small farmer

Chapter 397 Admirable

Chapter 397 Admirable
"Ah?? Brother Niu is the boss of the Bull Demon King???"

Wang Bin was taken aback immediately. He didn't expect Brother Niu to be the owner of the famous restaurant in Qingshan County - Niu Mowang. He really didn't expect such a big boss to be so easy to get along with. He didn't have the slightest airs and was dressed plainly. It was really surprising. .

"Hehe, that's right, let's go!! Let's have a good drink today." Fatty Niu felt that meeting was a kind of fate, and the three of them had the same hobbies, and they all liked horse racing, so the three chatted very speculatively.

"Then thank you, Brother Niu!!" Wang Bin was not pretentious, since he was treated by a big boss, he was not polite. It is not easy to eat the meal of the Bull Demon King.

"By the way, Binzi, do you ride a bike?? If not, let's go together?"

"Ride it, Brother Niu Gefeng, you go first, I'll follow behind!!" Wang Bin smiled slightly, and walked towards the motorcycle not far away.

Niu Zhong saw that Wang Bin had his own car, so he didn't say anything else. After Zhang Feng got in the car, he started the car and rushed towards the county.


Soon, the three of them came to the old shop of the Bull Demon King in the county seat.

Niu Zhong led the two of them into the private room. Since the boss arrived, the cooks in the kitchen did not dare to neglect, and soon the table was filled with delicious dishes.

"Come here!!! Let's three have a drink!"


"Damn it!" Since the three of them didn't like liquor, one of them opened a bottle of beer.

"Well, it's delicious. It really deserves to be the best restaurant in the county!!" Wang Bin said in amazement after taking a bite of the dish.

"Hehe, it's good to eat, but it's all thanks to Xiaofeng." Hearing other people's compliments, Niu Zhong was also very happy, but he also knew why his restaurant was so popular. These high-end dishes are all inseparable. Open the vegetables of Zhang Feng's house.

"Ah, this has something to do with Brother Feng???" Wang Bin was very surprised, thinking what relationship could the Bull Demon King have with Zhang Feng?Is he a chef?But this is not right, because Zhang Feng has been sitting in the box.

"Hehe, brother, you don't know something..." Then Niu Zhong told about the Moon Lake vegetables.

When he learned that the famous Moon Lake vegetables were grown by Zhang Feng, Wang Bin's expression was extremely terrifying, his eyes almost protruded, his mouth was opened wide, and he lost his mind in shock. He didn't react for a long time.

"It's nothing, I'm just a vegetable grower!" Zhang Feng said with a faint smile.

"Brother, it's an understatement for you to be so pretentious. My brother gives you full marks." Brother Niu smiled and shook his head, thinking that although you are a vegetable grower, are the vegetables you grow ordinary vegetables? ?That is a high-end vegetable that can be met but not sought after, isn't it? ?

After Moon Lake vegetables became famous, I don’t know how many high-end restaurants in China came to buy them, but they were all rejected by Zhang Feng, and he was only close to the water, otherwise he was not qualified to use this small restaurant at all, so Niu Zhong has been They are all very grateful to Zhang Feng. It is really because of the vegetables provided by Zhang Feng that their business has developed so well.

"I didn't expect Brother Feng to be so powerful. Moon Lake Vegetables is a business card of Qingshan! Come on, Brother Feng, let me toast you!!" Wang Bin, who had reacted, raised his glass with admiration.

"Hehe, it's all luck, it's just a coincidence." Zhang Feng said modestly, but it was indeed a coincidence. If he hadn't entered the agricultural assistance system, his life would have been gloomy, with almost no hope.

"By the way, brother, what do you do?" Judging by Wang Bin's appearance, he should be a civil servant or a person from a public institution. He has a gentle appearance and a good conversation. He should have been to college.

"Hehe, I'm ashamed to say that my younger brother is now living in the Agricultural Bureau, which is far worse than the two elder brothers!" Wang Bin said with a wry smile after taking a sip of beer.

"Civil servants are also very good. They can guarantee income during drought and flood, and their social status is also high..."

"Brother Niu is right, but I failed to pass the exam several times!!" Zhang Feng shook his head, thinking that he used to be really miserable. He did well in the written exam every time, but he was always rejected in the interview. When I came down, I was very aggrieved when I thought about it, and my self-confidence was greatly hit, otherwise I would not have returned to my hometown in the end, and lived at home.

"By the way, Binzi, why do you like horse racing??" Zhang Feng asked while eating.

"Because my college was on the grassland, I took horse racing as my elective in physical education in my junior year. Since then, I have slowly fallen in love with this sport."

"Oh, your school still has such a high-level physical education class???" Hearing Wang Bin's words, Zhang Feng was very surprised. You must know that when you were in college, there was such a good thing. The physical education electives were either basketball or football. For Tai Chi, Taekwondo, etc., girls generally choose Jianmei exercises.

"This should be regarded as a major feature of grassland university sports. After all, it is the hometown of Mongolian horses, and the atmosphere of horse racing is very strong." Wang Bin explained with a smile.

Hearing Wang Bin's explanation, both Zhang Feng and Niu Zhong nodded. The prairie is indeed the birthplace of Chinese horse racing. For thousands of years, the prairie has been dominated by horseback people. Has a superb horsemanship.

Although the Mongolian horses in the grasslands have declined now, and they no longer live up to the grand occasion of sweeping across Europe and Asia, it is still the region with the most horses in China, and it is also the region where horse riding is the most popular.

Therefore, as a local university, it is normal for students to learn riding skills. This is also to inherit the grassland culture and the perseverance of the grassland people for thousands of years.

"Because I like horse racing, after returning to Qingshan, my younger brother also raised a few horses in his hometown. If the two brothers are interested, you can visit my racecourse." When mentioning his own racecourse, Wang Bin was very proud , Although he spent all his savings and only bought three horses, this is his own horse farm, and he has no regrets.

"What?? You still have your own racecourse??" Niu Zhong was stunned in astonishment. He never expected that the ugly guy in front of him actually had his own racecourse. It was surprising, enviable, and even more admirable.

"Yes, but there are only three horses at present, and this has cost me my salary for the past two years." A trace of bitterness flashed in Wang Bin's eyes,
It is very difficult to raise horses in this era. Either a very rich person, or someone who really loves horse racing, otherwise, who would pay such a high price to raise a horse? This is a loss-making business, and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Zhang Feng was also very surprised by this. He really didn't expect that this college student who had just graduated had his own horse farm in the suburbs. Although the scale was small, there were only three horses in total, and they were all ordinary horses. Zhang Feng admired him immensely.

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(End of this chapter)

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