small farmer

Chapter 349 Delicious Whole Fish Feast

Chapter 349 Delicious Whole Fish Feast

"Brother, don't worry, go slowly, this fish should die soon..." Zhang Yi is also very experienced, knowing that the rush just now must have used up the last strength of the big fish;

"Hehe, don't worry, this big fish will definitely not be able to escape..." Zhang Feng also knew that he was a little careless just now, and he was almost escaped by the fish because of his negligence, so he smiled and said to his cousin;
"Hurry up and bring the net bag here, this fish is about to die..." Seeing that the timing was almost up, Zhang Feng hurriedly asked his cousin to get the net bag ready;
"Okay, here comes the copy..." As he said this, the guy put the net bag towards the big fish net. At this time, the big fish was exhausted and had no strength to resist at all, so Zhang Feng easily put the big fish net into his pocket , and then several people worked together to pull the big fish onto the boat.

"Tsk tsk! It's so big, I don't know how heavy it is..." Several people were very curious about this. This fish is fifty or sixty centimeters long, and such a big fish is rare even in Moon Lake.

"Well! It's estimated to be twenty or thirty catties. I'm lucky this time. There shouldn't be many bigger ones in this lake..." Zhang Feng picked up the gills on both sides of the big fish, weighed it, and said.

"Hey, it looks like we can have a whole fish feast tonight..." Seeing that the fish was so big, Zhang Yi immediately smiled, as if he was the one who caught the fish;
"Brothers!! Have you caught a big fish..." At this time, there were several small boats on the lake. Seeing the movement here, they also guessed that they must have caught a big fish, so they all turned to Zhang Feng's small boat. Come rowing, the tourists on one of the boats couldn't wait to ask, and also wanted to see the strangeness;
"Hehe, this is the one you see. It probably weighs twenty or thirty catties..." Huang Qiang was also very excited. He did his best to pick up the big fish and show it to other tourists without taking pictures of the big fish to dirty his clothes.

"So big?... Is there such a big fish in this lake?" The people on the opposite boat asked in shock;

"Hey, isn't this the day, it's still a black fish..." Huang Qiang hugged the big fish, and showed off to the opposite with a smile.

"Brothers, awesome!! You are so awesome!! You can catch such a big fish..." Everyone approached the boat and finally saw the true face of the black fish, which was fifty or sixty centimeters long, so they all looked at each other. Zhang Feng and the others gave a thumbs up, expressing their admiration, and many others took photos one after another. It is possible that the Weibo of tourists catching big fish in Qingyue Lake will appear on the Internet soon;
After watching for a while, everyone dispersed, and the lake became calm again...

Thanks to the special-effect bait of Zhang Feng’s family, the few people seemed to be possessed by fishing gods, catching big fish one after another, and the other tourists gradually became numb from the shock, and couldn’t keep up with the rhythm of the few people. At the same time, they also envied Zhang Feng and the others endlessly.

In the end, everyone caught another seven or eight big fish, and felt that they had caught almost the same amount, so they called it a day, and the fish in the lake dispersed one after another, and escaped unharmed.

It was the first time for Huang Qiang to catch so many fish, he screamed excitedly, then took out his mobile phone to take pictures frantically, and excitedly uploaded the photos to Moments, making friends in the city envious.


Luo Xia and Lone Frog fly together, the autumn water is always the same.

The fishing boat sings late,

Until the sun went down, the four people left with unsatisfactory feelings, especially Huang Qiang felt that this experience was really unforgettable,

This afternoon, not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake, but also caught a lot of fish, which was really exciting.


"Mom, we're back!" Zhang Feng happily carried the big fish and brought everyone back home.

"You are back, hey!! This fish is so big..." Zhang Feng's mother also smiled and nodded to everyone, calling for everyone to sit down. When she saw the big fish in her son's hand, she was a little surprised;

"Hee hee, this big fish was caught by a lunatic in the lake!" Yiyi was also very happy.

At this moment, the old man also walked in. Today, everyone is going to have a whole fish feast together. An excellent chef like his old man must be indispensable.

"Hehe, Xiaofeng heard that you caught a big fish?" The old man was also very happy, after all, the fish weighed more than 20 catties.Not much in Moon Lake;

"That's right, look at the big fish right here, and you'll have to do it later, we'll rely on you for our whole fish feast tonight..." Zhang Feng said with a smile;
"Hehe, don't worry, leave it to me. I happen to have some sauerkraut at home. I'll make pickled cabbage fish head tofu soup for everyone tonight..." The old man chuckled and walked towards the kitchen with the big fish in his hand.


The old man's movements were not slow either. In less than two hours, the whole fish was turned into a delicious dish, a dish of spicy braised fish.One pickled cabbage fish head tofu soup, one steamed fish, one emerald fish ball soup are just four dishes;
Local people love spicy food, so spicy braised fish is the favorite of young people. This dish uses local prickly ash, which smells pure and has no bitterness. It is very suitable for everyone's taste. In addition, garlic sprouts, shallots, coriander, ginger and other seasonings are added. The fragrance is overflowing and the taste is delicious;

Pickled cabbage fish head tofu soup, in which the pickled cabbage is soaked in brine when making tofu, the taste is purer and refreshing than that made with sour vinegar, and the tofu is also tofu in sour soup, which is more resilient than gypsum tofu;
Because of the addition of sauerkraut, not only the fish head remains fresh and tender, but also the umami of the fish meat is slowly immersed in the tofu with the soup, making the plain tofu become magical and delicious;

Soon, everyone moved together, pickled cabbage fish head tofu soup, spicy braised fish, steamed black fish, emerald fish balls, and a few vegetables, a table of delicious food was placed on the table, because this The fish is very big, so I didn’t make other meat dishes. Although they are all fish, they are also very rich;

"Hehe, come here!!! Everyone, how about trying the fish I cooked today?" After everyone was done, the old man said to everyone with a smile.

"Grandpa's cooking must be delicious, grandma, come and have a piece!" Huang Qiang gave Grandma Liu a piece of fish meat close to the fish head. The meat here has fewer fish bones, so it is more reassuring to eat.

"Hehe, eat, you all eat!" Grandma Liu was also very happy when she saw her grandson pick up food for herself, with a smile on her face.

"Xiaoqiang, let Yiyi and Xiaofeng take you around these few days. The scenery around here is very good. It's hard to come here. You need to play for a few more days." The old man said to his grandson with a smile.

"I know grandpa, I will definitely play here for a few more days, and accompany you and grandma by the way." Huang Qiang nodded with a smile,
Moreover, the scenery here in Moon Lake is so beautiful. Every time Huang Qiang sees the photos posted by his cousin in the group, Huang Qiang is always yearning for it.

(End of this chapter)

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