small farmer

Chapter 406 Hollow Village

Chapter 406 Hollow Village
Huangniwa is a poor small mountain village by the Panlong River.

It is located in the southeast of Qingshan County, more than ten kilometers away from Moon Lake, and is one of the poorest villages in the county.

Huangniwa is not only inconvenient for transportation, but also due to its low-lying terrain, some fields will be submerged every rainy season, so the best land in the village is under the threat of river water, and some vegetables can only be grown every year when the flood recedes.

It's a pity that not only is it too far away from the county seat, but also the traffic is bad, and the vegetables grown can't be sold. Therefore, the hundreds of people in the village can only grow some corn on the high and barren hillsides, so the bad environment has caused The poverty of Huangniwa.

When Zhang Feng and the county magistrate drove to Huangniwa, looking around, the whole village was quiet, as if it was like a ghost or a village. Occasionally, one or two villagers could be seen, but they were either old people or children. It is a poor hollow village.

"Hey! Speaking of Huangniwa, there are more than 500 people in the whole village, but now... According to our statistics, there are only 80 to [-] permanent residents here. Most of the villagers have abandoned the land here and went out to work. You can only get a little angry during the Chinese New Year." The county magistrate introduced to Zhang Feng worriedly.

Due to the unbalanced development and the decline of traditional agriculture, this has resulted in the hollowing out of mountain villages. This is the case for almost half of the rural areas in the county. Only the mountain villages near the county seat are in better condition.
For example, places such as Moon Lake and Sanjiazhai are developing well. They not only have unique tourism resources, but also grow cash crops that can be sold to urban residents. Therefore, as long as you work hard, you can sell one or two vegetables and fruits every year. million income.

Seeing Huangniwa's depression, Zhang Feng also frowned. Firstly, he was worried about Huangniwa's prospects, and secondly, he was also worried about the cooperation between the two, because the labor force in this village was too small, which made it difficult for them to take over. The cooperation that came down caused a lot of trouble. After all, what the cooperative needs is strong labor, not the left-handed elderly and children left in the village. .

"Ah, the county magistrate is here!!" When the car carrying Zhang Feng and the county magistrate came to the activity square in front of the village committee, the village chief of Huangniwa greeted him with a smile on his face. Called and learned that the county chief was about to arrive in the village, the village chief hurried back from the field.

"Hello, Village Chief Huang, this is Zhang Feng, the president of Moon Lake Vegetable Planting Cooperative, a capable man from our Qingshan County." County Chief Xu smiled and introduced Zhang Feng to Village Chief Huang as he got out of the car.

"Hi Village Chief Huang..."

"Oh, Hello, President Zhang!!" Although I don't know the specific situation of the Moon Lake Vegetable Cooperative, Zhang Feng must have a high status to come to inspect with the county magistrate, so Village Chief Huang shook hands with Zhang Feng enthusiastically.

"County Chief, President Zhang, let's go to the house first and have a cup of tea!!" Since the cold wave has not receded and the weather outside is a bit cold, Village Chief Huang hurriedly walked to the office with the two of them and the driver.

After entering the office, the village chief quickly poured water for everyone, looking very enthusiastic.

"Village Chief Huang, I wonder how much you know about Moon Lake?" After taking a sip of tea, County Chief Xu immediately got down to business.

"Moon Lake?? Could it be the Moon Lake that made a fortune???" Village Chief Huang asked hesitantly.

"That's right, do you know how much the villagers' net income has been in Moon Lake Village in the past six months?" County Mayor Xu smiled slightly, knowing that Village Chief Huang must not know, so he said it on his own: "30!! That's all In half a year, almost every household in Moon Lake earned 30!!"

"How much??" Village Chief Huang opened his mouth wide, terrified beyond belief, and couldn't believe it.

30, this is an astronomical figure for the farmers in the mountains, let alone half a year, it is a figure that cannot be earned in ten years.
"That's right, it's 30!!" The county magistrate said with a smile, while Zhang Feng beside him listened silently without expressing any opinions.

"Could it be that President Zhang is from Moon Lake Village?" Village Chief Huang thought quickly, and immediately understood the purpose of the county magistrate bringing Zhang Feng to the door.
Thinking of this, Village Chief Huang was immediately overjoyed. If it is true as the county chief said, then Huangniwa will be saved. It is really the blessing of the ancestors. It is like smoke from the ancestral grave.
"Hehe, now I finally know about Zhang Feng?? His Moon Lake vegetables are the pride of our Qingshan Agriculture. Not only are they sold all over the province, but they are also about to enter the Jiajiawang Supermarket. This is the number one in the country, with a market value of thousands of dollars. A billion-dollar enterprise!!" County Mayor Xu briefly explained the situation of Moon Lake vegetables.

"You are also very aware of the situation in Huangniwa. The county has spent a lot of time trying to get rid of poverty in the village. Now it is hard to invite Zhang Feng to inspect the situation in your village and see if you can cooperate with Mr. Zhang to help everyone. Get rid of poverty and become rich together..."

"Really, that's really great. On behalf of the whole village, I would like to thank the leader and Mr. Zhang for their help!!" Hearing what the county magistrate said, a cunning flashed in Huang's eyes, and he immediately hit the snake with the stick.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng is not a fledgling boy, he smiled lightly, "Hehe, let's talk about the cooperation later, we just took a look today, just took a look at it, the situation in the village is very grim, the labor force is too small, I don't think so It meets the development requirements of our cooperative.”

"Ah... the county magistrate, do you see this?" Although I don't know what the terms of the cooperation are, I know from Moon Lake's half-year income of 30 yuan that this is a huge pie. If you can't grasp it, I haven't been sprayed to death by the villagers yet.So Village Chief Huang looked anxiously at the county magistrate.

"Xiaofeng, I think we are doing well. How about giving them a chance first? The lack of labor in the village is because there is no opportunity to make money in the village. If I know that the conditions of the cooperative are so good, I believe most of the villagers will definitely be willing to return to their hometown. Will there still be a shortage of strong labor in the village by then??" The county magistrate interceded with Huang Niwa with a smile.

"That's fine too, but we don't sign with the village, we only sign with the farmers in the village, and everyone must abide by the requirements of the cooperative..." Zhang Feng thought for a while, and came here to give everyone a chance , Also give Uncle Xu a face.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, what are the requirements of the cooperative??" Village Chief Huang asked impatiently.

"The requirements of our cooperative are very simple. As long as the vegetables grown meet the quality requirements, the cooperative will provide seeds, pesticides and fertilizers for free. If you use inferior products from outside, the quality of the vegetables will be affected..."

"It's no problem, I guarantee that the villagers can do it!" Hearing that the cooperative's request was so simple, Village Chief Huang immediately breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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