small farmer

Chapter 343 Big Black Little Black First Hunt

Chapter 343 Big Black Little Black First Hunt
Although the situation of the truffle disappointed Zhang Feng, the scenery along the way was fascinating.
Standing on the top of the mountain, looking in the direction of Moon Lake, Zhang Feng finally realized the artistic conception of the plateau that an ancient poet would be at the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains at a glance.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, the whole soul seems to be floating in the sky, merging with the whole world.

If you have 72 transformations, you must become an eagle soaring for nine days, soaring freely in the sky, looking down at the earth, and enjoying the boundless scenery of the earth to your heart's content.

At this time, the Moon Lake is like a green gem under the sunlight. In the hands of the great craftsman of nature, it has been carved into a crescent-shaped beautiful jade, which is worn on the chest by the beautiful goddess of nature in Qinglong Mountain.

"It's so beautiful!" Looking at the green lake at the foot of the mountain, under the sunlight, it emits a green light, full of mysterious charm, which makes people very fascinated and lingering.

Turning around and looking at the virgin forest of Qinglong Mountain behind him, it is deep and mysterious, which is very yearning. Zhang Feng has been very curious about the depths of the mountain since he was a child.

When I was young, I often heard old people say that there are not only ferocious bears in the mountains, but also wild wolves and other terrifying beasts. Even now, if the children in the village are disobedient, adults often scare them: If you are disobedient, the big bad wolf in the mountains will kill you. You drag away.

In fact, this ferocious animal is not a distant legend, because Zhang Feng had an encounter not long ago. The last time the old uncle Yao went to the mountain to collect medicine, he was chased by a black bear accidentally, and finally rolled down the mountain forest.
Fortunately, Zhang Feng found him, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, and the black bear was also reimbursed to Zhang Feng in the end.

As for wild wolves, there must be some deep in the mountains. Otherwise, there would be no big black and little black, because they are the descendants of wild wolves, with the blood of wild wolves flowing in their bodies. Untamable and fierce.

After these two guys took the spirit-enlightening liquid, they knew how to pretend to be stupid and cute. It seemed that they didn't look wild at all, which was really an embarrassment to the wolf clan.

But this is just their appearance. Only Zhang Feng's family knows how terrifying they are. The two wolfhounds are so powerful that they almost knocked Zhang Feng's root carving tea table to the ground when they were fighting last time. Not only that, Their physical flexibility and jumping ability are also super good. They can climb over the fence of the house with just a few steps. Although the fence is only one meter high, it is already very scary for many dogs.

"Let's go! Go home, when will I take you to the mountains again!" Looking at the depths of the mountains, Zhang Feng has a strong desire to conquer in his heart, thinking that whenever there is a suitable opportunity, he must go to the depths of the forest have a look.

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Dahei Xiaohei quickly got out of the grass, and ran towards Zhang Feng, shaking his head and tail, looking extremely happy.

Holding the dug truffles in his hands, Zhang Feng tapped his feet lightly, and the soles of his feet felt windy, like an ancient martial arts master, galloping quickly to the foot of the mountain, the forest around him was fleeting, and retreated quickly.

The speed of the two dogs is not slow, walking like flying on the rugged mountain road, closely following Zhang Feng, running majestic and majestic, exuding a cold murderous intent, making people feel chills all over the body, as expected, they are the descendants of wolves, Even more powerful and domineering than wild wolves.

Zhang Feng turned his head and smiled. The two wolfhounds at this time were no longer just weaned puppies. If they were allowed to return to the forest, they would probably be like overlords in the forest.

"Wang Wang..."

"Wang Wang..."

Just halfway up the mountain, Dahei Xiaohei suddenly stopped, roared towards the dense forest to the east, and rushed towards the dense forest fiercely.

Hearing the barking of the two dogs, Zhang Feng also hurriedly stopped, and quickly followed, "What's wrong with you, big black and little black?"

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Hearing what his master said, Dahei Xiaohei turned around and barked, and continued to rush forward.

Although he didn't quite understand what they meant, Zhang Feng also knew that there must be some kind of animal hidden in front of him. Because of his boldness, Zhang Feng was not only not nervous at this time, but rather excited, and wanted to follow up to see what was going on in the forest. Hiding something.

Suddenly, the howling of a mysterious animal came from ahead, as if warning Dahei and Xiaohei not to approach.

"I'm going! It's actually a wolf?" Seeing the animal confronting Dahei Xiaohei, Zhang Feng was incomparably shocked, really incomparably shocked,
This is the wolf in Qinglong Mountain?I didn't expect to be met by myself today, my luck is so good, almost every time I enter the mountain, I can encounter beasts that others can't.At this moment, Zhang Feng was thinking in his heart, should he try to buy a few lottery tickets when he goes back?
This wolf is about one meter long and half a meter high. Its hair is messy and yellow. It looks like a lone wolf that has reached old age. Only then ran to the outskirts of the forest to try his luck.

It's a pity that its luck was obviously bad, and it actually encountered two evil stars, big black and small black.

After a few seconds of confrontation, the big black and the little black began to attack, and rushed towards the old wolf aggressively. The old wolf was not to be outdone, and opened his mouth to reveal his sharp fangs.

Big Black and Little Hei were as fast as lightning, and they fought with wild wolves in the blink of an eye. Both sides were extremely fierce. It was a pity that Big Black and Little Hei had experienced such a big battle for the first time. They had no experience in fighting. Although they were very capable, they could not Fully play out.

On the other hand, the wild wolf on the opposite side, although old and frail, has rich experience and is extremely fierce. Every time he greets Daheixiaohei's neck, etc., so Daheixiaohei is forced to panic.

Especially Xiao Hei, who is usually unreliable, and it is the same during the battle. He was almost bitten on the neck when he first touched it. Fortunately, because of his flexibility, he avoided the fatal blow, but his right shoulder was still injured. , the blood soaked the hair.

Seeing such danger, Zhang Feng felt cold sweat for them, but Zhang Feng did not intervene. This is a very rare opportunity for actual combat. He believed that Big Black and Little Black would definitely defeat their opponents and win the final victory.

"Woooo..." After some scuffle, although there was no one to help, the two sides confronted each other again, but the injured Xiao Hei was obviously angry, howling at the wild wolf in a low voice, and rushed out again in an instant, using the tall and strong Taking advantage, he launched a heavy attack on the wild wolf.

At the same time, Dahei was not idle, he attacked from the side, facing the collision of two dogs like a comet, although the wild wolf wanted to dodge, it was a pity that he was hit on the waist by Dahei, and was instantly knocked into the air. fell to the ground.

Xiao Hei hurriedly braked, without giving the wolf a chance to react, turned around and attacked decisively, and threw the struggling wolf to the ground again, and Da Hei also rushed forward again. Two ferocious wolf dogs pressed against each other. The wild wolf is a violent beating.

The wild wolf didn't want to sit still, and fought back desperately, but unfortunately no matter how hard it struggled, it was still firmly trampled under its feet by Big Black and Little Black.The frequency of counterattacks became slower and slower, and the strength became weaker and weaker. Finally, Xiao Hei bit off his neck and fell into a pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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