small farmer

Chapter 365 Happy Birthday

Chapter 365 Happy Birthday
time flies

In a blink of an eye, it was the tenth day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, and today was the birthday of the old man and Grandma Liu.

Yiyi's parents arrived in the village last night, and the elder aunt and younger aunt's family also arrived here this morning. The whole family is here, ready to celebrate a lively birthday for the two elders.

"Crazy, why are there so many guests at Mr. Liu's house today??" Seeing Zhang Feng and Yiyi picking up several groups of guests back and forth, Uncle Er Niu asked Zhang Feng quietly.

"Today is the old man's birthday!" Zhang Feng replied softly.

"Ah, why didn't you tell me sooner, so that I can prepare a gift too!" Uncle Er Niu was taken aback immediately, and then said dissatisfied.

"It's okay. The old man never accepts other people's birthday presents. Every birthday is a gathering of relatives and friends, and he doesn't like to make things happen." Zhang Feng explained with a slight smile.


At noon, several close friends and apprentices of the old man had already arrived. Since there were many ready-made chefs, everyone was preparing for the birthday banquet in the evening.

The old man and grandma Liu were dressed in festive clothes, sitting in the main room with smiles, chatting with relatives and friends who came to celebrate the birthday, and accepting everyone's congratulations.

"Xiaofeng, the goat is here, where do you want to put it?"

"Grandpa Yangke, are you here? I can move it myself..."

Since today is the birthday of the two elders, Zhang Feng specially bought a black goat, and planned to let the guests taste the special products of Moon Lake.

At night, the yard is brightly lit.

The food on the three tables is mouth-watering. The golden grilled lamb chops exude a strong meaty fragrance. The lamb stewed with truffles is delicious, as well as braised fish, stir-fried eel, and various seasonal vegetables.
Almost all of these ingredients come from Zhang Feng's family. Every dish is extremely delicious, full of color, fragrance and taste, and everyone's appetite is greatly increased.

Since the old man doesn't like politeness, everyone is very casual. Everyone was very satisfied with the gluttonous feast tonight. Even a few old friends of the old man couldn't help but eat a few more pieces of meat, especially Zhang Feng's family. The eels and fish in the backyard are the most popular, and they are quickly wiped out by everyone.


At nine o'clock in the evening, most of the guests have already left, only a few old people and Yiyi's family are left, and of course Zhang Feng is still here.

"Mom and Dad, I wish you good luck like Donghai Shoubi Nanshan"

"I wish my grandparents (grandparents) a long and healthy life and a long life."

The second and third generations of the Liu family lined up to pay respects to the old man and Grandma Liu.

"Good! Good! Good..." The two elders felt the filial piety of their children and grandchildren, and they were very pleased with the three good words in a row. Which old man does not want his children and grandchildren to be filial and harmonious, seeing his sons, daughters, granddaughters and a few The two grandsons, the faces of the old man and Grandma Liu are full of smiles.

"Hehe, everyone get up, the old man and I are satisfied to see the family happy and happy." Grandma Liu said with a face full of relief.

After Yiyi's family celebrated the old man's birthday, Yiyi took Zhang Feng to wish the old man his birthday.

"Grandpa and grandma, we both wish you good health and a long life." The two sincerely bowed to the two old people.

"Hehe, okay, you two are not young anymore, our two families have to discuss it carefully, it is best for you to get married early, my wife and I are waiting to have a great-grandson!" Looking at Zhang Feng, the old man was also very satisfied, and smiled Hehe said.

"Grandpa..." Yiyi called shyly.Zhang Feng looked at Yiyi and smiled gently.

"Hehe..." The others couldn't help laughing when they saw the love between the two.


Afterwards, everyone began to present their own gifts to the old man,

"Mom and Dad! This is the medicinal wine prepared by the two of us. This wine can not only nourish the body, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, but also refresh the mind and calm the mind. It should be of great benefit to your body." Yiyi's parents first handed it to themselves The prepared gift, this is a jar of medicinal wine.

"Hehe! Good! Good! You two have a heart." The old man was very happy in his heart, as long as his son and daughter-in-law have this heart, he doesn't care whether the gift is expensive or not.

Because the old man prefers good wine, but with the increase of age, Grandma Liu has not allowed the old man to be greedy, but this time the two of them gave medicinal wine, which can not only relieve hunger, but also be good for the body. The old man liked the gift of the two of them very much, and he held it in his hand and fondled it fondly. If Grandma Liu was not by his side, the old man might have had a drink right away.

"Well! Good wine! Good wine!"

"What kind of wine is this? Why is it so fragrant."

"Wow! This wine is unusual, I am afraid that only a hundred years old wine can be so mellow?"

As soon as the old man opened the wine bottle, a strong aroma of wine filled the whole hall. Immediately, both eyes were fixed on the old man's wine. Even people who had never drank were attracted by this wonderful fragrance. , and just smelling the aroma of the wine, everyone immediately felt refreshed. It really deserves to be a gift carefully prepared by Yiyi's parents.

"Good wine, it's really a peerless wine." The old man's eyes lit up when he smelled the aroma, and he couldn't help but admire.


"Yiyi, does the old man like drinking very much?" Since the old man moved to the village, Zhang Feng hadn't seen the old man drinking, so he asked curiously.

"Hee hee, of course, my grandfather was an old alcoholic before, but once he drank directly into the hospital, since then, my grandma forbade him to drink alcohol." Yiyi said with a smile.

Then Yiyi's aunts and aunts also took out their own gifts.
Yiyi's eldest aunt is also Huang Qiang's mother. Their family is a wealthy businessman in Zhejiang Province. They run a high-end catering company, mainly focusing on Western food. This time they prepared a few catties of West Lake Longjing. She happily accepted the gift, and what she gave to Grandma Liu was an ancient "Hundred Flowers Picture". Grandma Liu liked to plant flowers and plants since she retired. She was also very happy to receive this ancient book.

Yiyi's sister-in-law's house is in BJ, and she gave the old man a palace cookbook, and the seeds of several flowers to Grandma Liu, and the two elders were very happy to receive the gifts.

"Grandpa and grandma, this is a gift prepared by me and Madman, I hope you like it!" Then Yiyi and Zhang Feng took out the Jade Buddha and Jade Guanyin they had prepared.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" When Zhang Feng and Yiyi opened the gift box, they couldn't help exclaiming when they saw such a crystal clear and beautiful jade carving.

"Hee hee, I designed the Jade Buddha and jade carvings myself, and they were carved by a lunatic!" Yiyi was also very happy when she saw everyone's stunned expressions.

"Hehe, good, this is the most satisfying gift the old man and I have received today!" Grandma Liu said happily, knowing that the two juniors really put their heart into it.

Until then, everyone knew that Zhang Feng's carving skills were so good, even the best carving master's skills were no more than that.

Everyone was amazed by this. I really don't know how Zhang Feng can have such superb skills at such a young age.

(End of this chapter)

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