small farmer

Chapter 404 Investigating Three Villages

Chapter 404 Investigating Three Villages

the next morning
Zhang Feng drove to Sanjiazhai
I made an appointment with Wang Xiaohu yesterday, and today I am going to inspect the situation in their village. If there is no accident, the villagers in Sanjiazhai will be allowed to join the cooperative and grow Moon Lake vegetables together.

"Haha, madman, you are here!!" As soon as Zhang Feng arrived at the gate of the village, the people from Sanjiazhai were already waiting here. When Wang Xiaohu saw Zhang Feng, he ran over excitedly.

"If I hadn't come earlier, I don't know how many calls you have to make to me?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's good that you know it. Let me introduce you to the lunatic. This is the village head of our village." Wang Xiaohu nodded triumphantly, feeling that his old classmates really gave him face, and then introduced the village around him to Zhang Feng with a smile. long.

"Hello, old village chief!!"

"Hehe, hello, hello, the long table banquet last time was thanks to you, Xiaofeng!!" The old village head has a good memory, and Zhang Feng is a well-known capable person in all directions, how could he not remember, Moreover, whether Sanjiazhai can join the cooperative still needs Zhang Feng's nod, so the old village chief's face is full of smiles.

Other villagers also warmly greeted Zhang Feng. The Moon Lake used to be no better than Sanjiazhai, but now, no one knows that Moon Lake has become the first village in Qingshan County. Villagers in cooperatives can earn [-] to [-] yuan a month at least, which is terrifying, even small white-collar workers in big cities are no more than that.
Therefore, the villagers were very enthusiastic. Knowing Zhang Feng's purpose of coming today, they not only came to the village entrance early to wait, but also prepared a sumptuous breakfast.

"Thank you, thank you!! Thank you so much, I've already eaten, how about we go and see the fields in the village first?" Seeing everyone being so polite, Zhang Feng was really overwhelmed, the Miao villagers were really too enthusiastic, But Zhang Feng had just had breakfast, and declined because of a smile.

"Okay, let's go and see the fields now." Sanjiazhai is just downstream of Moon Lake, so the village does not lack water, and the fields are very fertile, perfect for growing vegetables.

"Xiaofeng, look at this area is our village's field, with a total area of ​​more than 800 mu. Rice is usually planted. Now in winter, everyone does not plant wheat. They just plant some vegetables, which grow very well! "The village head and Zhang Feng walked side by side, while introducing the situation of the paddy fields in the village to Zhang Feng.

"Well, it's really growing well!!" Seeing the beautiful Chinese cabbage and green radishes in the field, the growth is really pleasing, and everyone is taking care of them well.

"Xiaofeng, do you think there is nothing wrong with the fields in our village?" The old village head asked Zhang Feng expectantly.

"No problem. I feel relieved when I see the environment here. It must not have been polluted." Sanjiazhai is also a rare tourist village nearby, with strong ethnic customs, so the village also pays great attention to environmental protection. But Zhang Feng has already approved here.

"Then Xiaofeng, can our village join the cooperative?" Wang Xiaohu asked eagerly.

"Hehe, there's no rush. Let's go to the village committee and call all the villagers. I'll introduce the charter of our cooperative to you first. Then everyone will decide whether to join or not. Everything depends on everyone's wishes."

Soon, everyone couldn’t wait to rush to the village committee, and the villagers also informed each other. After learning that they could join the cooperative soon, the Sanjiazhai immediately became agitated. Regardless of men, women, or children, they rushed to the village committee first. go.

"Hi folks from Sanjiazhai, I am very happy to be here today..."


Zhang Feng hadn't finished speaking yet, and there was intense applause from below, which showed how much everyone welcomed the arrival of this great God of Wealth.

"Ahem, everyone is so enthusiastic, but please be quiet first, we will start to introduce the situation of the cooperative..."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, everyone immediately stopped talking, held their breath, and listened attentively to Zhang Feng's explanation, for fear of missing a word.

There are not many rules of the cooperative, only a few points, and Zhang Feng quickly finished the introduction. When everyone learned about the requirements of the cooperative, they were very pleasantly surprised. They did not expect the requirements of the cooperative to be so simple, as long as they can grow vegetables of qualified quality, and You can also get free planting and fertilizers, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

The most important thing is that the vegetables produced by the cooperative not only have a large output, but also have a high purchase price, which is exactly the same as that of Moon Lake. They are treated differently, which is exactly the same as that of Moon Lake, so everyone is very happy, and they immediately respect Zhang Feng.

"Xiaofeng really doesn't eat here??"

"Thanks to the old village chief, we are not outsiders, I will definitely come here often in the future, then don't dislike me; just come too often..." After the meeting, Zhang Feng was about to leave.

"Hehe, how can this be, it's too late for us to welcome you!!"

"Old village chief, Xiaohu, goodbye everyone..."


The inspection of Sanjiazhai was finally over. Zhang Feng gave everyone a day to consider. Those who are willing to join the cooperative can go to the Moon Lake Village Committee to find the village elder to sign an agreement tomorrow.

At that time, seeds, pesticides and fertilizers will be distributed by the way. These are not good things that Zhang Feng exchanged from the system, but the non-toxic and residue-free high-grade pesticides produced by Tianyang Technology are very important for maintaining the high quality of vegetables.

"Xiaofeng, where did you go?" Zhang Feng just drove out of Sanjiazhai when he received a call from his uncle.

"What's wrong, Uncle?? I just came back from my investigation in Sanjiazhai!" Zhang Feng parked the car on the side of the road, and then went back.

"Oh, look at my brain, I forgot all about this, but are you done with your work now?? The county magistrate Xu has come to our village and wants to see you!!"

"Ah, why did you see me?" Zhang Feng didn't like the leaders of the county, but if the county magistrate wanted to see him, would he still be able to see him?

"Isn't it a matter of the cooperative? I don't know where the county knew that our cooperative will expand. Isn't this......"

"Okay, I'll be right back..." Zhang Feng shook his head, and drove quickly towards the village.

"Xiao Feng is here, come in quickly, come in quickly..." Seeing Zhang Feng's arrival, the uncle was very excited, thinking that your kid is finally here, otherwise the leader has to wait for so long, and I don't know if the other party will have any objections.

"Hehe, this is Zhang Feng, right?? Sure enough, he is a boy from a hero..." Seeing Zhang Feng for the first time, the county magistrate's eyes lit up.

"Hello County Magistrate Xu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting..." Zhang Feng said modestly, not in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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