small farmer

Chapter 362 Point Use Plan

Chapter 362 Point Use Plan
Zhang Feng shook his head,
The cultivation environment on the earth is really bad, it seems that I can only rely on the resources in the system to cultivate.

If you want to break through the second layer of gymnastics, you still don't know how many points and soft sister coins you will need to spend.

"Eggy, how many points do you need for an intermediate fitness pill?" Intermediate fitness pills, this will be the most needed pill for Zhang Feng's current cultivation.

"Master, each mid-level fitness pill needs [-] points!"

Fifteen hundred points, that's 15 oceans, I didn't expect that a pill would cost so much,

Zhang Feng shook his head. If he wants to break through, he needs to exchange seven or eight coins, which is millions of dollars. If he has no money and wants to succeed in cultivation, it is almost a dream.Poor culture and rich military are the same everywhere.

This is still the second floor of gymnastics, how much will it cost if it reaches the third floor? ?It is estimated that the funds needed have gone to sea, and it may be tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

"It's really not easy to practice gymnastics!" Zhang Feng sighed and put away the lottery items.


"Eggy, have you made a plan for using the [-] points?" After the lottery draw, Zhang Feng began to ask about the points rewarded last time, because it is related to the next system task, but it cannot be used blindly. Scientific planning is required.

"Of course, Eggy has already made a plan!" Eggy raised her round head proudly, and said with squinting eyes at Zhang Feng.

"Oh, tell me quickly!" Zhang Feng was very curious about Eggy's plan.

"Master, in order for you to complete the follow-up system tasks quickly, I think you should earn more money and have more points, so that you won't have the pressure of tasks, so the first thing we need to exchange is the technology that can make money,"

"The technology of the primary hangover pill is very suitable for the needs of the owner. The primary hangover pill is a highly effective hangover pill with a super powerful hangover effect. No matter how drunk you are, you must take the primary hangover pill. You will be fully awake in an hour..."

"Really so awesome??" Zhang Feng opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth in surprise. He didn't expect such a good thing.

"Hee hee, of course, according to Dandan's market research, primary hangover pills are a hangover medicine with a huge demand in the market. In China alone, there is an estimated demand for hundreds of millions of pills every year, even if each pill is only sold For 100 yuan, there will be sales of 100 billion, and the profit will be billions." Eggy said with joy, as if billions of dollars of wealth were already beckoning to him.

Seeing Eggy so excited, Zhang Feng couldn't stop smiling wryly. He didn't expect that this guy also has the potential to be a profiteer. A hangover pill costs 100 yuan. Is this too expensive?
However, regarding Dandan's suggestion, Zhang Feng felt that the feasibility was very high, and the technical prospect of the junior hangover pill was indeed very good. Even a person like Zhang Feng who rarely drank alcohol knew that it had great potential for money.

Because in China, as long as everyone gets together, if they don't drink two bottles of wine, is it still called a party?

As the saying goes, a deep feeling is boring, and a shallow feeling is licking,
In Chinese traditional culture, wine represents friendship and the friendship between friends. Therefore, there are very few people in China who don't drink alcohol, and almost everyone can drink two sips.

"Dandan, how many points do you need to exchange for the technology of primary hangover pills???" Zhang Feng was also very interested in the technology of hangover pills, and immediately asked Dandan.

"Master Jiejiu Pill needs [-] points for the full set of skills!"

"Eight thousand points??" Zhang Feng stroked his chin and nodded, thinking that it was still cheap. The system mall was indeed not as bad as the lottery system.

"Eggy, exchange it for me immediately!!" Although the [-] points accounted for [-]% of all his points, Zhang Feng still felt it was a good deal.

I believe that if I understand Jiuwan, the sales will be extremely hot, and I believe that there will be a lot of money at that time. At that time, I will not only be able to successfully complete the task, but also earn more points to buy better items.

Eggy's efficiency was unexpectedly fast, and all the information was installed in Zhang Feng's computer in the blink of an eye, and a password was installed, only Zhang Feng himself could open it.

Zhang Feng is going to hand over the primary hangover pills to 'Tianyang Company' for production (the production license of the drug is ignored here, otherwise it will take two or three years just to get the approval), and I believe that the samples will be produced soon. Entering the clinical trial stage, if everything goes well, it is estimated that it will be officially put on the market in half a year, and it will earn a lot of profits for itself.

After exchanging to understand the technology of Jiuwan, Zhang Feng only has 3050 points left, which is only enough to buy two intermediate fitness pills, which can only support two or three months of cultivation.

"I didn't expect it to be almost one o'clock! Go to sleep!" Suddenly Zhang Feng saw the time on the phone, so he turned off the system, and gradually fell asleep while lying on the bed.

In the deep alley where dogs bark, crowings and mulberry trees

In the early morning, the small mountain village was full of noise, animals contending, and it was extremely lively.

Although Moon Lake is not a paradise, the morning here is also extremely beautiful, where the trees are shady, the mountains and rivers are connected, the sky is blue and the water is green, and the wild flowers are fragrant.
In the hearts of many people, this is a beautiful paradise, attracting a large number of tourists to visit here every day, which is yearning and lingering.


"Mom, I'm going to the company!"

"Okay, let's go!"

When he got up the next day, he talked to his mother, and Zhang Feng drove to the company in his car.
Although Zhang Feng seldom comes to the company, he often communicates with Xu Yang. The development of the company is going well, because the products have just been launched, and the sales volume in the past few months has not been very good, but it has already made a profit. Although the current There is still very little profit, and it is still far from my goal.

But Zhang Feng believes that his products will explode next year, and Zhang Feng has absolute confidence in his products.

I thought that next year the company will definitely give me a huge surprise and bring me a lot of profits.

"Damn it, you're finally willing to come to the company!" Seeing Zhang Feng push the door open, Xu Yang was taken aback.

"Hey, didn't I come to see you? By the way, I care about your important life..." The company has been on the right track recently, and it is in the off-season of sales, so Xu Yang is relatively free, often going home for blind dates, every time he is caught After Zhang Feng found out, he would be ridiculed.

"Fuck off, you kid is really full. You don't know how hungry you are. You just sprinkle dog food in the group all day, and you don't think about us single dogs!" Xu Yang rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Hey, when will Yiyi introduce you to a beautiful woman!" Zhang Feng smiled triumphantly, and then said.

"Really?? You kid, don't lie to me!" Xu Yang's eyes lit up immediately. People say that things of a kind flock together and people form groups. Yiyi is so pretty, so the friends she introduced should be pretty good too!
"Don't worry, I can still lie to you about this matter. A few of her friends will go to our village to play on New Year's Day. Then it's up to you!" Zhang Feng winked at Xu Yang, smiled and hoped that his old classmates would go to the village soon Get out of the singles and find your other half.

(End of this chapter)

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