig San are ashamed to open the outlet, you want to deceive the little brother who doesn't know how to do it, we Yuhaiyuan bid 80" Immediately, Yuhaiyuan's boss and Zhu San, the purchasing manager of Jinyu Jewelry, confronted each other. Added 30 at once.

Both Jinyu Jewelry and Yuhaiyuan are small local jewelry brands in the provincial capital. They are not strong. They generally deal in mid-to-low-end jewelry. The competition is fierce. If you encounter such a good jadeite, you want to buy it. Such jadeite There is no worry about not being able to sell them into jewelry, on the contrary they are still in high demand, and they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars if they are resold, so they tear each other down, and don't want the other party to get what they can't get.

At this time, people from powerful and large jewelry companies were patiently waiting for the final result, and there was no bid, because the outline of the entire emerald was revealed, and all of them could be solved immediately, so there was no need to worry.

"Thank you, thank you everyone, I still have to unlock all of them before selling them," Zhang Feng said happily to those who participated in the bidding.

About half an hour later, all the emeralds were finally released, and the basketball-sized ice seeds were covered with green, rich and colorful, and evenly distributed, almost perfect.

The jade lovers next to him watched with wide-eyed eyes, and some simply took out cameras, mobile phones and other shooting tools to leave a beautiful picture of this piece of jade.

At this time, the news of Zhang Feng's rising bets had already spread throughout the Antique Street, and the scene Zhang Feng encountered when he first came to Antique Street appeared again in Bicuifang.Tourists from all directions are flocking here, wanting to see this rare piece of ice full of green with their own eyes.

"Young man, I'll pay you 500 million!" As soon as the man said this, the crowd suddenly went into an uproar, talking about Zhang Feng making a lot of money.

"550 million!"

Hearing that someone offered 550 million, Zhang Feng's heart jumped with excitement. He had never experienced such excitement before. Zhang Feng knew from the enthusiastic bidder that this piece of jade must be more than this price.


There are bids from time to time in the middle, which shows that high-end jadeite is very scarce on the market.

"Hello, little brother, I am the buyer of 'Zhou Laifu', and our bid of 'Zhou Laifu' is 500 million 80!" Then he handed Zhang Feng a business card.

"Our 'Lao Fengxiang' offered 650 million yuan. Hello little brother, I am the purchasing manager of the company." At this time, a bald-headed Lao Fengxiang representative in his 40s raised the price again.

"Ice and Snow Jewelry, bid 700 million" Zhang Feng was stunned when he heard the bid. He didn't expect that the bidder was actually a beautiful woman, but she was a little inferior to Yiyi, so Zhang Feng took a look and then looked away.

"780 million!" After a while, Zhou Laifu's salesman raised the price to nearly 800 million, but obviously the other two companies did not intend to give up.

"800 million, this is our highest psychological price, anyone who wants to exceed this price will take it!" Apparently, Lao Fengxiang's manager took out the final hole card, and they planned to give up if there were still people who raised the price.

After a fierce competition, the beauty manager of "Ice and Snow Jewelry" finally bought Zhang Feng's ice-filled green jadeite at a high price of 880 million.

"Thank you, sir. My name is Qiao Xue, and I'm the general manager of Bingxue Jewelry." The beauty shook hands with Zhang Feng, and handed her business card to Zhang Feng after speaking.
"Hi, Mr. Qiao, my name is Zhang Feng." Zhang Feng nodded with a smile and handed his business card to the other party.

"I don't know if Mr. Zhang wants to transfer money or a cash check?" Qiao Xue asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Transfer is more convenient, just transfer directly!"

After the transfer, Zhang Feng handed the jade to Qiao Xue.

"Goodbye, Mr. Zhang, I hope there will be a chance to cooperate next time."


Qiao Xue quickly put the jade into the safe, then said goodbye to Zhang Feng, and left in a hurry under the protection of two bodyguards.

(End of this chapter)

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