small farmer

Chapter 346

Chapter 346
"Brother Sheng is watching TV?"

"Hey! Xiaofeng, come in and sit down!" Zhang Sheng was watching TV in the main room, and when he heard Zhang Feng's voice, he turned his head and said with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you!" Zhang Feng found a stool and sat down and asked, "Where's my uncle? Isn't he at home?"

"Here, probably in the backyard." Zhang Sheng smiled, and then shouted loudly towards the backyard: "Father, Xiaofeng is looking for you!"

"What? Xiaofeng is here?" Hearing that Xiaofeng was looking for him, the uncle hurried over from the backyard
The uncle hurried into the house, saw Zhang Feng and asked quickly: "Xiaofeng, what do you want me to do?"

"Uncle, it's like this..." Then Zhang Feng told his uncle about the truffle he found.

"Xiaofeng, did you really find the truffle???"

When the uncle and his son heard the truffles, they were shocked. They didn't expect to find truffles in the back mountain of Moon Lake!This is a high-end food that is famous all over the world.

"Of course, look, this is the black truffle I found in the mountains!" Zhang Feng smiled, as if by magic, a truffle the size of an egg suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Give me a look!" The uncle quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed the truffle in Zhang Feng's hand, touched it excitedly, and then smelled it.

Zhang Sheng also hurried over, seeing this truffle, his mouth widened in surprise.

"Xiaofeng, is this really a truffle?" Brother Sheng asked in disbelief when he saw the dark thing in front of him.

"Of course, Yiyi's grandfather has already confirmed it. If you don't believe me, you can check it online. There are many photos of black truffles on the Internet!" Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and understood the mood of the two of them very well.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Brother Sheng hurriedly checked online, and quickly confirmed the authenticity of the truffle. Uncle and Brother Sheng completely let go of their anxiety, and the rest was full of excitement.

Yes, the two of them were extremely excited at this time. Truffles are known as black diamonds, and they can be sold for hundreds of dollars a catty. Thinking about how much truffles in the entire forest can sell, the two of them were very excited. A golden mountain.

"Ancestors bless you, your ancestors really bless you!" the uncle said happily incoherently, "Xiaofeng, you are really the lucky star of our village!"

Because of Zhang Feng, the village began to pick mushrooms. This summer, each family earned at least [-] to [-] yuan, and because Zhang Feng led everyone to grow vegetables, they earned tens of thousands of dollars a month. It was also because of Zhang Feng that everyone’s oranges They were sold at a high price, and each family earned [-] to [-] yuan.

It has only been half a year. With the help of Zhang Feng, the villagers finally found a way to make a fortune, selling mushrooms, growing vegetables, and growing high-end fruits. Now Zhang Feng has once again brought everyone a way to become rich. It is said that the discovery of truffles is to bring you a golden mountain.


Seven o'clock in the evening
The meeting room of the village committee was full of people who came to the meeting

"Erniu, what do you think the village chief wants us to do today?" Uncle Qi curiously asked Uncle Erniu next to him.

"Hey, it must be a good thing!" Uncle Er Niu said with a mysterious smile, and he had some guesses in his heart that it was probably related to truffles, but he didn't say it directly, he believed that Zhang Feng had his own plans.

"I also think it's a good thing, because I saw Xiaofeng go to the village chief today..." Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

"Really??" Xiao Qishu's eyes lit up and he asked. Everyone knew that Zhang Feng was the God of Wealth in the village. As long as he was looking for everyone, it would be a good thing.

"Of course, what I saw with my own eyes could be fake?" Uncle Dashan said with certainty.

"Hehe, that's good, that's good..." Immediately, everyone was full of expectations for this meeting, because Zhang Feng never let everyone down. Every time he called everyone to the village committee, he almost brought dissatisfaction to the villagers. Small benefit.

After a while, the news that Zhang Feng invited everyone to a meeting spread throughout the meeting room, and the meeting room suddenly became lively, and the atmosphere of everyone's discussion was extremely enthusiastic. The previous meetings were lifeless, so how could they be so active today.

Soon it was 07:30, and the uncle also sat on the rostrum. Seeing the arrival of the village chief, everyone stopped discussing and sat upright, looking forward to the start of the meeting.

"Ahem!!" "Has everyone arrived?" The uncle cleared his throat and asked everyone.

"It's here!" Everyone returned in unison.

"That's good, but I still need to call the roll. If you arrive, please respond!" The uncle cleared his throat, took the microphone and began to roll the roll.

"Has the second uncle arrived yet?"

"Here!" The second uncle replied immediately.

"Has Xiaoshan's house arrived yet?"


"Er Niu's house??"




"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start today's meeting." After the village chief called the roll, no one in the village was absent, and the representatives of each family came here.

"Let me ask Xiaofeng to tell you about today's events..."

Clap clap clap! ! !

Immediately there was warm applause from below. Zhang Feng walked up to the rostrum quickly, bowed slightly, and then began to introduce the truffle picking and sales plan with a smile.

"Just now I heard from everyone below, is there any good thing today?" Zhang Feng paused and said decisively: "I want to tell you now that there is indeed a good thing today, and it is a very good thing. If this thing is done well, Every family in our village can earn another 20 or [-]."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the audience immediately burst into cheers, and everyone whispered to each other in surprise.

"What's good about Xiaofeng?"

"Yes, Xiaofeng, tell me quickly..." Everyone asked Zhang Feng anxiously.

"Everyone be quiet, the good thing is that the back mountain of our village found a treasure, this is the truffle." Zhang Feng smiled, took the truffle in his hand, and shook it to everyone.


"What are truffles?"

"What? You don't even know truffles?" "Have you seen Huaxia on the tip of your tongue? There are truffles on it. I heard that a catty can sell for tens of thousands of yuan!"

"What nonsense are you kidding? You can sell tens of thousands of yuan a catty. Do you think it's dragon meat?"

"That's right, although truffles are very expensive, they only cost 500 yuan per catty." At this time, the villagers who knew a little about truffles quickly explained.

"Okay, everyone be quiet! Be quiet!" Hearing everyone's heated discussion, Zhang Feng quickly pressed his hand, and everyone quickly quieted down.

"Although truffles were found in the back mountain of our village, it doesn't mean that everyone can sit back and relax. Do you know where there are truffles? Do you know how to dig truffles? Who will you sell them to?" Zhang Feng smiled. I asked you several questions in succession.

Hearing Zhang Feng's question, everyone gradually calmed down and quietly waited for Zhang Feng's arrangement, because since Zhang Feng raised the question, he must have thought of a solution, otherwise he would not have asked everyone to come here for a meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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