small farmer

Chapter 338 Very Satisfied

Chapter 338 Very Satisfied
"Here, this is my home!" Yiyi took out the key and opened the door.


"Uh, good!" Zhang Feng took a gift, took a deep breath, and followed Yiyi into the room.

"Yiyi, are you back?" Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, Yiyi's mother came out of the kitchen immediately.

"Hee hee, mom, we're back!" Liu Yiyi smiled.

"Hello, Auntie!" Zhang Feng greeted quickly.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng is here too. You sit and watch TV for a while, and I'll cook the dishes before I ask you to eat." Yiyi's mother looked at Zhang Feng and said with a smile.

At this moment, Yiyi's father came out of the study and saw Zhang Feng smiling slightly, "You must be Zhang Feng! The young man looks very energetic, come and sit here!"

"Thank you uncle!" Zhang Feng bowed slightly and then walked towards the sofa.

"Uncle, I heard that you like drinking tea. I planted it myself. I hope you like it." After sitting down, Zhang Feng quickly took out the gift. Although it was only about half a catty, it was still secretly accumulated by Zhang Feng. Otherwise, they would have been raided by the master.

"Oh! Do you still grow tea? Then I have to taste it!" The prospective father-in-law heard that Zhang Feng himself planted it, and immediately became interested, full of anticipation from the heart,
Because the prospective father-in-law knew that Zhang Feng was very talented in planting, he did not expect that Zhang Feng not only planted top-level vegetables and fruits, but also tea. The quality of the tea was supposed to be unusual, so he immediately prepared to try it.

"Yiyi, help me boil a pot of water!"

"Understood Dad! The tea leaves grown by the lunatic are good. He hid them secretly, or else they would have been taken away by grandpa." Liu Yiyi explained with a smile.

"Really, then hurry up and boil the water, I'll try it right away!" Hearing her daughter's words, Yiyi's father was very itchy. The special fragrance of tea leaves reveals an intoxicated expression.

"Well, good tea! It's really good tea! No wonder the old man likes it so much!" Under the influence of the old man, Yiyi's father is also very obsessed with tea, and the wall cabinets at home are filled with all kinds of tea.

Zhang Feng took a rough look, and there were not only West Lake Longjing, Duyun Maojian, Biluochun, and even the legendary tribute Dahongpao. This plant has become a national protected plant and is no longer allowed to be picked, so it can be said that the first generation of Dahongpao is extinct.

Yiyi’s house is not big, only more than 100 square meters, but the decoration in the house is very exquisite, beautiful crystal chandeliers, smooth solid wood floors, exquisite murals, and all kinds of precious tea on the wall cabinets, expensive Smoking and drinking dazzled Zhang Feng.

"Mom, look at this painting drawn by the lunatic himself!" Yiyi boiled the water, took out the gift brought by Zhang Feng, and showed it to her mother happily.

"Really? Xiaofeng can still draw?" Yiyi's mother wiped her hands and walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Of course, the lunatic's drawing is really good, come and see if you don't believe me!" Before Zhang Feng could reply, Liu Yiyi responded first.

"Wow! This is... this is me?" Seeing the lady in ancient costume on the painting, Yiyi's mother widened her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief. Then she took the painting in her hand and looked at it Full of incomparable surprises, she never expected Zhang Feng's painting skills to be so outstanding, even compared with the masters of traditional Chinese painting she knew.

The beauty in the painting is noble and beautiful, with a long dress fluttering in the breeze, holding a small fan, standing in the garden, admiring colorful flowers.

"Hee hee how is it? Isn't it pretty!" Liu Yiyi asked her mother with a smile proudly.

"Beautiful, I didn't expect Xiaofeng's painting skills to be so good!" Yiyi's mother looked at Zhang Feng with eyes full of satisfaction. She knew that her daughter had found a boyfriend in the countryside, but she was very unwilling in her heart, worried that her daughter would not be used to life in the countryside. .

Unexpectedly, Zhang Feng's superb cooking skills conquered the old man, so she couldn't say anything more, but she was still not very happy.

Afterwards, the top vegetables grown by Zhang Feng boosted the reputation of the restaurant and entered the fast track of rapid development, which brought hundreds of millions of profits to the family every year. Only then did she and Yiyi's father slowly accept Zhang Feng.

Yiyi's parents never expected that Zhang Feng would be so versatile. Not only could he grow top-notch vegetables, but he could even paint otherworldly things. The first time they met, they were extremely satisfied. It can be said that they had fully accepted Zhang Feng as a prospect. son in law.

"Haha, since you like it so much, why don't you find someone to frame it and hang it in the living room!" Yiyi's father was shocked when he saw this painting. He never expected Zhang Feng to have such superb painting skills. So well drawn.

"Of course, I want to find the best craftsman to frame it for me!" Yiyi's mother caressed the scroll carefully and said with joy.

"Hee hee, Dad, your water is ready!"

Hearing her daughter's words, Yiyi's father was overjoyed, and quickly poured out the tea in the teapot, grabbed a small peck tea and put it into the teapot, then poured boiling water, and after a while, a strong tea fragrance filled the living room.

"It's fragrant, it's really fragrant. I've been drinking tea for so many years, and this is the first time I've encountered such a fragrant tea." Yiyi's father took a deep breath and said with admiration.

"As long as you like it! I'll bring it to you after eating." Zhang Feng was also very happy, and the tension in his heart disappeared. He didn't expect that the gifts he brought were so popular with everyone.

"Hehe, good! You've got a heart." Yiyi's father took a sip of tea, his eyes lit up, and he loved the tea leaves Zhang Feng gave him.Hearing Zhang Feng's words, he was overjoyed. Such an excellent tea, he fell in love with the sweetness of the dragon fish just after taking a sip. He was worried that it would be gone after drinking it, but he didn't expect Zhang Feng to be so good at it. .

Liu Yiyi saw that her parents were very satisfied with Zhang Feng, and she was very happy in her heart. She gave him a thumbs up quietly, and Zhang Feng also nodded at her and smiled slightly.

"Ah, Mom, your stewed chicken!" Yiyi suddenly walked into the kitchen and screamed loudly when she saw the eggs in the casserole boiling and splashing.

"Oh, that's terrible." Yiyi's mother was sitting on the sofa, obsessively looking at the painting given to her by her son-in-law. When she heard her daughter's cry, she stood up suddenly and rushed to the kitchen.

"It's okay, Xiaofeng, let's drink tea by ourselves." Seeing that Zhang Feng was going to get up to help, Yiyi's father quickly stopped him.

"Xiaofeng, what kind of tea is this tea? It looks like bitter tea on the outside, but the taste of bitter tea is so good?" Yiyi's father was very curious about the tea leaves Zhang Feng gave him. After drinking tea for so many years, it can be said that he has He is considered to be half a tea expert, but at this moment he is stumped by the tea in front of him.

"Uncle has really good eyesight. This is the local bitter tea, but it has been mutated, so the taste is different from ordinary bitter tea, and the aftertaste is sweeter!" Zhang Feng introduced it to his prospective father-in-law with a smile.

 I am very sorry for the guests at home today, so the update is late, I hope everyone will forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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