small farmer

Chapter 401 1 Riding Juechen

Chapter 401

Riding the horse and galloping wildly, one rides the dust.

Running freely in the wide field, Zhang Feng felt as if he had put on wings and soared in the air. This feeling is really wonderful and exciting, which is unstoppable.

Seeing Zhang Feng riding so excitedly and enjoying himself, Niu Zhong was very envious and rubbed his hands eagerly, wanting to get on the horse immediately and gallop across the fields like Zhang Feng.

"Hey! It's time for the lunatic to come to me, right?? You kid has been riding for so long, and you still won't let my brother have a good time." Seeing that Zhang Feng was riding so much that he forgot himself, Fatty Niu yelled at Zhang Feng in dissatisfaction.

"Hahaha, Brother Niu, wait for me to ride again!!" Seeing Niu Zhong's anxious look, Zhang Feng laughed, feeling that riding a horse was really enjoyable.

After riding a lap along the open field, Zhang Feng really stood up "Woo..." When the black dragon stabilized, Zhang Feng untied the stirrups, jumped lightly, and got off the horse.

"Hahaha, it's my turn now!!" Niu Zhong said impatiently, the fat on his face trembling with excitement.

"Brother Niu, calm down first!! Let's take it slow first, learn how to get on the horse first, and let's take a few steps slowly when we are seated. I will lead the horse for you and get used to it first..." Wang Bin was really worried about the double image of the cow. Like Zhang Feng, he rode the horse and galloped as soon as he got on the horse. He almost scared him to death just now. If Niu Zhong did this again, his little heart would not be able to bear it.

The most important thing is not to have any accidents, because just looking at Niu Zhong's body shape, you can tell that he must not have the physical fitness of Zhang Feng, so Wang Bin kept reminding him that he should take his time and not rush.

"That's right, brother Niu, let's not worry, we have to eat one bite at a time, and besides my brave performance, you can't learn it even if you want to!!" Zhang Feng first persuaded Niu Zhong, and then changed the subject, boasting Said.

"It's just you, Niu..." After glaring at Zhang Feng, Niu Zhong refused to admit defeat and said to Wang Bin: "Come on, Bin Zi will teach me how to mount a horse first."

Seeing Fatty Niu's clumsy appearance, Zhang Feng shook his head amusedly, thinking that only your 200 kilograms were on the black dragon, and the black dragon must be Alexander, and Zhang Feng felt sorry for the black dragon.

"Ouch, Ouch!! Binzi, please slow down..." The man who was coaxing before getting on the horse, staggered to this side after getting on the horse, and carefully sat on the horse's back, feeling extremely nervous at this moment.

"Brother Niu, don't worry, I'll help you pull the black dragon!! You can sit up slowly, sit up straight, don't be afraid..." Wang Bin is a good teacher, very patient, and feels that Niu Zhong is like this It is normal for a beginner like Zhang Feng, who can ride a horse and gallop as soon as he gets on a horse, is simply inhuman.

"Ouch! My butt..." Riding on the horse was very bumpy. After just over half an hour, Niu Zhong felt as if he had been in a car for a whole day, and it hurt terribly.

"No, no, no, I want to come down and rest for a while!!" After about a quarter of an hour, Niu Zhong finally couldn't hold on anymore and shouted to come down.

Wang Bin smiled and pointed out the precautions for dismounting. Niu Zhong climbed off the horse tremblingly as required.

"Be careful" as soon as he got off the horse, Niu Zhong almost fell to the ground, his legs were numb and he couldn't stand upright, Zhang Feng and the two hurriedly pulled him back.

"Oh, I didn't expect that learning how to ride a horse is really so difficult..." Niu Zhong waved his hand, indicating that the two don't need to hold him, and then sat down on the field ridge, but sitting on it hurts the buttocks, so he didn't want to stand up. No, not even sitting, I just shook my head with a wry smile.

"Actually, brother Niu, your performance is already very good. I thought you couldn't hold on for such a long time, but who knew that you lasted for an entire hour in the end, which is better than the first time I got on the horse." Wang Bin comforted with a smile. , but he did not say that when he got on the horse for the first time, because a class only lasted 45 minutes, it was impossible for him to ride for such a long time.

However, in order to cheer up the cow, Wang Bin had to give him some confidence, otherwise it would be really difficult to persevere. After all, riding a horse in this era is not like riding a bicycle. It is a skill necessary for life, so although many people have Not low talent, in the end failed to persevere.

"Yeah, brother Niu, I think you've been sitting very steadily just now, as long as you practice a lot, I believe you will learn it soon, so don't give up, brother, I'm still waiting to ride a horse with you!!" Zhang Feng also smiled and encouraged Niu Zhong.

"Hehe, don't worry, brother, I will definitely not give up. I was just too tired just now. In fact, I think riding a horse is really good. Not only is it cool, but you can also lose weight!!" Niu Zhong said with a smile, obviously not a person who easily admit defeat .

"Binzi is here for a cigarette..."

Then the three of them sat on the field ridge, looked at the horses in the field leisurely, and exchanged knowledge about various famous horses. Of course, most of the time it was Wang Bin who was talking, and Zhang Feng and the two listened silently, feeling like this Life is actually very interesting.

"Binzi, I also want to get a horse for fun, but I don't know where I can buy it?" Although Zhang Feng had ridden a horse when he was a child, the number of times was limited, and he never learned it at all.
Today is the first time to gallop on a horse. This feeling is really super cool and unstoppable. Therefore, Zhang Feng also wants to buy a horse and needs a mount of his own.

As the saying goes, a BMW deserves a hero. Although it is impossible to ride a war horse across the battlefield like the ancients, the feeling is still fascinating.

Everyone has their own dream of being a hero. When I think about it, I think of Guan Yunchang in the Three Kingdoms, riding a red rabbit to pass five stages and kill six generals. , hold high Fang Tian's painted halberd, and conquer the world, who can resist.

"Well, Brother Yifeng, at your level, you can indeed buy a horse yourself. If you want to buy a horse, you can do it next week at the place where the horse race is held today. There is a small horse market there before every horse race starts. ..." Wang Bin introduced with a smile.

"So that's the case, but I don't know how to judge horses. Next week, you will help me as a staff officer." Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"No problem, but my horse-sighting skills are not very good, and you have to make up your own mind at that time!!" Although Wang Bin agreed, he also stated that his horse-sighting skills were not bad.

"It's okay, you just need to help me take a look at the time, and I won't blame you if the purchase is poor!!" Zhang Feng smiled, knowing that although Wang Bin's skills are not very good, they are at least better than his own.

"Hee hee, Master, you don't know how to look after horses, don't you still have Eggy?" At this moment, Eggy's voice came to Zhang Feng's mind.

"What?? You know how to meet horses???" Zhang Feng asked in doubt.

"Tch, it's just a horse-finder. What's the point?? Eggy can build a model of a horse based on the body data of all the good horses on the Internet, and it will definitely be better than a professional horse-finder." Eggy said proudly.

Hearing Dandan's words, Zhang Feng was overjoyed and immediately understood Dandan's method. Zhang Feng also felt that it was feasible. He thought that having Dandan would be equivalent to carrying a bole with him. Isn't it easy.

 I am very grateful to the book friend 'Mingyang 2 Branch of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences' for your support all the time. Thank you, Renmao once again asks for your support to subscribe. , Thank you for your support, Renmao is very grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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